Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Interview with Hisemtuks Himi: done on 7-25-23


1.Hello Nathen please introduce yourself to the readers

Hello everyone, I am Nathen Ehli, I am from Spokane, Washington. I am the solo musician for Hísemtuks Hími•n!

2.When did you first discover black metal music and what was it about this genre that drew you in?

I first discovered black metal when I was in middle school, didn’t really like it at first but when I found out how many sub genres they were I started getting into it a lot more. It drew me how much each and every band sounds different, either it was beautiful atmospheres or harsh sounding riffs. I built up a tolerance to listen to different bands.

3.Who were the first bands that you listened to?Who are some of the current bands that have caught your attention?

The first bands I got into were pretty much on the melodic/symphonic side of black metal. Catamenia, Dissection, and Emperor. Currently thats caught my attention is Hoth, Pathway, and Nechowchen.

4.When did you first become interested in writing and playing music? What are the instruments that you currently play?

I think when I was a freshman in high school, I would record little demos here and there through my phone on Bandlab. I didn’t really take it seriously until I got signed onto PDR. I currently play drums, bass, and guitar.

5.Are you self taught or did you take some lessons when first starting out? Are their any instruments that you currently do not play but would like to learn one day?

Well, my older brother plays guitar and he gave me basic lessons and taught me basic songs that everyone learns when they first start out. My Uncle taught me the basics of drums, but now I can just hear a song and figure out how it’s done. I do want to know how to play keys but doing solos on them, listen to any COB song and you’ll understand why.

6.Nathen you also handle the vocals for the band when did you first become interested in screaming and growling?Do you do anything special to keep your throat and voice healthy?

I figured if I can’t really sing that well I can scream lol! I think I was in high school when I got into screaming. I learned what kind of screams where necessary in parts of a song. Now as far as what i do specially, not much. I just scream from my stomach and not my throat and if it hurts I’m doing something wrong.

7.Who some of your all-time favorite musicians and vocalists over the years?

For drums, Sean Reinert. Bass, Linus Klausenitzer. Guitar, Alexi Laiho. Keys, Stian Aarstad. And vocals, Deimhal.

8. you started Hisemtuks Himi:N in 2020 what gave you the idea to start this band? How did you choose Hisemtuks Himi:N as the name of the band and does it have a special meaning?

I was doing another project for awhile before Hísemtuks Hími•n. It was going more towards the atmospheric BM side, wasn’t really feeling it, so then I told PDR that I wanted to change the name before making it official. I wanted a name that was rooted into my Spokane/Nez Peirce heritage. Hísemtuks Hími•n is in the Nez Peirce language, it means Night-Sun Wolf in English. As you can see in the logo, there’s the 2 wolves on the sides and the moon in the middle.

9.For the readers who have never heard Hisemtuks Himi:N music how would you best describe it?Who would you say are the bands biggest influences?

I would say empowering. If anyone would take a drive through the PNW it fits well. Every album is different in its own ways. I would say my biggest influences are Catamenia, Dissection, Vinterland, Death and Wintersun.

10.I believe you are the sole member of the band did you plan to work alone or would you like to find more musicians to work with in order to do some live shows one day

I think I might just continue on my own, although Im thinking on getting some features in the future. And as far as live shows go, im looking into it. Right now im making backing tracks for live gigs. I think for any band, playing live gigs is real promotion.

11.Witch Of The Night is the third full length that was released through Plague Demon Rec when did you first come in contact with this label

I contacted Namter from PDR when I was 17 I believe. Emailed Namtar my demos, told him the information about the project. Right after I turned 18, I released Wendigo officially with the merch and the cds. Cant lie, I was super excited!

12.How long did it take to write the music for this release?How long would you say it usually takes to complete one song?

It took me under a year to write this whole album. I dont have as much time as I used to. And I think it takes me on average about a month to complete a song, including guitar solos and lyrics.

13.Besides the Witch Of The Night release are the previous releaseses still availible to purchase?Besides physical releases do you currently have any other merchandise for the readers to purchase if yes what is availible and where can the readers purchse it?

Yes, you can find some cds on PDR’s Bandcamp and you can get the merch on their store https://plaguedemonrecords.storenvy.com/?

14.What does black metal mean to you?

To me it means war blasting through your speakers!

15.When you need to take a break from working on new music or band business what do you like to do in your free time?

I like to be outside! Spokane has plenty of lakes to fish in, Lots of places to hike, and cool spots to camp! I also like to take long drives just to see whats out there!

16.Besides working in Hisemtuks Himi:N do you currently have any other solo projects or bands that you work with.

Not right now. I would be willing to do so though! There is so many good musicians out there, I can just imagine what could happen!

17.Thank you Nathen for taking the time to fill this interview out do you have any final comments for the readers?

Hope everyone enjoys the album! Thanks for the support! Hails /,,/                                                            Plague Demon Rec.                                                                                                                                      https://plaguedemonrecords.storenvy.com/                                                                                                   https://himutukshimin.bandcamp.com/album/witch-of-the-night                                                                https://www.facebook.com/Plaguedemonrecords.net/                                                                                  https://www.instagram.com/namtar.axarcuth/?hl=en                                                                                    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt4Jqad8hAHPHisR2aU4Q4A