1.Hails Yaotzin please introduce yourself to the readers?
Hello all I am Yaotizin mastermind behind USBM band/project Blaspherion I started Blaspherion in 2001 as a solo project and over the years have released demos and a few EPS and Albums
Keeping the flame of black metal burning strong.
Most were self released cds and cdrs and tapes.
Pushed out into the underground via contacts through mail or the primitive internet.
2.When did you first discover black and metal in general?And what is it about this genre that draws you in and keeps you interested?
I first discovered metal with a dubbed tape of Black sabbath song Paranoid from a friend around the age of 10 the other side had a ugly kid Joe song I erased that side ha, after that I started saving money from mowing lawns and whatnot to buy tapes at a local music store that had a huge metal section.
I heard a metal compilation tape that had
Venom, Motorhead on it along with others
That got me into the grittier,dirter side of metal along with Slayer Show No Mercy.
At 11 i got an guitar and tried to learn/mimmick
My favorite bands than I got more into the
Underground metal and what's known as black metal
Mercyful fate, bathory, celtic frost, Beherit, also death metal as well. What draws me and keeps me in the genre of metal and black/death metal is
The music #1 it's always changing and evolving or stepping back in time in some cases but always with a twist that's somehow fresh and also the great imagery#2 you get some great art in metal that you can't find elsewhere be it black,death,thrash,traditional, etc metal.
3.Who were the first artists and bands that you listened to and who are some of the current bands that have caught your attention?
First artist..
Venom, black sabbath, celtic frost, kreator,Slayer, metallica, as for black metal
Bathory, the forementioned venom, Mayhem, Burzum, Dissection, Marduk, Beherit.
To name a few I listened to alot of metal across the spectrum of genre's since I started listening to metal
Alot of bands have caught my attention over the many years, currently Obsidian Shrine is one out of Kentucky USA very good black metal.
4.When did you first become interested in writing and playing music? What are the instruments that you curreunderground.
I became intrested in playing and writting music at 11 years old.
My main instrument is 6 string guitar.
Also I can play bass and drums.
I learned how to play both those Instruments due to a lack of like minded musicians early on.
5.Are you self taught or did you take some lessons when first starting out? Are their any instruments that you currently do not play but would like to learn one day?
I am a self taught musician majorly
I took some guitar lessons as a young adolescent
To learn the basics of tuning, guitar care etc.
Than ventured on my own to learn the tools of
Music and metal by listening to albums I enjoyed and working at learning songs by ear and trial and error on the guitar since back than tabs and videos were hard to come by or not available at all.
6..Yaotzin you also handle the vocals for the band when did you first become interested in screaming and growling?Do you do anything special to keep your throat and voice healthy?
When I started playing guitar I became intrested in doing vocals as well out of necessity. So I learned and taught myself to play and do vocals.
Blame it on celtic frost haha.
7.Who some of your all-time favorite musicians and vocalists over the years?
Cronos, Mantas, Tom G Warrior, Quarthon,
Nocturno occulto, Fenris, Lemmy, jimi Hendrix,
Jim Morrison, Danzig, John Christ, Ahkenaten,
Lord Imperial, Marcus Kolar, Jon Nodtveidt, Henke Forss, Legion, Wrest..I could go on alot more...
8.Yaotzin. you originally started Blaspherion in 2001 what gave you the idea to start this band? How did you choose Blaspherion as the name of the band and does it have a special meaning?
I was and am a big fan of Black metal
Especially the underground. When I started Blaspherion I was just starting another full on band as well called Blasphemous(they still exist to this day with only original member left being the vocalist) I played drums (not too well either haha).
While that was going on I wanted to get back to playing guitar and wanted to hear a more old school
Primitive sound than what Blasphemous was producing at the time.
So I started Blaspherion
Putting together a rough 3 song demo tape "Desecration of The Holy".
9.You stopped the band in 2015 why did you decide to stop the band? And re-started in 2018 how has it been going with you and the band over the last few years?
I stopped the project/band in 2015 due to lack of intrest and no musicians to work with.
I was tired of working alone and had released
A Demo in 2009 "Dark Legend" that went in a different direction than previous Releases
It was a D.I.Y release. After that I took a break
And really did nothing with Blaspherion.
In 2018 met some like minded Musicians who shared the same vision and hunger for black metal darkness in its true form. So we jammed for a few weeks, possibly a month and recorded a Rehersal Demo of one song "Misanthropic Catharsis"
Which was at the time posted on line limitedly.
After that release the line up at the moment broke up due to logistical issues.
Currently with the reissue of the "Path of Fire" demo collection in 2020 by Plague Demon Records
I took Blaspherion back to active status as a solo project at the time and started writting music again for Blaspherion. Currently Blaspherion has released the above mentioned Demo collection, A track on the USBM Tribute to Darkthrone, A new track to the Plague Demon Records label collection
And a new EP this year. In the works is music for a new Full length album entitled "Where The Devil's Dwell" and the title track has been released online
To show the world Blaspherion is still alive.
The new track "Where Devils Dwell" features a full line up for the recording the members who participated in "Misanthropic Catharsis" have returned Inaz Videl on Drums and Imperator mortum on vocals plus Misanthrope on bass and of course I Yaotizin on guitars.
The full length album is currently being finished up
And will be released by Plague Demon Records
10.Sworn To Darkness Eternal is the newest EP that was released through Plague Demon Rec. and Blasphemous Creations Of Hell when did you first come in contact with these two labels?
I came into contact with Plague Demon Records
In 2019 through an old friend who got me in contact
With Label main man Jim. We discussed the possibility of Blaspherion being released by the label for the "PATH OF FIRE" Demo collection
I got the tracks together and remastered best as could be. Jim had new art/layout commisioned
Jim than proceeded to have the Album released worldwide through his network of connections for distribution and online presence.
After that Blaspherion participated in different label releases. Before releasing The new EP and a 7 inch Record recently on Plague Demon Records.
Blasphemous Creations Of Hell is a partner label with Plague Demon Records.
11.How long did it take to write the music for the new release?
I worked on it mostly at night. The Ep took 2 months to complete. Once complete it sat for almost a year
Due to other issues outside of music, once I felt it was time I sent it into Plague Demon Records to be released. The record was original completed in 2021 Than shelved until 2022.
12.Where do you usually draw inspiration for the lyrics and what are some subjects written about on the new release?Which usually comes first the music or the lyrics?
The music comes first and influnces the lyrics direction off of the feel of the music mostly.
This EP the lyrics are aggressive and dark satanic messages. Harkening back to the early days of Blaspherion which has evil Satanic Blasphemous lyrics. I draw inspiration for lyrics from reading I have done over the years and just hatred for all abrahamic juedo religions and their sheep.
13.What does Black Metal mean to you?
Satanic metal music.
14.Yaotzin you live in Tennessee what is your opinion of the black and death metal scene in Tennessee over the years?
When I moved here in 2005 their was a healthy underground Metal scene with a few death metal bands and a few black metal bands. Mostly just metal bands. Over the years it's had its ups and downs with bands,venues,musicians like any scene.
Right now its starting to come back slowly
As for a few years it was quiet due to not Many bands forming or older bands hanging it up.
Its not a bad scene I guess having not been involved in it actively in a band since 2013. I've been to a few local shows lately and like I said it looks like the scene is slowly coming back with bands nor all death or black metal. But with metal and hardcore bands. To be honest outside of playing a show with a band I am in or going to a rare local show I do not Have much contact with the scene outside of people I know. I keep to myself mostly.
15.Who are your all-time favorite bands coming out of Tennessee and are their any new bands you feel the readers should check out soon?⁸
None at the moment
16.Besides working in Blaspherion i believe you work with quite a few other bands and solo projects could you please tell the readers a little about your current bands?
Besides Blaspherion, I play Guitar in Cranial impalement a brutal death metal band that released an EP In 2012 called "Worldwide Terrorism" and played a ton of shows from 2011 to 2013. And is now rehearsing and preparing with a New lineup to start playing live again.
Also I have played Guitar and done Vocals for the 2 man Studio project Moribundus Christus. Which had released A 4 song demo tape called "The Morbid Cult " in 2016 which featured Me and Misanthrope I on Guitars and vocals. Misanthrope drum programming. In 2019 the full length album "Hostile" was released via Plague Demon Records
Which featured Misanthrope on all vocals/drum programming and I on all guitars.
15.Thank you Yaotzin for taking the time to fill this interview out do you have any final words for the readers?
Check out all the bands and labels mentioned above
Support the true undergound.
All releases mentioned are available through Plague Demons Records. Band Contacts https://www.facebook.com/BlaspherionOfficial Plague Demon Records https://plaguedemonrecords.storenvy.com/ https://plaguedemonrecords.bandcamp.com/ https://www.facebook.com/Plaguedemonrecords.net https://www.instagram.com/namtar.axarcuth/?hl=en Blasphemous Creations Of Hell Records https://bchrecords.storenvy.com/ https://blasphemouscreationsofhellrecords1.bandcamp.com/music https://www.facebook.com/blasphemouscreationsofhellrecords https://www.instagram.com/b.c.h.records/