Saturday, March 1, 2025

Vrykolakas--Nocturnal Dominion Of Death cd{Paragon Records} posted on 3-1-25


Vrykolakas Singapore's death metal maniacs return with another assault of pure death metal.Nocturnal Dominion Of Death is a masterpiece of old school death metal at it's best.The musicians blend a variety of fast and aggressive guitars and drums to a more controlled mid paced range.The guitars are played with some very well written and performed fast paced guitar patterns.The guitarist does write some memorable mid paced guitar passages that give each song a nice mix of styles.The drums are performed with some crazed and chaotic drum patterns that are played with skill.Like the guitars the drummer does slow to a more controlled heavier drum pace throughout some of the songs.The vocals are heavy old school death metal growls that fit the bands style perfectly.                                                                   Vrykolakas                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Paragon Records