Sunday, January 15, 2023

Rigor Sardonicous--Praeparet Bellum cd{Memento Mori} Posted on 1-15-23


New York's Rigor Sardonicous return with their first full length in ten years.Praeparet Bellum is eight songs of crushing dreadful funeral death doom at it's most destructive.The vocals are low death metal growls that are full of emotion and anguish.The music is pure doom with slow pounding drums that are played with skill.The guitars are played in the same vein with extremly slow guitar passages that are full of dread and despair.Rigor Sardonicous have crafted a release full of despair and hopelessness if you are a fan of this band or genre Praeparet Bellum is a release you will want to check out when it is released.                                                                                                                                                         Rigor Sardonicous                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Memento  Mori