Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Infernal Thorns--Inflicting Ravage To The Holy Cattle cd {Australis Rec.} done on 12-30-20


Infernal Thorns are a death metal band coming out of Chile's death metal underground scene.Inflicting Ravage To The Holy Cattle is the bands second full length featuring ten songs unrelenting and furious death metal intensity.The guitars are done with skillful writing ability and a nice mix of extremly fast and some more calmer mid paced sections.The guitarist can play both the faster and slower tempo's with great ease.The guitarist even adds some well executed solo's throughout the songs.The vocals are some of the best vocals i have heard in awhile mixing in low,gruff growls and adding some screams into a few of the songs.Infernal Thorns have released one of the best releases of the year so if you are a fan of solid death metal that is both memorable and original sounding be sure to pick up a copy of Infecting Ravage To The Holy Cattle today.                                                                                                                                                                         Band  Contact                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Label Contacts                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Interview with Trench Warfare posted on 12-25-20


1. Hails, Jay and Tony. Please introduce yourselves to the readers.

Tony: Greetings, Patrick. My name is Tony Goyang Jr. Hails from West Texas!

Jay: Hi. I'm Jay Gorania, vocalist of Trench Warfare.

2. When did you two first discover metal music, and who were some of the first bands you heard?

Tony: I got into metal around 1993 upon hearing Metallica’s “…And Justice For All” album. I was actually on a bus en route to a football game. This guy, Ben Soliz, introduced me to metal. This was an instant game changer for me. Most people get into metal very subtly. I dove in head first. Within months I was listening to Death, Morbid Angel, Deicide, Napalm Death, Carcass, etc.

Jay: I was six or seven years old when I was exposed to the likes of Motley Crue, Iron Maiden and Ozzy Osbourne by my older brother. I have always liked music well beyond the scope of metal and heavy music, but my passion for it has been unwavering since I was a young boy.

3. Trench Warfare started in 2015. When did you two first get the idea to start this band? Are you satisfied with how everything has gone with the band so far? What is the current line up of the band?

Tony: The idea for Trench Warfare has been around since my first listen of Conqueror and Black Witchery’s legendary split, “Hellstorm of Evil Vengeance,” back in 2001. In between then and now I filled the void with a solo project, Plague Swarm. A mutual friend of ours, Kelly Bogues, introduced me and Jay.

Jay: Like Tony mentioned, Bogus—Kelly’s nickname—introduced the two of us at Tony’s house for a jam session. As soon as Tony and I realized we mutually liked Blasphemy and Beherit, right then and there we decided to create a band that sounded like them. It ended up taking a while for things to come together, but we have been pleased with the progress, both artistically and as far as reaction from the metal community, which we really didn’t expect. Speaking of Bogus, he was actually our first bassist who performed on our demo.

Tony and I are essentially the core members, and we have enlisted other folks including Lee Fisher who was our drummer on Hatred Prayer. Dustin Putz is the second guitarist, preceded by Nick Norris who is now in Imprecation. Jake Holmes was our bassist for quite some time. He’s in Morbosidad and Churchacide. And Belgor and Whore Of Bethlehem’s Samuel Axelrad have been our live drummers. Everyone I've mentioned is a fantastic musician, and we are appreciative of their involvement.

4. Who would you say are Trench Warfare's biggest influences? And how would you describe the band’s music over the releases?

Tony: Conqueror, Napalm Death, more specifically their “Mentally Murdered” EP, Angelcorpse, and classic Florida Death Metal. The sound for us remained the same from our demo and “Hatred Prayer.” The songs that appeared on the split/compilation album, “Of Vultures and Vermin,” were actually a part of another project of mine that ceased to exist when the bassist, Kelly Bogues, had to drop out of it for personal reasons. The songs that appeared on the comp were more blackened death metal in the vein of Angelcorpse, early Krisiun, Diabolic. The songs were longer and a bit more complex than that of typical Trench Warfare songs.

 5. “Hatred Prayer” is the bands debut full length release that was released through Transcending Obscurity Records. When did you and the band come in contact with this great label?

Jay: We were interviewed for the webzine component that Transcending Obscurity Records had a few years ago. We remained in contact and another label actually asked us to write a full-length for them prior to their unintended slow-down in activities. So we had an album in hand and were in open discussions with a few labels. Transcending Obscurity extended the best offer, so we signed a contract with them. We have been pleased with our relationship with the label, and look forward to recording our second full-length album with them as well.

6. Does the whole band take part in the writing process or does one member usually write everything? How long would you say it takes to complete one song?

Tony: Up until about the latter part of 2017, the lineup consisted of only Jay and I. With that being said, I wrote all the music, with exception to "Young Lord," which is a Poison Idea song.

The length of time for completing songs varies. I believe I wrote "Evil Shall Triumph" during a lunch break. As far as the other songs, it typically takes me two to three days if the song writing is flowing smoothly.

7. Who usually handles writing the lyrics for the music and what are some topics written about on the album? Which usually comes first the lyrics or the music?

Jay: The music usually comes first. Tony writes the music. And Lee Fisher (Commit Suicide, Psyopus, Fawn Limbs, Overlord Exterminator) was the recording drummer for “Hatred Prayer.” I’m the lyricist, but Tony wrote the lyrics for the three demo songs that we also re-recorded for the album. Lyrics come to me sporadically or when I intentionally sit down to write them, but the majority of the album’s lyrics came together with a notepad one evening. I was definitely inebriated, filled with rage, and I was listening to music in my car. The album title comes from the song of the same name. "Hatred Prayer" is exactly that. It’s a curse. It isn’t metaphor.

Themes of war are embedded throughout the album’s lyrics. “Sate Thy Lust” is about celebration following victory and the related hedonism, but with the acknowledgement of the importance and need of moderation. "Axioms" is about the snakelike nature of people and the power of language. There is definitely a fine line between persuasion and manipulation. And Behead Muhammed" is our formal attack upon Islam, a message that links to the album cover as well.

8. Does Trench Warfare play live very often, or do you prefer working in the studio? What have been some of the bands most memorable shows over the years?

Tony: Every one of the shows has been great due to the lineup. We have had the honor of sharing the stage and/or fests with many bands of current times and from the past. It’s hard for me to pinpoint just one show.

Jay: We don’t play too often, but I’m hoping we can play more often than we have been once the cloud that is the pandemic passes. Like Tony said, we have played with some killer bands. Off the top of my head, playing with Deiphago, Morbosidad, Obeisance, Imprecation and Bestial Whore have been special occasions that have really meant something to me.

9. Besides the Hatred Prayer release are the band’s previous releases still available for the readers to purchase? Besides the physical releases does the band have any other merchandise currently available? If yes, what is available and where can the readers buy it?

Jay: Our demo is available via Nuclear War Now Productions! (, and it’s available digitally ( People can contact us on Facebook ( regarding our “Demonic Christ” shirt, and “Hatred Prayer” is available via our Bandcamp (, our label ( and various brick and mortar record stores in North America and Europe.

10. When you need to take a break from working on new music or band business what do you like to do in your free time?

Tony: My time is usually occupied with work. My other leisurely activities are working out and video games.

Jay: I work quite a bit, just like Tony. I’ve also done music journalism for many years. I’m a gym rat. I spend time with my family, and when the world returns to “normal,” I’ll start going to shows again, the good ones, anyway.

11. Trench Warfare comes out of the Texan black/death metal scene. What is your opinion of the scene in Texas over the years?

Tony: There have been various notable acts to come out of Texas: DRI, Thornspawn, Satanik Goat Ritual, Obeisance, Morbosidad, Imprecation, Absu, etc.

Jay: Black/death metal is fantastic in Texas! In addition to the bands Tony mentioned, there are other greats, past and present, including Maiestas, Necrovore, Ceremony, Sacrocurse, Averse Sefira, Nyogthaeblisz, Nexul, Hellvetron and Pyre. On the mainstream end of the spectrum, I’ve always been a Pantera fanatic.

12. Who would you say are your all-time favorite bands coming out of Texas, and are there any new bands you feel the readers should check out soon?

Tony: Yes, the bands I mentioned. Also Pious Levus, Churchacide, Trenchant.

Jay: There’s also Serpentian.

13. Thank you, Tony and Jay, for making the time for this interview. Do you have any final words for the readers?

Tony: Thanks for this interview, and thanks to all those who have supported Trench Warfare.

Jay: Thanks to everyone who has supported our band. To those who haven’t, go to hell. haha                   Band Contacts                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Label Contacts                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Interview with Dan guitarist of Mutual Hostility done on 12-5-20


1.Hello Dan please introduce yourself to the readers?

My name is Dan Gates and I play guitar in Mutual Hostility.

2.When did you first discover metal music and was it long before you discovered death metal? Who were some of the first bands you heard?Who are some of the current bands that have caught your attention?

I was about 14 years old and started becoming a fan of 80’s thrash metal. I was in High school in the 80’s and that was the time that a lot of great thrash metal was happening. I started off listening to Suicidal Tendencies, DRI, Dark Angel, Slayer, Metallica and Testament. I discovered a lot of other bands before learning about Death Metal. In the early 90’s I got introduced to Bolt Thrower, Cannibal Corpse, Suffocation, Deicide and Morbid Angel. Not to mention a lot of underground bands shortly after that.

3.Dan were you a big reader of fanzines back in the 90's and early 00's? If yes what were some of the first fanzines that you read?

Yeah I read a lot of fanzines because I was always trying to get my band TON into them. I had to dig deep in my closet to find my old interviews and reviews to remember the names of the zines TON was in. Simbiotic, Unholy Terror, Metalcore, Esoteric, The Grimoire Of Exalted Deeds, Extremities, Carnivorous, Katopetia, Sanguinary Surroundings and a shitload more!

4.What do you feel made a good fanzine and are there any current fanzines that you read?What is your opinion of web-zines do you read or keep up with very many?

I think including good bands makes a good zine. Not just popular bands but also bands that are good that maybe not a lot of people know about. I haven’t read any zines lately but I did pick up a copy of the Tape Dealer book that has a lot of old school bands and zines in it. I did an interview for that also. I think webzines are cool! Easy access to a lot of information about bands. I think if I weren’t in a band I might spend more time reading them and seeking out new bands. But I keep really busy with my own music.

5.Besides fanzines i know tape-trading was huge back in the 80's and 90's did you ever do a lot of tape trading back in the day? What were some first releases and demo's you traded for?

Yes I did as much tape trading as I could. I got very excited about being able to send my music all over the world and get great stuff in return for it. Internet makes it easy now but back then you had to really work to get your music out there. I spent a lot of money at the post office. I traded with great bands! Deeds Of Flesh, Beheaded, Disgorge, Fleshgrind, Corpsevomit, Skinless, Internal Bleeding, Pyrexia and a bunch more.

6.When did you first become interested in playing the guitar and are you self taught or did you take lessons when first starting out?

I was 17 and I had 2 friends that had guitars. The first time I strapped my friends guitar on and hit the strings I knew that I had to have one. I was a senior in high school and I got my first amp for Christmas shortly after I got my first guitar. I am self taught. In the 80’s Metallica was my favorite band. I learned to play by playing their riffs.

7.Who would you say are your biggest influences and favorite guitarists? Besides the guitar do you currently play any other instruments?

I’m sure I’m influenced by everything I listen to. I was definitely influenced by all the great 90’s Death Metal bands. I don’t try to emulate anyone but I’m sure those influences come out in my music. I don’t really have a favorite guitarist but I do appreciate those who really put the time in to become awesome. I play some bass for recording purposes when I have to but that’s it other than guitar.

8.When did you first meet the other members of the band and was it long before you all formed Mutual Hostility?

Eric Frabotta our drummer and I are close to the same age so I’m sure we met somewhere way back in the day. I just don’t remember when or where. Adam Rogers our vocalist and I didn’t meet until a few months ago. All the recording for the ep was done and we hadn’t even met yet. We started working on songs for the ep in January of 2020. As of right now Mutual Hostility is a recording project. Would love to perform live someday but we’ll see.

9.What is the current line up of the band?Who would you say are Mutual Hostility's biggest influences?For the readers who who have never heard the band how would you best describe the musicial style?

Eric Frabotta-Drums, Adam Rogers-Vocals, Dan Gates-Guitar/Bass. I would say our influences range from Old school 90’s Death Metal to modern day Death Metal. Everything from Bolt Thrower to Meshuggah and more recent stuff. There is an old school vibe at times but I think we also mix in riffs that have a unique quality to them that helps us to have an original sound. We’re definitely not just rehashing the same old stuff.

10.Sacred Propaganda is the bands debut full-length which is being released through Cult Of Parthenope when did you and the band come in contact with this label?

It’s actually a 5 song ep. We released our first single Pyramid Of Hate on Slam Worldwide and Giulian From Cult Of Parthenope really liked it and contacted us.

11.Does the whole band take part in the writing process or does one member usually write the music?How long does it usually take the band to complete one song?

Eric comes up with all the drum beats, arranges them into a song, records them and sends the arrangement to me. I write all of the guitar riffs to the drum beats. It’s a little backward from most bands and any band I’ve been in. But its cool and it’s fun and I think we write some really cool songs doing it that way. After I finish guitar and bass Adam works out the vocal arrangements.

12.Who usually handles writing the lyrics for the music and what are some topics written about on the debut?Which usually comes first the music or the lyrics?

Adam writes the lyrics. I think he has lyrical ideas prior to hearing the music then works out the arrangement when he gets the song. Lyrical topics range from hate being taught at a young age, mind control, invisible boundaries and natural disasters.

13.Besides the debut Sacred Propaganda release does the band have any other merchandise currently available for the readers?If yes what is available and where can the readers purchase it?

Right now all that is available to buy is limited edition box set and digipak. Hopefully some shirts soon. Best place to buy is Cult Of Parthenope Bandcamp page.

14.I know right now and in the forseeable future bands can not play live but when bands are able to play live again are there any plans for Mutual Hostility to do some shows or do you prefer working in the studio?

Right now we have no plans to play live. Maybe in the future but I don’t know. We do plan to start working on new material though.

15.When you need to take a break from working on new music or band business what do you like to do in your spare time?

Well I love going to see live bands but unfortunately we can’t really do that right now. I like to spend time with my son, my girlfriend and my dog. I own a lawn care/landscaping business so sometimes I’m perfectly happy to do nothing and just relax a bit.

nothing and just relax a bit.

16.Thank you Dan for taking the time to fill this interview out do you have any final comments for the readers?

Thank you very much for the interview! You and I go way back. Please check out our Sacred Propaganda ep. Its available for purchase and available on all streaming platforms. ¥m/                            Band Contact                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Label Contacts                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Interview with XT. music writer for Perilaxe Occlusion posted on 11-28-20


1.Hello XT thank you for taking the time to fill this interview out please introduce yourself to the readers?

Thank you for having me! I'm the forerunner of this band. I'm the one who came up with the names, concept, music, and I play guitar/bass. I have a musical background in extreme metal, and a hobbyist background in 3D modelling and level design.

2.When did you first discover death metal and music in geeneral and who were the first bands you discovered?Who are some of the current bands that you have been listening to?

The first death metal record I fell in love with was Carcass' "Symphonies of Sickness", even though it's arguably the first deathgrind album, and possibly the heaviest album of the 1980s. I expanded out into more obscure bands like Timeghoul, Demigod, and Chthe'ilist in my later teen years. I found their musical compositions very unique and well thought-out. Recently I've been jamming Abyzou, Rites of Daath, Nihil Invocation, and Mordom, all of which are impressive modern acts of extreme metal.

3.When did you first become interested in writing and playing music?What was the first instrument that you learned to play?

When I was eight years old, I began taking guitar lessons. Around age 11 is when I started taking drum lessons, where I frequently played along to the entire debut Van Halen album note-for-note. In terms of writing my own music, I wrote my first song when I was 10 years old, making a horrible demo with my 4th-grade buddies at the time. Re-recorded it with a band I formed in the 8th grade when I was 14, then re-re-recorded it properly when I was 19 with the same band. I got more into writing music in my later teen years as my improving musical skills allowed me more creative freedom.

4.What instruments do you currrently play?Are you self-taught or did you take lessons when first starting out?

I play drums, bass, and guitar. I played violin in grades 6-8, but that was for school. Never cared for it, never picked it up since, despite being the best violin player in the school. I also can't read music,even though I was taught how to during the violin years. I'm mostly self-taught in my instruments, especially in music theory. I've found learning theory has unlocked massive songwriting potential. At first I was very weighed down by it, thinking a song had to have 1 tempo and 1 scale, later realizing I can mix scales, modes, and keys all I want, and throw in chromatic riffs because they sound evil. Theory is fantastic knowledge to have, and even better when you know it and ignore it.

5.Are their any instruments that you would like to learn one day if yes which ones would they be?

Not really. I do wish I was able to do death metal vocals. Something in the veins of Ross Dolan from Immolation, Paul Riedl from Blood Incantation, Muhammed Suiçmez from Necrophagist, or Karl Sanders from Nile. It's something I think about, but not something I want to actively attempt like I did with guitar or drums.

6.When did you first get the idea to start Perilaxe Occlusion and how did you choose the name of the band does it have a special meaning?

Perilaxe Occlusion is play on a 3D rendering technique called parallax occlusion mapping. I thought the name sounded neat, especially combining "peril" and "axe", which makes it more akin to death metal. I thought it'd be unique to have a death metal band dedicated to 3D modelling, rendering techniques, and all other things surrounding it like math and computers, but in a macabre context, such as describing someone rendering a scene of graphic violence. I got the idea years ago, and had several death metal riffs in my phone's voice memos kicking around for a while. In July 2020, I decided to stop daydreaming and start taking shit seriously. I hit up Lucas (@rustedwinds on Instagram) to design a logo for me while I was writing music. I got a talented drummer and a skilled vocalist to perform on the demo, all recorded by an engineer who is extremely knowledgable, although he had never done death metal before. I must say that everyone knocked it out of the park. Everyone played top notch and took it as seriously as I did.

7.Who would you say are the bands biggest influences?For the readers unfamilar with the bands music how would you best describe it?

I'd say Perilaxe Occlusion plays death metal with technical and doom elements. We're not a death/doom band, we're just not afraid to slow down to knuckle-dragging speeds. We're not tech death, but we have parts that stray off the 4/4 path. We'll never make the listener feel tedium that some doom bands might have, or make them do a calculus test for technicality's sake. It's like spices on a roast--overdoing it kills the joy.

8.Exponential Decay is the bands debut which is getting released through Chaos Rec. when did you first come in contact with Chaos Rec.?

Chaos Records contacted me on Instagram. Impure is a band I like that's signed to them, so I was quite surprised they showed interest before even hearing any music. Victor from Chaos Records is super nice guy. He wants to print this on all formats including vinyl! Whether or not that happens remains to be seen, but I'm very glad I get to work with him. He works his ass off getting me fantastic interviews such as this one, and is connected with a graphic designer who does all the layouts for physical media. The PDFs I've seen of the CDs and tapes look incredible. Very excited to start shipping them out.

9.I believe you are the main song writer for the band how long did it take to write the music for the debut demo? How long does it usually take to complete one song?

It took me roughly a month to get everything as they were recorded. I had a bunch of riffs I had thought of over the years, which kicked things off a little bit. The biggest challenge was connecting them, some riffs didn't even get used. I'd say if I worked every single day on a song, it'd take about a week to compose. Rehearsing, tweaking, etc, all takes up more time. Months, even. This demo was quicker than one might expect since I was very direct with all the arrangements.

10.Who usually handles writing the lyrics for the band and what are some topics written about on the debut release?Which usually comes first the music or the lyrics?

I write the lyrics since the theme of 3D modelling was thought up by me. I only have 1 friend who knows about 3D modelling/has experience with it all. This is all nerdy-ass mumbo-jumbo to most people, bandmates included. I am related to one of the digital artists for Avatar (2009). He works for Weta Digital, and sent me several books on filmmaking and 3D. Very complex, yet cool stuff. The music always comes first. I often get a song title or theme before a song, which is very helpful in lyric writing. It's a bit of a jump start writing lyrics with a topic in mind.

11.does the band have any other merchandise currently availible for the readers to purchase? If yes what is availible and where can the readers purchase it?

Yes. I recieved cassettes from a fantastic French label called Epidemia Records. At the time of writing this, they're over 80% sold. I have 2 t-shirt designs available on my Bandcamp. One is of the demo art printed by Cursed Earth Apparel. The other is a polygonal graveyard seen on the back of the CDs, and the inside of the tapes from Chaos Records, printed by Grim Graphics GSO. They sell for $16.

12.Have you started working on new musiic for the bands next demo or would you like to write a full-length release?

Yes to both. The new demo is being recorded right now. It's called "Raytraces of Death" and will be out sometime in 2021. We plan on doing a compilation of the two demos with a bonus interlude track. All 2021 we plan spending on writing a full-length album, hoping for a 2022 release. I also plan on having new merch. At least one new shirt design with a backprint that reads "RASTERIZED DEATH METAL", and possibly even a long-sleeve.

13.What does Underground Metal mean to you?

.Underground metal is the response to everything more in the mainstream. Cradle of Filth and Amon Amarth are far from mainstream music, but are the mainstream of slightly more extreme metal music. The underground steers clear of squeaky-clean, quantized production, and instead opts for organic recordings and filthier tones, also shying away from convential song structures and lengths. The freedom and loyalty in this scene in strong and supportive. The people involved are the sole reason music like this is still around. Very few people would write music that nobody wants to listen to. I'm very happy people think Perilaxe Occlusion is worthy of being an underground band, and not something people skip over on Bandcamp or YouTube.

14. comes out of Canada's metal scene what is your opinion of the scene in Canada over the years?

Canada's metal scenes vary on location. Quebec is full of incredible death metal and black metal. Giants such as Voivod, Gorguts, Kataklysm, and Cryptopsy hail from that province, and more underground heroes like Chthe'ilist and Spectral Wound reign from that region. Then you have the most iconic war metal band Blasphemy hailing from the west coast, along with Conqueror, Revenge, and Axis of Advance. Scattered around are solid acts like Adverserial, Human Agony, Tomb Mold, VHS, and Nocturnal Departure. Many classics like Woods of Ypres, Slaughter, Strapping Young Lad, and Razor come to mind, as well.

15.Who are your all-time favorite Canadian bands and are their any new bands you could recomend to the readers?

Fuck, this is a thinker. I'd say early Gorguts/Cryptopsy, I fuck with some Rush albums, July Talk, Tomb Mold, Gordon Lightfoot, and Stan Rogers. As far as newer Canadian bands are concerned, I would recommend Mitochondrion, Paroxsihzem, Gris, and Profane Order.

16.Besides working in Perilaxe Occlusion do you currently work with any other bands or solo projects? If yes please tell the readers a little about them?

.I do. I'm in a number of other acts ranging from grindcore to thrash metal (although I'm keeping those acts classified for now).

17.Thank you XT for taking the time to fill this interview out do you have any final comments for the readers?

Thank you for the interview! I love doing these. A great way to spend an evening thinking critically. My final thoughts are a big thank you to everyone who preordered Exponential Decay, and that there is more music to come and not a lot of waiting. We have plans for new music years ahead of us. Stay (down)tuned...                                                                                                                                                Band Contacts                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Label Contacts                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Interview Cruz guitarist of Guillatine done on 11-25-20


1.Hello Cruz please introduce yourself to the readers?

Hey everyone I am Cruz I live in Long Beach Ca, and I am one of the guitarist from Guillatine.

2.When did you first discover metal music and who were the first bands you heard? Who are some of the current bands that have caught your attention?

I started listening to hard rock like early 6th grade and my friend Nick Diaz , RIP introduced me into Slipknot and Korn around age 11-12. I thought that was insane until my neighbor Sal, that got me into playing guitar, gave me a Guitar World Magazine. The issue was about the BIG FOUR, Metallica, Slayer, Anthrax, and MegaGay (hate megadeth). I went out and got Master of Puppets copy and Show No Mercy copy and it was wrap from there.

Currently I try to focus on locals or my peers and see what they’re putting out. I been stuck on Torture Rack from Portland of Headsplit Records, fuuuuuuk man they fucking rip! The homies from Transcendence put out “Towards Obscurities Beyond” and I gotta say goddamm! Ensepulcher from Fresno I believe has always caught my ear, they’re a must see and the tunes are ridiculously heavy! Of course, our brother from another other Disciples of Death.

3.Cruz when did you first become interested in playing the guitars? Are you self-taught or did you take lessons when first starting out?

My childhood friend Sal, the guy I mentioned that gave me the Guitar World Magazine, he got me into guitar. We use to play Yu-Gi-Oh cards lol and one day he came over with a guitar. Sal would show me everything his teacher would show him, I was playing with my dad’s old shitty classical guitar that had the action 7 feet high haha. Since Sal was being taught by his English teacher at his school I asked my history teacher, Ms. Wood , to teach me to play guitar. She used her guitar to sing a song for a lesson she taught us so I knew she at least knew basic stuff.

I ended finding out that Ms. Wood was a true Rocker and as tough as they come haha. In her day she played with some solid punk bands, was signed to a few labels, and toured with some very impressive acts. Ms. Wood taught me the true meaning of Rock N Roll that blossomed into

my passion for music and has lead me to where I am today. She would bring over the lead guitar players she use to jam with and have them teach me songs and give me lessons. After I felt like I had a good understanding of how to play I ventured off on my own and subscribed to Guitar World, Guitar One, and any other guitar magazine I would fine.

4.Who would you say are your biggest influences and favorite guitarists? Besides the guitars do you currently play any other instruments?

Even though I think Megadeth sucks big donkey dick, I have to give it up to Marty Friedman. He is an insane guitarist. I had found this old tab book that looked liked an old note pad at school one time. I found out it was the tabs for a guitar workshop he filmed so I checked it out and fuck can that dude play. Aslo some gut that goes by the name Sultan of Strings or something like that. I have always found Egyptian and Japanese scales very interesting.

5.You started Guillatine back in 2009 when did you first get the idea to start this band? How did you choose Guillatine for the name of this band?

I already had a band at the time named Toxic Waste and Guillatine was my side project with the homies from the North Side of town. When we first started I use to play drums, Chris Miller played Guitar, and Andrew Carillo played based and did vocals. Toxic Waste didn’t work out so I focused 100% on Guillatine. We found a drummer and I hopped on Guitar with Chris.

Chris actually proposed the name because he told us about the metal heads that his mom and dad use to hang out with. It turns out that Marcy and Bobby (Chrises mom and dad) use to kick it the with the OG Guillatine from Long Beach, that was Thomas Perry, Steve Anderson, Thomas brother RIP, and the rest of the guys. Marcy always being so support of our arts set up an arrangement with OG Guillatine, it was Thomas, Chris, and their bassist. We bbq and sat down for hours hearing old stories of gigs, old bands, and the scene. Then it came down to it they asked Chris and I to play a song of we composed to see if we were worthy enough. They heard to songs then whispered and snickered a bit, and told us it was a go! We were blessed by the Godfather’s with the name.

6.What is the current line-up of the band?

Chilango – Vox

Cruz – Guitar

Daniel – Guitar

Tn- Bass

Dylan Cutler - Drums

7.Who would you say are the bands biggest influences and have they remained the same over the years? For the readers who have never heard Guillatine's music how would you best describe it to the readers?

I know Daniel’s favorite band is Necrophobic from Sweden, I would say Tn has a solid Cannibal Corpse influence. Chilango likes a lot of Grindcroe and actually plays and sings in two Grindcore projects, Eskupe and Mariyien. Me personally, I would say Cryptopsy , Suffication.

No I think it changes through out the years we just like to keep it traditional.

We like to focus on rhythm and groove, we really like to have the listeners’ head bobbing the whole time. The goal is to try to get you to pit haha we want to create an intense empowering feeling so intense you makes you feel like you can dominate the pit.

8.Beheaded is the bands newest release that is being released through Chaos Rec. when did you and the band first come in contact with this label?

The first time I heard of Chaos Rec was because of the band Question that is on their roster. I really dig that band, man, do they fucking rip!!! PINCHE METAL MEXICANO!!! I was curious to see who was putting their stuff out and found Chaos Recs. I heard their bandcamp and was impressed with what they were releasing.

The Ep is being released through 3 labels, Chaos Rec from Mexico doing a generous 500 CD release for us, Rotted Life Rec. doing the American Pro Tape version for us, and Unholy Domain Rec. doing the European Pro Tape Version of the EP.

During the process of making the album we were buying art work and started getting our Press Kit ready, so as soon as we got our final mix we sent it out to all the labels we hold in high regards. Chaos was one of the first one to reply and was immediately on top of things as soon as we agreed. Very professional and easy to work with, shout out to our label Chaos Rec. for holding it down for us! We greatly appreciate it.

9.How long did it take to write the music for the new EP.? does the whole band take part in the writing process or does one member usually write everything?

I can’t recall how long it has taken us to write the EP, if I had to give a specific time I would say like a year or so because working with Dylan is so natural and effortless. We can put out jams all day. The whole band does take part in the writing and it varies. Sometimes one of us comes to the table with a complete song, other times a few riffs. There are time were we play a game were each person has to add a new riff as we pass it along, other times it spontaneous and we write riffs from a free style jam we did. We just try to enjoy ourselves and keep pushing each others’ musicianship skills.

10.Who usually handles writing the lyrics for the music and what are some subjects the band writes about? Which usually comes first the music or the lyrics?

We usually let our front man handle all the lyrics but with chilango its more of a collaboration because he’s consistently asking for our opinion and input, which we really like and appreciate.

Chilango sings in English and Spanish so we have bilingual lyrics. From our EP titles like “God Stomper” has more dark, anti-religion, a big fuck you to the western God, and letting Satan represent the rebelliousness of conformity. Titles like “Decapitated Thought” has lyrics of mind control, being easily influenced, and not thinking for one’s self. “Majia Negra” which is Spanish for “Black Magic” is about a witch and what a vindictive, conniving , cunt she is.

11.Besides the upcoming Beheaded release does the band have any other releases or merchandise currently availible? If yes what is availible and where can the readers purchase it?

We actually do thanks for asking. We have a 2 song demo of a raw live recording from our jam spot through Kulto De Noche Media and Analog Overdose Recs.

Here is the link:

12.What does Underground Metal mean to you?

The shit that’s not mainstream, you know all that trend hopping shit. The metal that’s put out by the scene for the scene, shit that’s true to your soul. It’s not about selling out or making a living out of it cus lets face it. How many Cannibal Corpse or Slayers can there be? Underground metal is the filthy and uncensored!

13.Guillatine comes out of California's death metal scene what are your thoughts on the scene in California over the years?

What can I say, we are blessed to have the Meca of Metal in our own backyard. Southern California alone is a pivoting touring ground, on tour it’s a must hit. California plays a huge part of the of the death metal scene today, from acts like Skeletal Remains, Crematory Stench, and Transcendence from Southern California then North Cal has Necrot , Acephalix, Mortuous. Like FUCK DUDE! Hahah all those bands are heavy hitter coming out of California.

14.Who are your all-time favorite bands coming out of California and are their any new bands you could recommend to the readers?

I wouldn’t be able to just name one haha but if I had to recommend some band I’d say check out Disciples of Death, Eskupe, Mariyen, all Long Beach cats that get down.

16.Thank you Cruz for taking the time to fill this interview out do you have any final comments for the readers?

Hopefully our art inspires younger metal heads to pick up an instrument and keep carrying the torch.      Band Contacts                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Mutual Hostility--Sacred Propaganda cd,digital{Cult Of Parthenope} done on 11-22-20

Coming out of Ohio's death metal scene is Mutual Hostility with their debut  release.Sacred Propaganda contains five songs of extremly tight and well written and delievered metal music.The band is defintly inspired by the 90's death metal scene but is not afraid to add their own creative elements within the music.The guitars are done by Dan Gates{from Ton} playing a mix of fast and aggressive patterns that are done with alot of skill and excellent writing ability.Dan does play some slower more controlled passages playing some memorable passages even adding in some well executed solo's.Adam Rogers handles the vocals for the band the vocals are a mix of heavy death metal growls and some old school gruff growls both styles fit Mutual Hostility's music perfectly.Eric Frabatta handles the drum for the band and are played with skill and hyperspeed drum passages.Each of the members of the band know their instrument and play with both experience and skill.If you are looking for a band that blends death metal intensity with the bands own creativity then do yourself a favor and pick up a copy of Sacred Propaganda.                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Band Contacts                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Label Contacts                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Guillatine--Beheaded cd {Chaos Rec.} done on 11-15-20


Guillatine are a new band coming out of California's death metal scene.Beheaded consists of seven tracks with the last four being rehearsel tracks.The band plays a putrid old-school style of death metal that done with aggression and skillful writing ability.The guitars are played with a mix of fast and aggressive patterns but do slow to a more controlled mid paced range in a few of the songs.You can also hear alot of thrash elements mixed into the guitar style and sound,The vocals are old-school death metal growls that fit Guillatine's music peerfectly.Guillatine play a great style of old-school death metal with a mix of slower mid paced sections and some faster more aggressive passages. If you are a fan of intense old-school death metal then do yourself a favor and pick up a copy of Beheaded when it is released.                                                      Band Contacts                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Label Contacts                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 


Thursday, November 5, 2020

interview with Hans guitarist of Mutilate posted on 11-5-20


1.Hello Hans please introduce yourself to the readers?

Hans: Uhm, I'm Hans. I'm the primary songwriter and take care of communications, email, etc.

2.When did you first discover metal music and who were the first bands that you discovered?Who are some of the current bands that have caught your attention?

Hans: As a 13 year old, I discovered bands like Deep Purple, Black Sabbath, and stuff like Exploited, Sex Pistols and that was it. From then on my life has been a deep music rabbit hole, always thirsting for more, never satisfied!

3.Mutilate was formed back in 2017. What gave you all the idea to start this band? Are you satisfied with how things have gone with the band so far?

Hans: While trying to stay humble, I think we've accomplished a lot in just about three years. The records each reflect the period they were written and recorded in.

4.What is the current line-up of Mutilate?For the readers who have never heard the band's music, how would you best describe it?And who would you say are the bands biggest influences and have they remained the same over the years?

Hans: I play guitar, Al is on bass, Simon sings and we've had several drummers, so Sarah is currently with Mutilate. Its hard for me to speak for others but personally my influences range from bands like Slaughter, Repulsion, Bolt Thrower to stuff like Nirvana 2002, Carnage, Dismember.

5.Rotting in Eternity's Hell is the band's third full-length release. how long did it take the band to write the music for the new release?Does the whole band take part in the writing process or does one member usually handle writing everything?

Hans: I usually write all the songs and the rest of the band adapts. We work really fast. That last album was written and recorded in about a week or two at the beginning of the pandemic.

6.Rotting in Eternity's Hell is also getting a cassette release through Canada's Dawning Septic Prod. When did you and the band first come in contact with this label? Besides the new release are there any plans to re-release the first two releases on cassette tape?

Hans: I would love to see the first two albums released on tape but as of now there are no plans. Several times , some labels have written to us about doing releases but then seem to fall off the face of the earth. Dawning Septic have a real dedication and passion for the underground. The tape is total quality! We met online, like normal human beings lol

7.Besides the newest release are the bands previous releases still available for the readers to purchase?Besides physical releases does the band have any other merchandise currently available for the readers to buy if yes what is available and where can the readers purchase it?

Hans: All three albums are available from the Mutilate bandcamp store.

8.What does Underground Metal mean to you?

Hans: To me it's the ability to express myself without boundaries but to some gatekeepers out there it's just an excuse to be some elitist jerk.

9.Mutilate comes out of New York's death metal scene. What are your thoughts of the scene in New York over the years?

Hans: Well there's the classics like Immolation, Mortician, Profanitica, Malignancy, Malevolent Creation, Cannibal Corpse, Suffocation and a bunch more big names so it's safe to say that New York has had a big impact on death metal history.

10.Who are your all-time favorite bands coming out of New York and are there any new bands you could recommend to the readers?

Hans: Just stick to Mortician and you'll be fine.

11.Besides working in Mutilate do you or any of the members currently work with any other bands or solo projects?If yes please tell the readers a little about them?

Hans: Nothing at the moment! Real life is a time sucking vampire.

12.Hans when did you first become interested in playing the guitars and are you self taught or did you take lessons when first starting out?

Hans: I have never taken lessons and mostly wing it. Basically fake it till you make it kind of approach.

13.Who would you say are your biggest influences on the guitars?Besides the guitars do you currently play any other instruments?

Hans: I can play bass. The bass is like a guitar for dummies (Sorry Al!), lol! As far as influences go I would name drop Michael Ammott!

14.When you need to take a break from working on new music or band business what do you like to do in your free time?

Hans: I like to Watch trashy old horror movies, ride bikes, go hiking and swimming, travelling.

15.Thank you Hans for taking the time to fill this interview out. Do you have any final comments for the readers?

Hans: spend your hard earned money at:                                              Band Contacts                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Interview with Sodom posted on 11-3-20

 Hello please introduce yourself to the readers?

I am Tom, Bandleader, Bassist and Singer of the Metal Band “SODOM”

Sodom was started back in 1982 when did you all get the idea to start this band? Did you think the band would still be going strong after all these years?

We were inspired by Venom and came up with idea to form an own. We never thought that our band would have any future. That wasn't our goal at all. We just did the music as a kind of revolution against the parents, teachers and establishment and also against Posers and Poppers, who hate our musical direction. Metal fans were a minority, because music like “Deutsche Welle” and “New Wave” was very popular in the beginning of the 80th. I was in a school class with 30 pupils and I was the only one who listened to metal. That was strange, but we respected each other.

Genesis XIX is the band's newest full-length. As veterans, is it easier to write music or more difficult as your catalog expands?

As long as we stay creative and enjoy it, it's no problem at all to write new songs. Even after almost 40 years, I always have a lot of ideas that flow into the songs.

We are able to release an album every year, but that only ever happens in coordination with the record company. Times have changed and time is running faster and faster, so that we can only produce an album every two to three years.

Where did the band draw inspiration for the lyrics on the new release and what are some subjects the band wrote about? Which usually comes first the music or the message?

Life offers enough inspiration. Especially in these days when everything is getting out of control. I've always been interested in history and of course the wars have always played a big role in my lyrics. Most of the time the music is created first and then I write my lyrics. But when arranging the songs, we make sure that everything fits perfectly with the vocals.

What have been some of Sodom's most memorable shows and tours over the years? Who have been some of your favorite bands to share the stage with?

I can't answer that question at all. Every single show in different countries was always something special. It doesn't matter whether it was small clubs or huge stages at festivals. We also shared the stage with countless bands, but I don't want to mention any of them…

- Sodom has been active in the Metal Underground scene since the early 80's so i was interested did you and the band members read a lot of fanzines back in the 80's and 90's? If yes what do you feel made a good fanzine?

There weren't many Metal magazines around in the 80s, but I've probably read them all. Back then, of course, we didn't have the internet, so the magazines were the only way to find out about other bands, and that was always very important to us. I expect neutral reporting from good magazines. Many magazines nowadays have their favorite band that appears again and again on the front page. This is of course very unfair to the smaller band.

- Do you recall the name of any of your favorite fanzines that you read in those early years of the band? Are there any current fanzines or web-zines that you like to read these days?

Today, of course, I read Rockhard magazine, Metal Hammer, Deaf forever and Legacy magazine. I get it sent to me every month. It used to be the Aardshock and the Kerrang in mid 80s that I loved so much..

- Tape-trading was also huge back in the 80's and 90's. were you involved in the tape trading scene in those days? What were some of the early demos and releases you acquired.

There was a big tape-trading scene in Germany. I got catalogues and order lists by tape sellers each month. They sold demo tapes, rehearsal sessions and live recordings from bands all over the world. That was the only chance to get the music that was not officially released in Germany and Europe. I started up swapping the tapes with other metals fans, so I got a huge collection, but I spent a lot of money for this. Some of these tapes and rarities are still in my collection.

- Sodom comes out of the legendary German metal scene what is your opinion of the evolution of Germany's metal scene over the decades?

I think the whole metal scene changed for worse, because it’s getting more confusing in these times. This music is established and will ever be. I still miss the good old times….but when we got our first record deal, the times changed. After Agent Orange went so successful, I could quit my job in the coalmine and I was able to get more established in the metal scene and could made my life just with music. That was a dream that come true.

- Thank you for taking the time to fill this interview out do you have any final comments for the readers?

I hope to see again after the horrible pandemic. Thank you for your loyal support all over the decades…Yours trulyTOM                                                                                                                                             Band Contacts                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

Mutilate--Rotting In Eternity's Hell LP,Cassette{Dawning Septic Prod./Iron Bonehead Rec.} posted on 11-3-20


Mutilate--Rotting In Eternity's Hell LP,Cassette{Dawning Septic Prod./Iron Bonehead Rec.}                     

Coming out of New York's underground death metal scene is Mutilate with their thrird full-length.Rotting In Eternity's Hell contains eight songs of well performed and memorable old school death metal intensity.The music is a mix of faster guitar and drum patterns and some heavier mid paced musicial passages.All the musicians can write and create some memorable and creative  passages.The vocals are old school gruff death metal growls and some deeper growls are used throughout a few of the songs.If you enjoy heavy old school death metal that follows no trends then do yourself a favor and pick up a copy of the new release today                                                                                                                                                                                 Label Contacts                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Interview with He Who Binds Himself posted on 10-28-20


1. Hello please introduce yourselves to the readers?

He Who Binds Himself is:Nathan Gearhart – Vocals (most noted for his time in Vehemence) Steven M. Jasinski – Guitar (previously of Autumn’s End (founding member Chris Cannella now plays in Deicide) and Eroticide) Gabe Oso – Guitar (previous Inducing Terror)Mark Kozuback - Bass (most noted for his time in Vehemence) Drummer position recently vacated (Previously held by Andrew Schroeder most noted for his time in Vehemence), however an announcement w/ the new drummer will out be out shortly. See full bios/etc at our website (designed by Steve)

2. When did you first discover metal and who were the first bands you listened to? Who are some of the current bands that have caught your attention?

Gabe response -- I discovered metal in my Jr. High Years. Metallica was the 1st band I heard then soon followed Death. I’m constantly looking for new bands to listen to so what I'm currently listening to always changes. If I had to name a few bands I’d say Knives Out (razor to wrist records), Humanity’s Last Breath, and Bear Ghost.

Mark response -- Well if you mean “real metal” lol it was in 1995 or 96. I was 15 to 16ish Deicide was the first band I listened to. It was “Once Upon the Cross” and it was the album cover that intrigued me and made me want to listen to it. After that a co-worker introduced me to Death and I was beyond impressed with their musicianship. It was “Individual Thought Patterns” and it was like nothing I ever heard before. Then it was Suffocation. In my opinion the best Death Metal band of all time and “Pierced From Within” is the blueprint. Obviously many more bands and musicians have influenced me but those 3 were the foundation to my metal pyramid.

Steve response – Growing up as a kid my mother used to play a lot of Sonny and Cher and Elvis and the Monkees.. Later my brother exposed me to things like Ozzy (Black Sabbath) and Prince. Later, my music taste grew into things like DRI and Sick Of It All… Metallica… Slayer… Sepulture… but once I heard the first Deicide Deicide album, damn, all I listened to for a while…

3. He Who Binds Himself was formed in 2010 when did you first get the idea to start this band? Are you satisfied with how everything has progressed over the years?

Nathan response -- When HWBH started it was a means to depart from Vehemence and to stay home in Arizona and play Death Metal with friends. The goal was friendship first and music throughout. That goal has been achieved repeatedly throughout the years. The true teamwork that goes into a band is a very positive experience which continues to be enriching.

Steve response – The band was actually created by Nathan in 2004. Original members being Nathan and Gabe really. I came in around 2008. We changed the name for a while to “Nefaricede” but ended up going back to HWBH in 2010. A lot of this material has been floating around for a lot of that time. The band, as Nathan mentioned, was originally a side project. A means for a few friends to get together,write some tunes, just hang out… Over time as the other various project changed or moved in different directions, HWBH became the focal point and it finally has everyone’s full attention.                 

4. What is the current line-up of the band? Who would you say are the bands biggest influences and have they remained the same over the years?

(See above for members/line-up)

Mark response -- The influences of the group are really varied from member to member but we were all influenced by the first wave of death metal bands in the early 90s. Cannibal Corpse, Deicide, Death, Morbid Angel, Suffocation and etc... These influences still remain but many more have been added over the past 20 years. It’s hard as a musician and artist to not be inspired by another great piece of work. It only wants to make you better. I can only speak for myself as to who influenced me besides the early death metal genre. The list is vast and diverse but most definitely Primus, Rage Against The Machine, Red Hot Chili Peppers, 311, and Iron Maiden. This is because of their use of the bass guitar as more of a lead instrument and not a backup or an accompanying instrument to guitar. I wanted to do the same within a death metal project and that is He Who Binds Himself.

5. The bands self-titled debut full-length was released earlier this year how long did it take the band to write the music for the debut? Does the whole band take part in the writing process or does one member usually write everything?

Steve response – A lot of this material has been floating around for a few years now. The only song that survived the purge from the original 2004 set list is called “These Eyes See Everything”… everything other than that was written starting around 2008... A couple others from 2016. The writing process usually begins with Gabe or I have a song idea or a handful of riffs. Sometimes it comes to the table as a completed song, sometimes we’ll just bring a few riffs in as an idea or a start and we’ll work it out from there… Lots of recordings, re-recordings, demos, sending things to each other in email or the cloud etc… Since the COVID break out, we’ve all been able to focus a bit on writing and are already ½ through a possible next album…

6. Who usually handles writing the lyrics for the music and what are some topics written about on the debut? Which usually comes first the music or the lyrics?

Nathan response -- Nathan Gearhart all lyrics for all songs, with one exception being the song "Alone and Suffering" which were written by Steven Jasinski. Overall the lyrics play on fear and dark emotions by reflecting the darker aspects of life. Broken families, murder, drugs, infanticide, religion, and just plain old anger all make their way into the albums references. For this album the music was written prior to the lyrics.

7. Besides the debut full-length does the band have any other releases still available for the readers to purchase? Besides physical releases does the band have any other merchandise currently available for the readers to purchase if yes what is available and where can readers purchase it?

Steve response – There’s a few demo recordings of a couple of these songs floating around the internet… bout otherwise this is our first real release with distribution support from Metal Devastation Records. We have CDs, T-shirts, Patches, some metal pins… most all that information can be found on our website or We hope to have our own online store go live soon.

8. Has He Who Binds Himself had the opportunity to play live over the years if yes what have been some of the bands most memorable shows? Who are some bands you have had the opportunity to share the stage with?

Nathan response -- Live shows are best when they feel like a true gathering of friends. My favorite memories will always be of playing with each of the friends I get the fortune to occupy the stage with. Playing live music is extremely cathartic for me, and I appreciate each band that we had the honor to share the stage with (too many to list...)

Gabe response -- We have been a band for over 10 years now. We have played many live shows. Testament was a memorable show, the shows thrown by Metal Devastation (Gerardo) are very memorable as well. Back in the day Unique Leader Records used to do tours with a bunch of extreme talent, we would get to play on those sometimes as well. A few bands are Testament, Dying Fetus, Origin, Deeds of Flesh, Brain Drill, Cryptopsy, Flattbush, Monstrosity etc etc...

9. What does Underground Metal mean to you?

Nathan response -- Underground metal is consistently evolving and shifting as music tastes mature with the constant addition of more and more musical groups into a community made up of participants which feeds upon and sustains itself. Ever present and ever changing.

Gabe response -- Underground Metal, well with social media now I’m not sure if there really is an underground metal anymore.

10. He Who Binds Himself comes out of Arizona's death metal scene what are your thoughts of Arizona's metal scene over the years?

Nathan response -- Arizona metal scene is diverse and full of talent! There are so many killer bands and to name any would be unfair to those unnamed. I must say that I would have to call out Nuctemeron as my personal biggest Arizona UGDM influence. I believe the constant feeling of support and respect we share with our fellow musicians is outstanding and deeply appreciated!

Gabe response -- AZ’s metal scene has talented bands with talented musicians. Unfortunately over the years people have changed how they attend concerts I feel. People don’t stick around for the whole show anymore and there is that pay to play monster that everyone loves. Maybe after this Pandemic, things will change and people will enjoy staying for whole shows again.

11. Who are your all-time favorite bands coming out of Arizona and are thier any new bands you feel the readers should check out soon?

Nathan response (same as 10) -- Arizona metal scene is diverse and full of talent! There are so many killer bands and to name any would be unfair to those unnamed. I must say that I would have to call out Nuctemeron as my personal biggest Arizona UGDM influence. I believe the constant feeling of support and respect we share with our fellow musicians is outstanding and deeply appreciated!

Gabe response -- Locally I like Pelvic Meatloaf, Bear Ghost, and really a lot of my friend’s solo projects. Sick eyed, William Chestburgs songs of fortune, fun and wacky shit. If I was going to tell someone to check out something I’d say check out everything, look for new bands, and always keep your mind open to new stuff.

12. Besides working in He Who Binds Himself do any of the members currently work with any other bands or solo-projects? If yes please tell the readers a little about them?

Steve response – Most notably, Nathan, Mark and Andy were all previously in Vehemence.

13. When you need to take a break from working on new music or band business what do you like to do in your free time?

Nathan response -- Free time is family time. Usually I am spending time with my wife and children (I have 5 sons, so yeah pretty busy with that...). Other than that my time goes to work and music.

Gabe response -- I like to do things with my family, watch wrestling (it’s still real to me damnit), video games, and my new hobby stage lighting also include MMORPG

Steve response – Video games are fun… I like to code websites on the side, I dunno why but that shit relaxes me, lolol.. Watch movies with my kids n’ stuff…

14. Thank you for taking the time to fill this interview out do you have any final comments for the readers?

Nathan response -- Deeply appreciate the chance to connect with you and I hope you get a chance to listen to the He Who Binds Himself album!! We are so proud of the result and are hopeful it can capture your attention! Cheers and stay brutal!

Gabe response -- Be kind to one another and Party on Dudes!!!                                                                  Band Contacts