Saturday, October 19, 2019

Mortuary-- The Autophagous Reign cd{Xenokorp} done by Patrick posted on 10-19-19

Mortuary-- The Autophagous Reign cd{Xenokorp}
France's Mortuary will unleash their latest release in early November.The Autophagous Reign features fourteen tracks of aggressive thrashing death metal at it's best.The vocals are a mix of gruff old school death metal growls and some gruff screams are used in some of the songs.The guitars are played with a lot of speed and well written and performed guitars patterns.The guitarist adds some well played and written solo's and passages.The drums are done with a lot of skill and power mostly played with fast drum patterns but do slow to a more calm and mid paced drum pace.If you are a fan of extremely aggressive thrashing death metal then be sure to pick up a copy of The Autophagous Reign when it is released in November.
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