Monday, April 5, 2021

From The Abyss--Chaos Supremacy cd {VrykoBlast Productions} done on 4-5-21


From The Abyss is a crushing old school death metal band coming out of Cuba..Chaos Supremacy is the bands second full length release featuring ten songs of extremly tight and well performed death metal that is both intense and well written.The guitars are played at a high level of skill that range from insanely fast patterns to a more controlled mid paced range.The guitarist does write some memorable patterns even adding in some well played solo's throughout a few of the songs.The vocals are old school death metal growls that are done with a powerful vocal style.The band even uses some well sung clean vocal passages in a few of the songs that add a good balance to the music.                                                           From The Abyss plays old school death metal with some elements from the newer scene to give the band a unique and original style.If you are a fan of old school death metal that is delievered with power and aggression then be sure to pick up a copy of Chaos Supremacy when it is released.                                                                                Band Contacts                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Label Contacts