Sunday, April 16, 2023

Niohoggr interview done by Namtar Posted on 4-16-23


This is Namtar Axarcuth of Plague Demon Records and Namtaru reporting from Philadelphia PA, today I'm interviewing my war brother and good friend MEMPHIST from the brutal black metal band from Puerto Rico Niohoggr

1.) What was the beginning of Niohoggr like for you and what are some of the concepts you base your music on?

-Greetings Namtar Axarcuth of Plague Demon Records and thanks for the brutal opportunity of been part of this unholy interview..

I began the concept of Niohoggr around the 2008.

Most strong part of the full concept I want it to spread was and is the self on people. Awake the warrior mature essence and indeed knowledge of occult ways. The ground of paganism; in my case the Norse ways within Niohoggr. Nether less the Ax upon the Christian religion is a strong concept in most songs. Antichristian concept in other words and more insight views of honor and individuality in each one.

After I began Niohoggr in Puerto Rico, my home of birth I moved to New Jersey and began a more official creation of the songs more solid. After the Formation of more materials I Came back to Puerto Rico. And that was when things became more vivid. I was interested in the more raw black metal but entwined with some progressive composition.

2.) What is the meaning behind the name Niohoggr and what does it mean to you?

Niohoggr; the dragon who is in the roots of Yggdrasil or the world tree in the Nordic sagas. Niohoggr is the one who is in charge of Nastrod or a part of Hel. The afterlife reign for dishonorable people, murderers, oath breakers without honor, assassins… a realm were the coward and piece of shit people goes to pay their cowarness. And in Nastrod, Niohoggr eate their souls again and again. Niohoggr is the reaper of worthless souls

.I feel real connected and identify with this deity for my ways of seeing things and what I believe. I respect Niohoggr and indeed his power. That entwined of power and self-honor I made it reflect in all the band works.

3. What are your future plans for the band? Do you think you will stay a one man band? Or will you search for session live members or possibly a full lineup?

The concept of be a One man Band it makes me whole in all ways. Even so that at the beginning I had members and yes, I did live shows with full lineups which I’m pleased of their fulllfileness,

I keep been One Man Band. My concepts and ideals with Niohoggr and my music are strict. I have patience but not enough to waste time with incompetent musicians. I like to be in set, no matter when or how soon I release my works or do. Same reason I created Somberwolf Legions; my underground Black metal label.

4.) What year did you start the band?

2008- 2009

5.) How do you feel about the scene from the time you started the band up to the present time, do you think it has improved or declined?

I respect the bands from my time and indeed the present bands. Even so I consider that the bands from my time and before had their unique impact and with no doubt shaped todays bands.

6.) Now that you left Puerto Rico and moved to the USA what kind of impact ,good or bad,has it had on your music if any, or even on your outlook on life?

A big and good outstanding impact and difference out of PR. Even so with the good talents of bands from PR. The environment and support, especially for Black Metal is poor and limited. In my opinion and experience leave PR to follow my underground black metal trajectory was the best option and path i did.

7.) Do you ever think about touring in the future?

To be honest I don’t have any plans of lives or touring. So far my next chapter will be to begin the path of the new album “Thee Awakening”

8.) How many releases do you have currently and do you care to name them?

I have accomplished several albums. The band began in the 2008. Then since the 2012 I began to record Niohoggr music personally without releasing anything officially.

-Thy Reckoning of thy Elders” - 2017

-Berserker - 2018

-Wrath of thy Seidmadr - 2020

-Heathen Arcana - 2022

-Ulvekriger - 2022

-In a dark misanthropic Devotion – 2023

9.) What are some of Niohoggr's main influences?

Niohoggr main influences were Dark Funeral, Gorgoroth and old Dimmuborgir.

10.) When should we expect the next new release by Niohoggr?

If everything keeps on the path it should be for May 2023.

11.) I know you're involved in quite a few projects do you wish to name them and what are the differences between each band?

Indeed my infernal brother. I create Niohoggr and in 2020 Amock. This second band I shaped with a more raw Black Metal sound, more offensive and extreme against Christianity. The concepts are Misanthropy, Antichristian and Satanism. And i have the unholy union of been part the Black metal band of "Angra" my wife called Angrbodas Curse.

12.) Do you have anything else you wish to say, anyone you want to thank, or just some words of wisdom for other bands or fans of your music?

I want to thanks Julian Lopez from Underground Florida for the unbreakable support to Niohoggr since the very own beguining of the band. Patrick Schroeder from Violent demise web-zine for been loyal and brutal with his mercy less and unholy reviews to Niohoggr. Jay Parker from Masters of Kaos for the unholy support to Niohoggr and Amock in spreading the bands globally.Hails brother demon,

I would like to say its been an honor Lord Memphist for me personally to release many of your sick albums on Plague Demon Records , you are a true Metal warrior and I'm proud to have you with us, Hails to you warbrotherand may the Ancients guide you on your path                                                         Niohoggr Contacts                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ttps://                                                                                                                                                 Amock  Contacts                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Plague Demon Rec.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Blasphemous Creations Of Hell Rec.