Friday, August 25, 2023

Thornafire--Leprosario Lazareto cd{Great Dane Rec.} Posted on 8-25-23


I remember hearing and really liking the first two releases from Chile's Thornafire.Leprosario Lazareto is the latest full length featuring eleven songs of raw and primitive old school death metal at it's best.The music ranges from an  allout  assault of chaotic fast guitar and drum passages.But the music does slow to a more controlled mid paced range throughout the songs to give each song their own identy.The vocals are old school death metal growls that are delievered with power.Thornafire has unleashed a great release of unrelenting death metal that is sure to please all fans  of the genre.                Thornafire                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Great Dane Rec.