Saturday, December 31, 2016

Czech Republic's Root interview is up done by Patrick on 12-31-16

Here  is  the  last  post  of  2016  and  what  a  great  way to  go  out   with the  legendary  Czech Republic's  Root  who  discuss  the  bands  past  and  the  newest release "Kargeras-return  from  oblivion" so  read  forward   and  have  a  great  new  years  eve  and  a  great  2017  stay  tuned  for  a lot  of  new  reviews  and  interviews  coming  up.

Interview   with   Big Boss  vocalist  of   Root  done  by   Patrick 

Hello    Big Boss   how  are  things  going  with you  these  days?  Please  introduce  yourself  to  the  readers?

Big Boss: I´m great bastard and hate all:-))

Big Boss   you  formed  Root  back  in  1987  what  gave  you  the  idea  to  start  this  band?And  how  did you  come  up   with  Root  as  the  bands  name?

Big Boss: The band formed as the recession but we realized a bit later that we like it. We found that right title and the band is here. The title was taken from the sentence Root of all Evil. 

Besides  the  upcoming  release  of  "Kargeras--Return From  Oblivion does  the  band   have   any  past  releases  or  merchandise  available? I  know  Root  has  had  a  tremendous   career  but  do you  have  a  personal  favorite  Root  song  and  release?

Igor: We offer both all ROOT´s older releases and shirts. Check out our store at

Big Boss: All our songs are our children. Would you love some of your children more than another one? I don´t think so. That´s it. 

Root is  getting  ready to  release  their  new  release   "Kargeras--Return From  Oblivion"  how  long  did  it  take  to  write  the  music  for  the  new release?

Big Boss: I wrote both albums in 1993-1994 but the right time to make the music for the second part has come now as far. 

I  believe  the  lyrics on the new  release   are  a  concept  What  gave you  the  idea  to  do  a  concept  release? And  what  is the  concept  based  on?

Big Boss:  It is a direct continuation of “Kärgeräs” album from 1996. My own closure of the story which I wrote back in the nineties. I promised once that one day I would finish that story and so I am keeping this promise. Many fans have been waiting for it since the first “Kärgeräs” album. Now they can finally get it and can enjoy another part of this story. I’m looking forward to listeners’ opinions about this new masterpiece. The album is simultaneously a gift directly to “Kärgeräs” album fans. It´s very important because there are many fans of ROOT who prefer just some of our albums. And “Kärgeräs” is the special one.

Root  has  played  many  shows  over  the  years   what  have  been  some  of your  most   memorable  shows? And  who  were  some  bands  you  had the  pleasure of  sharing  the  stage  with?

Big Boss: All shows are great and all bands too. I don´t prefer anything, only politics do this:-)

Igor: Most of gigs out of Czech Republic are more special because we don´t play in other countries so often. Really special trip was Calgary in Canada some years ago. Still remember also No Mercy Festivals European tour with Moonspell, Behemoth and Napalm Death in 2007. 

Are  their   any  tours  or  shows  planned  for the  rest  of  2016  or the  beginning  of  2017? What  are   some  countries  Root  will  be  playing?Any  idea  who  are  the  bands  you  will be  playing  with?

Big Boss: Maybe that very the first US show ever. ROOT is confirmed for Maryland Deathfest 2017. This is really special one. Otherwise we still play live over here in Czech Republic mostly, sometimes in Germany, Sweden, Lithuania, Belgium, Poland, France, Canada, Serbia, England...etc.
And we played with Moonspell, Anathema, Apocalyptica, Mercyful Fate, King Diamond, Nifelheim, Pungent Stench, Behemoth, Destroyer 666, Enslaved, Napalm Death, Impaled Nazarene,  Satanic Warmaster, Amon Amarth, Sodom and more and more...

Root   comes  out  of  the  Czech Republic's  metal  scene  what  is  your  opinion  of   the  Czech Republic's  scene  over  the  years?

Big Boss: There still appear new good bands and friends, some older bands play on – ROOT for example. I don´t prefer any band at all. Many old bands split up, of course. 

Who   are  some  of your  all-time  favorite  band? Are  their  any  new  bands  or  projects  you  feel  the  readers  should  check  out  soon?
Igor: Maybe you guys should check out our projects;-) 

Besides   bands  are  their  any  good  labels  or  distro's  you  can  recommend  to  the  readers?

Igor: Agonia Records actually. Quite a good business partner;-)

In  your  opinion  what  does  Underground  metal  mean  to  you?

Igor: Don´t like this word at all. I understand why some people use it within the musical business but this word covers also some bad things. Many people and bands just hide behind this word. I think the real underground scene disappeared with the internet. 

Are  you  or  any  of the  members  of  Root  currently  working  in  any  other  bands  or   projects?

Igor: We´re still working on other projects. Big Boss will record his another solo album next year and other ROOT members help him with this a bit too. I still work on some new songs, as well as other guitarists. 

Big Boss  you  take  care  of  the  vocals  at  what  age did you  become  interested  in  singing  and screaming? Is  their  anything  special  that you  do  to  keep  your  throat  and  voice  healthy?

Big Boss: I do not work on my voice at all. I smoke and drink  I do not care about the voice. It is a gift from Satan, okay?

Who   are  some  of your  favorite  vocalists? Besides  handling  the  vocals  do you   play  any  other  instruments?

Big Boss: My favorite is – Janis Joplin, Chris Farlowe, King Diamond, Denis Shaforostof....I play a little on keyboards, drums and bass....

When  not   working  on  new  music  or  band  business   what  do  you  enjoy  doing  in your  free time?

 Big Boss: He he do´t want to know...hehehe

Thank  you  Big Boss   for  taking  the  time  to  fill  this  interview  out  do  you  have  any  final  words  for  the  readers?

Big Boss: We'll meet you in hell....Stay Proud !

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Reviews posted on 12-20-16 done by Patrick

Here  are  some  new  metal reviews  to  check  out   and  hopefully  want to  hear  more  and  buy the  release  when  it is  released.
Thanks  to  everyone  who  took  the  time to  read   my  reviews  and  interviews  this  year.I  hope  to  have  ALOT  more   posted  in  2017  so  keep  checking  the  web-zine  out.
Regards  and  have  a  great  new  year  coming  up.

Balfor--Black Serpent  Rising  cd  {Drakkar  Prod.}
Ukraine's  Barbaric  black  metal  band  Balfor   return  with  their  newest   cd Black Serpent  Rising  featuring  eight  tracks  of  destructive  black metal.The  band does  have some  elements  of  death metal  and even  a  few  somber  and  slower  sections before  going  all  crazed  and  fast paced.The  guitarist  knows  how  to  play  well executed  guitar  chords  that  are played  in the  fast,destructive  pace  but their  are  some  well written  and  performed  mid paced sections.The  drums  are done  in  the  fast  barbaric  blasting  drums  but the drummer does  slow to  a  more somber and slower  pace  in  a  few of the  songs  before  going  back to  the hyper fast  drum  style.The  vocalist   are  done  with  both raw,raspy black metal shrieks  and  some  death  metal  growls  used  in  a  few  songs.If  you  are  familiar  with  Balfor's  past  releases  then you  know  what to  expect  but  if you  are  a  new  fan  then  imagine  well  written  and  played  barbaric  black metal  that  has  both  plenty  of  vicious  and  some slower,melodic black metal sections.
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Hammerfall--Built  To  Last  cd  {Napalm  Rec.}
Sweden's  traditional   heavy  metal masters  return  with  their   tenth  full length  release  to date and their first  for  Napalm Rec.Hammerfall  still  carry the  torch  for  traditional  heavy  metal  with  some  rock  and  hard rock  elements  used  in the  bands  sound  I  only  listened to the  bands  first  three  releases  then  lost  touch  with  what the  band  was  doing.Then  I  got the  promo  for their  newest  release  Built  To  Last   which  is  a really  good traditional  heavy  metal  release.Their  are  both  good  metal anthems  and  a  few  slower  heavy  metal  ballads  that  really  work  for the  band.  If you  are  a  fan  of  Hammerfall's  past releases   you  will  like  the  new  release  Built  To  Last   so  be  sure to  buy this  today.
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Saturday, December 17, 2016

Omnizide interview done by Patrick on 12-17-16

Hails Here  is  a  new  interview  with  the  Swedish  black,death  metal  band  Omnizide  who  are  getting ready to  release  their  new  full-length  "Nekroregime"  as  a  joint  release  through  Carnal Rec  and  Daemon  Worship  Rec.  If you  are  a   fan  of  well executed  and  played  Swedish  blackend  death  then  be  sure  to  pick  up  Omnizide's  new  cd  today.

Interview  with  Anders Guitarist  and  music  writer  of   Omnizide   done  by  Patrick

1.Hails  Anders please  introduce  yourself  to  the  readers  and  when  did you  become  interested  in  playing  and  writing  music.

Well, I play the guitar in Omnizide and some other bands as well, not much more to say about myself.
I always listened to music. First Twisted Sister and that sort of stuff, then bands like Metallica, and later on the Earache bands (Bolt Thrower, Morbid Angel, Carcass etc).
Like many other in my generation I first discovered black metal when I read newspaper articles about the churchburnings and murders in the Norwegian Scene. As a teenager I though it was really fascinating and instantly got hooked on band like Darkthrone and Burzum.  After a while me and Mikael thought we should try to create something similar ourselves and that's when I picked up the guitar and started to write music (well at least tried anyway)

2.When  did you  first  meet  Mikael  and  what  gave you  two  the idea  to  start   Omnizide ?How  did you  come  up  with the  name   Omnizide  for  the  band  and   does  it  have  a special  meaning?

Me and Mikael grew up as neighbors but we didn't really start hanging out until we realized we shared a mutual interest for extreme metal. 
It was actually Mikael who got me to play the guitar in the first place. We were both really into Scandinavian black metal and, like I said, we felt that we wanted to create something similar ourselves.
Mikael came up with the name Omnicie (but we decided to spell it with a "Z") 
It means the destruction of all life, total death. It suits our lyrical themes and our music very well.

3.Anders  you  and  Mikael   formed  the  band  in  1995   how  do you  feel  the  bands  music  has  changed  since the  beginning  of the band  until  present day?

When we started none of us really knew how to play our instruments so the music was really simple an minimalistic. And very influenced by Darkthrone and that style of Scandinavian  black metal. 
Back then we were much better at drawing cool logos band taking band photos than actually writing and recording music so the early days just ended up in a couple of rehearsal tapes we mostly kept to ourselves.
Through the years we have discovered and got influenced by other types of extreme music (crust for example) and incorporated more death metal elements. 

4. Omnizide  is  getting  ready to  release  the  bands  second  full length  "NekroRegime" through Carnal Rec.  And  Daemon Worship Rec.  How  did you  come  in  contact  with  these  two  great  labels?

Björn, who runs Carnal Records, is an old friend of ours. So when we decided to reform the band it seemed natural to ask him if he was interested in releasing it. He is also  very easy to work with and doesn't live too far from here.  
We came in contact with Daemonic Worship through Carnal. They have collaborated on other releases.

5.Anders  you  take  care  of  writing the  music  for the  band  how  long  did it take  to  write the  music  for the  new  release  "NekroRegime"?

We started writing the songs right after the Nekromantik EP was recorded. The song "Shockwaves"as actually finished before that. I guess it took about a year or so to write all the songs.
We actually never intended it to become an album, we aimed to record another EP, but then we realized we had nearly enough new songs to make an album, and then the idea of a second album were born. 

6.Who usually  writes  the  lyrics  for  the  music  and  what  are  some  of the  subjects  you  all  write  about  on  the  new  release?

Me and Gaddur(drums) usually write most of the lyrics, but Nox contributes with some lyrics as well. And the lyrics for the first song (Himmelstrasse) were written by B-Force.
The lyrics of this album deals with things such as Necrophilia, Doom, Murder and WWII.  And some other delicate subject as well. 

7.Besides  the  new  CD   "NekroRegime"  does  the  band  have  any  past  releases  or  merchandise  available  for the  readers if  yes  what  is  available  and  where  can the  readers  buy  it?

I think some of our previous releases is still available through various distros and record shops. Easiest for the readers would probably be to contact Carnal Records directly, they may have some stuff left. 
When it comes to merchandise we have handled that part for ourselves so far. We usually print a very limited amount of shirts (30-50 ex or so) each time so they are quickly sold out.  However, we we probably make some Nekroregime"-related shirts in the not so distant future.

8.Omnizide comes  out  of  the  Swedish  blackend death metal  scene  what is your  opinion  of  the  Swedish  black and death  metal scene  over  the  years?

I think it started out strong in the late 80's and early 90's. Especially the death metal scene. But then it got really boring and  I really grew tired of black metal and especially the sound of the late 90's.
However things have improved a lot. I think the Swedish scene of today is probably as strong as ever with lots of great new bands. And some older bands like Marduk still releases real quality stuff (I think Frontschwein is there best record so far).

9.Who  are  some  of your  all-time  favorite  Swedish  bands  and  are  their  any  new  bands you  feel  the readers  should  check  out  soon?

Bathory (of course) is one of my favorite Swedish bands, as well bands as Nifelheim, Repugnant and Kaamos and such.
People should check out our labelmates in WAN, there really good. And the latest Kill album is really worth a listen.

10.Anders  in  your  opinion  what  does  black  metal  mean  to you?

It's hard to explain.
 Of course the lyrics has to deal with the  "right" subjects, but to me it was always the music that was most interesting. The rawness and the feeling in black metal. It was a whole new  experience compared to the death metal stuff I had listened to before and I was totally engulfed by  black metal back in the 90's. 

11.Besides  writing  and  playing  music  what  do you  like to  do in your  free  time?

Since I work full-time and have a bunch of kids  I don't have that much free time. But I do enjoy fishing.
However music ris my main interest. I'm an eager record collector, so listening to and discovering new bands is how I spend most of my free time.

12.Thank  you  Anders  for  taking  the  time  to  fill  this   interview  out  do you   have  any  final  words  for the  readers?
Thanks for all support! Check out Nekroregime!

                                                                             Band  Site
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Saturday, December 10, 2016

Ukraine's death,doom band Sorrowful Land interview is now up done by Patrick on 12-10-16

Here  is  a  new  interview  with  the Ukraine's  atmospheric  doom,death  band  "Sorrowful Land"  who  recently  released  their debut  cd  "Of  Ruins"   read  on  if you  are  a  fan  of  atmospheric death,doom  and  be  sure to  pick  up  the  debut  cd  today

Interview  with  Max  Molodtsov  vocals  and  all  instruments   of  Sorrowful  Land   done  by   Patrick

1. Hello, Max, please introduce yourself to the readers and tell us at what age did you become interested in playing and writing music?

Hi there, folks! Greets from Ukraine! Name’s Max, I’m musician from Kharkov, Ukraine and the mastermind of Atmospheric Doom/Death band Sorrowful Land. As I recall I was like 14 when I realized that I want to become a musician. My mom was the one who presented me an acoustic guitar and I started to learn how to use that thing J Firstly it was more pretending then real playing of course. I ran a Metallica CD and just hit the strings like a James Hetfield wannabe. Oh, God, it was awful and funny!

2. What were the first instruments you learned to play? Are there any instruments that you would like to learn one day?

Obviously – guitar. An acoustic one. I took some lessons, but then I abandoned these classes ‘cause they were way too boring and if you wanna play metal – attending musical classes ain’t the option.

3. Max, you formed Sorrowful Land in 2014, when did you get the idea to start this band and who are some of Sorrowful Land's influences?

The funny thing is that it was not totally my idea! Originally it was a duo. The story goes like: in April of 2014 I received a PM on my Facebook page from a dude I knew for quite some time. And that fellow was Peter Laustsen from a Swedish Melodic Doom band WHEN NOTHING REMAINS. How cool is that? It was he who offered me to create a collaboration project in more darker and heavier style then our main bands played. We both enjoyed Funeral Doom so we decided to give it a try. And then I came with the name “SORROWFUL LAND” and so on. But now it’s totally my solo-project. As for the influences I can name such bands as Doom:VS, Colosseum, Evoken, even a bit of Esoteric. 

4. Sorrowful Land is signed to the great doom label - Solitude Prods. How did you come in contact with this label?

I knew this label for 5 years so far. I’ve been with them since they signed my main Gothic/Doom band – EDENIAN. All Edenian albums were released through the Solitude Productions. So it was not a question for me where to release a debut Sorrowful Land album. And it turned out great!

5. The band released the debut CD "Of Ruins…" How long did it take you to write the music for these songs? Max, you also write the lyrics for the band, what are some topics you wrote about on the debut album?

 Yes, the album was released on November, 7th. It took me two years to complete the album. Main themes for the lyrics are my own feelings, experiences, soul-searching, some dark thoughts I carry within. Also I often use a classic English poetry of XIX century, adopting it for a song. You can find a lot of gems in old poetry.  

6. Max, you handle everything for Sorrowful Land, when you started this band did you plan on working as “one-man band” or would you like to find other musicians to work with?

 Let’s set it clear. When Sorrowful Land appeared – it was a duo (me & Peter Laustsen) and it meant to be this way. But time flows and things change. Since the beginning of 2016 Sorrowful Land came under my control. And it’s gonna be like this ‘cause I’m a “control freak” you know? If something goes wrong – I’m the one to blame, haha

7. If you had the opportunity to work with any musicians - who are some musicians you would like to work with? And what do you feel is the best and worst thing about being the sole member of the band?

Never thought ‘bout that yet. Time will show. Maybe some guest musicians will appear on the next album, who knows. As for the being a sole member of the band – the main thing here is that you’re in charge and the great responsibility is on your shoulders only. I’m ok with that. But sometimes I feel so lazy to record bass parts or compose some cool solo, so I go like “Oh, I need someone else to help me out with that shit”. I think I may call it a “worst thing”.

8. Besides the debut CD "Of Ruins…" does the band have any other merchandise available for the readers at this time? If yes, what is available and where can the readers buy it?

 I’d like to say yes, but no. So for now only the debut CD is available for purchasing. You can order it here: 

9. Max, you live in Ukraine, what is your opinion of the Ukrainian death/doom scene? And who are some of your all-time favorite bands from Ukraine?

We have some pretty decent doom bands here in Ukraine. To name some: Endlesshade, Luna, Embrace of Silence, Eternal Void, WinterMor, Mental Torment. But the funny thing is that Ukrainian bands I like don’t play doom. I enjoy a power-metal band Morton, I think they’re doing great. 

10. Besides atmospheric death/doom do you listen to any other forms of doom or music in general if yes, who are some of your most favorite bands and artists?

 Indeed, I listen to almost every genre of rock and metal music: heavy-metal, thrash, death, melodic-death, black, gothic, progressive, power, etc. As for the favorite bands – TONS OF THEM!! To name a few: Metallica, Slayer, Kataklysm, Amon Amarth, Iced Earth, Kamelot,  Nickelback, Trivium, Breaking Benjamin, Lacuna Coil, Epica, Draconian, and the list is almost endless 

11. Besides working and playing in Sorrowful Land do you currently work with any other bands or projects if yes, please tell the readers a little about them?

As said before I have a female-fronted Gothic/Doom band called EDENIAN. It gathered in 2010, we released two full-length albums, EP and a couple of singles. One can easily find us on Internet and give it a listen ;)

12. Max, besides playing music you also recently started a webzine called “Shelter Of Doom”, when did you get the idea to start this webzine? Besides Atmospheric Doom do you want to cover and promote any other forms of doom or music in general? So far there are only reviews up, do you have any interest to do some interviews soon or is this a ‘zine only for reviews?

It’s true. Guys from Solitude Prods asked me if I want to write reviews for their upcoming releases and I came with idea of creating my own blog where I can share my humble opinion not only on Solitude Prods releases but every album or EP or even single that I like (or not). So Shelter Of Doom was created. And yes – it’s dedicated to doom-metal only. Also I’m having a thought about adding “Interviews” button. 

13. Do you have anyone helping with the webzine or do you prefer to work alone? If any bands or labels are reading this - where can they send their music to be reviewed?

I prefer to do things myself ‘cause review is very subjective form of expression your own thought. And if you mean help with blog construction, then I must say it’s an easy thing to do, nothing special. Everyone who wants to be  reviewed can PM me on Facebook ( and we’ll discuss the options.

14. Thank you Max for taking the time to fill this interview out. Do you have any final words for the readers?

Thank you too, Patrick, for interesting questions! I had fun answering them. Words for readers would be: support metal scene, support Sorrowful Land, support Edenian and stay safe and doomy! \m/

P.S. Be sure to follow Sorrowful Land at  
Follow Edenian at:  Subscribe to the Shelter Of Doom here: 

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Hammerfall interview done by Patrick on 12-7-16

Here  is  a  new  interview  with  Sweden's heavy metal,rock  legends  Hammerfall  who  are  getting ready to  release  their  tenth  release  soon  on  Napalm Rec.And  talk  about  the  new  release "Built To Last" and  the  bands  future  plans  and  shows/tours  coming  up  in  2017.

Interview  with  Fredrik   Larsson   bassist  of   Hammerfall  done  by  Patrick

1.Hello  please  introduce yourself  to  the  readers? How  are  things  going  in  Sweden  these days?

Hi! Fredrik Larsson here, bass player of HammerFall! Things are getting a bit busy now with rehearsals coming up and still a lot of promotion and preparing to do. And of course the usual stress with everything around Christmas. Other than that, it's all good! 
2.Hammerfall  is  getting  ready to  release  their  new  cd  "Built To Last"  through  Napalm  Rec. how  did  the  band  come  in  contact  with  this  great  label?
Well, we were kind of looking around for a new label since our contract was fulfilled and we wanted to do things in a different way instead of just doing it the same way we've always done. We had a casual meeting with Thomas ad he made some impressions on us so we started to investigate our options and we were even more convinced that this was the way to go. It feels like it's still I'm the beginning but so far we have a great cooperation. 
3.How  long  did  it  take  the  band to  write the  music for the  new  release?Does  the  whole  band  work  on  the  music  or does  one  member  usually  write  everything?

It's mostly Oscar and Joacim that writes and I think Oscar started pretty much right after the last tour ended. There is a lot of planning to do and it's hard to know if you will write the perfect album in three months or in twelve so it's best to start early. I know he had a hard time getting the inspiration he needed so it took some time but he is also very structured and sat down a couple of hours every day just to get something down and in the end he'll get there. It's not a democracy in that case but it's always been Oscar and Joacim that had the vision for HammerFall and they have done a great job so far!

4.Are  their  any  shows  or  tours  planned  in  support  of    "Built To Last"   if  yes  where  are  some  countries  the  band  will  be  playing?Any  idea  who  are  some  bands  Hammerfall  will  be  touring  with?

We have a hectic period beginning early January next year. We start off with a European tour together with Gloryhammer and Lancer and then we have a South America tour coming up and later on a North America tour with Delain. And that before the festival summer starts off. We haven't planned next fall yet but I'm sure we're gonna squeeze in a couple of more shows. 

5.What  have  been  some  of  the  bands  most  memorable  shows  over  the  years?

For me personally I would say the Ines we've done in Scandinavium in Gothenburg. That's where I saw most of my childhood idols, such as Accept, Iron Maiden, Anthrax and many many more. To be on the same stage is a fantastic feeling and something I wouldn't even dream of when I was on the other side of the fence as a kid. And I must mention a free concert we did in Gothenburg as well, that was truly amazing. There were people everywhere. We played on top of our biggest avenue and it was so crowded you couldn't see the end. Fantastic. 
6.Are  their  any plans to  mane  a  video  for  the  new  release? If you  had  your  choice  what  song  would  you  like  to  see  made  into  a  video?

Well, we did a lyrical video to ‘The Sacred Vow’ and a proper video to ‘Hammer High’ which obviously are the singles. We usually just do one video per album so consider this a bonus. 

7.Hammerfall  also  plays  a lot  of  cover  songs  of  various  bands and  in  2008  did  a  cover  album "Masterpieces" what  have  been  some  of your  personal  favorite  cover songs  to do? Are  their  any  cover  songs  that  the  band  has  not  yet  done   that  you  would  like to  record  someday?

Since I didn't play on most of the cover versions I have to say ‘Youth Gone Wild’. A song that I really liked when I was younger and still think is a killer song! I can't say that I think about cover songs, it's just a fun thing to do. Don't hold your breath for more covers though. 

8.Hammerfall  formed  in  the  mid  90's  what  has  kept  the  band  going  strong  after  all  these  years?

I think we've always done things by heart and not followed trends. We play Heavy Metal the way we think it should be and we still love this. If we wouldn't I think it would have shown and people would notice. 
9.The  band  comes  out  of  Sweden's  heavy  metal   scene  besides  heavy  metal  do  any  of  the  members  listen/like  any  other forms  of  metal  and  music  in  general?

Yes, of course. We all like a lot of different music. I listen to a lot heavier music, thrash and groove or whatever the genres are called these days. I used to listen and play a lot of death metal as well but not so much right now. I know Oscar still listens to some old school death metal and we use to talk about it from time to time. We played together in Crystal Age, a death metal band, before I joined HammerFall. 

10.When  not   working  on  new  music  or  band  business  what  do  you  all  enjoy  doing  in  your  free  time?

Right now, HammerFall is taking most of our time, but Joacim is really into Whiskey and Champagne. Oscar is a big MMA supporter and he also collects and play a lot of video games. Pontus works as a Front of House engineer and records a lot of bands both live and in his studio. David is into beers and peppers, he always have a new brand to speak about. And I try to get as much family time as I can before the tours start. I got two sons that really wants my attention all the time.
11.Thank  you  for  taking  the  time  to  fill  this  interview  out  do  you  have  any  final  comments  for  the  readers?

Thank you very much! I hope I'll catch you all out on tour somewhere or on a festival nearby. Bring some friends and make the party even bigger!
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