Saturday, February 22, 2025

Noirsuaire interview conducted by Jay Posted on 2-22-25


When / why/ where was Noisuaire formed?

 Some years ago, Noirsuaire was born at the bottom of the heretic castle of Montsegur in the french side of the Pyrénées by the simple will to play the only music I'm able to write and play. This raw, melodic, melancholic Black Metal. When I discovered how easy can be the recording etc, I started to demo some ideas with a drum machine and when talking to Agravh, he listened and said he would be interested to handle the drums. The result was beyond my expectations. The first 2 tracks demo was born.

Run us through your bestial discography and tell our readers where they can buy digital and physical copies

 The very first demo was released on october 31st of 2023 and reissued several times by labels from Germany, France, Corsica, Brazil, Mexico. I wrote and recorded the first EP "Black Flame Of Unholy Tradition" during the summer of 2024 and it was later released on CD by Khaoszophy Productions on CD and Rabauw Productions on Tape. I self released the "By The Screams Of Porphyric Seraphs" 2 tracks EP on tape in december 2024.

What inspires your music? What are your lyrics about?

 The lyrics are soaking dark tradition, ancient dark folklore and medieval themes.

What bands have influenced you? What music did you listen to growing up?

 Noirsuaire music is influenced by Darkthrone, Marduk, Gorgoroth, Nastrond, Mayhem and the french scene from the 90s/2000 . I grew up listening to various musical acts. My very first crush was Guns N Roses and I later moved to more extreme music as I was 14 when Sepultura released “Roots”. I discovered Black Metal via Metallian Magazine in september 1996.

What equipment do you use and what is the recording process? 

I have a few BC Rich guitars, a computer, a soundcard, a microphone, a pair of monitors and jacks to link everything in my wooden room located in the attic of my house. I find riffs I like, I make a raw demo and send it to Agravh who records drum parts on his side. Then I record my parts. I handle guitars, bass and vocals.

Do you have new releases planned for 2025?

 Aside from the releases planned by your label (thanks again by the way), nothing is really planned. The recording of the debut album is set to start in the first weeks of 2025. I am highly impatient to start the recording process because to be honest, I need this album to be complete in order to move forward with new songs. And I have a lot of draft songs, I think enough for a new album.

What are your plans for the future? Will Noirsuaire be playing live ??

 That's the big tricky question. Sometimes I'd love to and I already received some offers from french and european promoters. But it's difficult to find musicians willing to accept the tyranny of Noirsuaire. I hate practicing.

Tell us about the current scene there in France… recommend some bands for our readers to check out.

 Your readers should check Prieuré, Mesfetor, Spirit Of War, Cachot D'Effroi when it comes to the recent acts. Thoses are the only names I can tell you. But you all should prepare yourselves for the return of Funeral.

France is of course infamous for Les Legiones Noires… how do you relate to their sound and influence?

 LLN is another proof that french scene had something specific in its DNA. Nobody can deny the dedication and the universe created by LLN but let's not forget Osculum Infame, Blessed In Sin, Chemin De Haine, Funeral, In Articulo Mortis, Puritas Virginum, Celestia, Darvulia, Epheles. I have a lot of respect and worship for this glorious past and of course, it influences my music.

what are your top 5 metal albums of all time and why?

 Tricky one... Guns N Roses "Appetite For Destruction" Metallica "Ride The Lightning" Deicide s/t Slayer "Reign In Blood" Iron Maiden "Powerslave"

What is your opinion of the current Black Metal, not just in France, but globally speaking?

 Too many hipsters and hardcore kids willing to find authenticity and transcendance making this music far from its primal concept

Do you have any words of wisdom for young musicians looking to follow in your footsteps?

 I don't think my music can influence somebody. But people should follow their heart and mind.

Would you like to add anything for our readers? 

Let The Noir Suaire Drappe You                                                                                                              Noirsuaire