Saturday, March 1, 2025

Aetherius Obscuritas ---A Sors Szurke Pora cd{Paragon Rec.} posted on 3-1-25


Aetherius Obscuritas is a Hungarian black metal band that has been active since 2004 and released quite a few demo's and full lengths.A Sors Szurke Pora is the bands latest full length that was released in 2023.The music is a blend of extremly well written and performed black metal with a mix of fast and mid paced musical passages.The guitars are played are done with skillful writing that shows through on the new songs.The drums are performed with some very well played drum patterns.The drummer executes some very intense and fast paced drums that are played with skill.The drummer is not all speed and aggression as their are some controlled mid paced drum passages that are equally as intense as the more fast paced drums.The vocals are grim.raw black metal screams that fit the music perfectly.-A Sors Szurke Pora is a perfect album for those who love traditional black metal with the bands own unique vision and sound.                                                                                                                               Aetherius Obscuritas                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Paragon Rec.