Clactonian is a international band with members from Italy and Finland and this is a review of the bands latest two song demo.Blood Red Petroglyphs starts off the demo and is a violent and insanely fast track.The guitars are played at extremely fast pace with razor sharp guitar patterns.The drums are played with blasting drum passages that are intense and destructive,The vocals are Grim raw death growls and screams.Up next is Everlasting Paleolithic is up next and is another extremely fast and chaotic song.The guitars are played with whirlind fast paced guitars.The guitarist does slow to a heavier mid pace in the middle of the song to give the listener a chance to catch their breath before going back to the insane speeds.The drumming is once again blasting drums that are destructive and chaotic in the delievery.The vocals are grim black metal screams and some deeper death metal growls.Clactonian plays a great style of primitive and bestial black and death metal with alot of war metal added into the music.I for one look forward to hearing this bands future releases.If you enjoy bestial black and death metal then do yourself a favor and pick up a copy of this release once it is out. Clactonian Prehistoric Sounds