Tuesday, March 11, 2025

SEVI interview conducted by Catia"Caos" posted on 3-11-25


HAIL, it's an honor to introduce SEVI to our readers and to the world.

1- Could you tell us about your story, the path you've traced till nowadays? Who are Sevi?

Sevi- Well, it all started with the dream of two people -me and the bass player Rally. It wasn’t easy to draw our own path with original music and no serious background but we had the chance to work with amazing musicians during the years who believed in our dreams and step by step we wrote our story.

2- SEVI is the band's name and Svletanna's pseudonym. What's it like being the face of the band? How did it happen that you chose the same name for the band?

Sevi- Well, yes it was first just my stage name and then somehow naturally it became name of the band. I feel big responsibility being the “face” of the band. For me to be a lead singer is not just standing one step further on the poster. It makes me feel responsible for anything I say or write, or do, because it can affect the band’s reputation or fans. But I believe that the 4 of us are equal part of SEVI and we all are the band so whatever anyone of us makes or says it’s like it was said or done from the whole band.

3- What does SEVI stand for? And what message have you always wanted to transmit to the public with your art?

Sevi_ We stand for the inner strenght and the belief in the human power to change, to create and to fight for the truth. We are trying to be a personal example with our own lives for all the messages that we spread.

4- You're currently on tour. And you'll be playing in Portugal, and where else will you go on this tour? Any surprises for the fans?

Sevi- Yes, it’s our first time in Portugal and we are really excited. We will play in Estoril and Porto and before that we have a show in France.

Next steps are shows in Bulgaria, Croatia, Switzerland and some really interesting news are coming also but will be revield later on.

5- How has the tour been and what expectations do you have for future dates?

Sevi- Well, so far we were in Sweden and last November – Scotland, England and Belgium. We had a great time and met many new fans. We had the privilege to share stage with artists like Robin Mcauley, Dino Jelusick,Rick Altzi and his band, Hardline etc

6- In terms of albums, when is a new album coming out? Some inpsirations and ideias coming out to a new record?

Sevi – we are working on some new tracks but I guess we will start with some new singles first and the album maybe around 2026.

I would like to follow the mood of the last album “Genesis” because I think it was relly on the right direction for us.

7- When are you writing the new lyrics and producing the sound? What are your biggest musical influences as a band/artist and what inspires you to create new songs?

Sevi- Well, during the writing process I try to stay away from listening to other music because sometimes you can be too much influenced 😊 Usually what gives me inspiration are the things around me, life itself and my innder thoughts and dilemmas.

8- This year marks the 15th anniversary of the band's career, and in 2024 the song “World That Doesn't Fit” took the band to the top with a Grammy Nomination Considered in category Best Alternative Music Performance. What did you feel and how do you feel about such recognition?

Sevi- Well, that was a great honor especially for our anniversary. It gaves us a good feed back about where we are after all these years and a strong motivation to work harder.

9- In 15 years, you must have a lot of stories to tell. Is there one in particular that has made a mark on you? Funny or not, share it with us.

Sevi- wow they are so many and when it comes to an interview I can never think of one. For sure I will always remember the day that I opened my mail box and I had a message from Alice Cooper saying that he will play our track “Hate you” on his radio show.What an honor!

10- The album “Genesis” was released in 2023, and is considered to be a huge sonic boom. You're currently celebrating 15 years as a band and promoting the album. Congratulations anyway.

Any album is coming out? Anything new in the plans for the near future?

Sevi- Yes, as I mentioned we are slowly working on a fifth album but we will start with releasing couple of singles before that.

As for “Genesis” we are really happy with the feedback from fans and musical critics.

11- What message would you leave for future artists and our readers?

Sevi- Just be yourslef nomatter what you do and you can never go wrong.

Cátia Godinho “Caos”

Winter Torment