Saturday, April 20, 2024

Chunked--Inhaling The Infestation cd{Gore House Prod.} Posted on 4-20-24


Inhaling The Infestation  is the debut release from Tennessee's death metal band Chunked.The songs on the debut are primitive and raw death metal that are done with powerful guitars and drums.The guitars are played with a mix of heavy mid paced guitars that are played with crushing patterns.The guitars do speed to a faster pace throughout a few of the songs to give each song a nice mix.The vocals are deep death metal growls that are ferocious in the delievery.Chunked  have crafted a great debut  of classic brutality that is enjoyable to listen to.Looking forward to hearing more from  these guys in the future.     

Chunked                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Gore House Prod.