Ofnus is a five man band coming out of the U.K'S atmospheric black metal metal scene.Valediction is the second full length featuring seven tracks of well written and performed melodic and atmospheric black metal.Musically the band delievers a solid release combing both extreme fast guitars and drum passages,The music does slow to a more calm mid paced realm with some extremly well written passages.The vocals are grim black metal screams and screeches the vocalist does use some deeper death growls in a few of the songs.Valediction is a great release that should please all fans of atmospheric black metal that is both traditional and yet original sounding in it's delievery. Ofnus https://ofnus.bandcamp.com/ https://www.facebook.com/Ofnus https://www.instagram.com/ofnusabm/ Naturmacht Prod. https://naturmacht.com/category/news/ https://naturmachtproductions.bandcamp.com/ https://www.facebook.com/naturmachtproductions https://www.instagram.com/naturmachtproductions/ https://www.youtube.com/user/TheNPChannel