Sunday, April 18, 2021

Devoured--The Curse Of Sabda Palon cd,digital{VrykoBlast Prod./Sadist Rec.} done on 4-18-21

Devoured are a old school death metal band  coming out Indonesia with their second full length release.The Curse Of Sabda Palon features ten songs of well delievered and performed classic death metal. The music is a mix of mid paced heavier death metal parts and some faster patterns.The drums are performed with high energy fast paced structures.But the drummer does slow to a more mid paced drum range throughout a few of the songs.The guitars are played with intense and fast paced guitars that are done with skill and well executed.The guitarist does create some very memorable passages showcasing his skill and writing ability.The vocals are a mix of old school death metal growls and some deeper death growls are used in a few of the songs.Devoured have crafted a great death metal release that is both intense and furious in it's delievery.                                                                                            Band Contacts                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Label  Contacts