Thursday, August 1, 2024

Lord Of Emptiness interview conducted by Jay posted on 8-1-24


Hi this is Jay reporting from Bogota, Colombia…

Today, I’m lucky enough to be talking to Matt, from up and coming UK melodic BM/Gothic Metal outfit, Lord Of Emptiness….

Hi Matt, thanks for taking the time out your busy schedule to talk to our readers

1- When, where and why did you decide to form LOE

- “I have been a fan of Mortiis and Gwar since I was a teen.. one day in 2023 I decided to get some songs I had wrote back in the 90s out and try to do some music and using my influences such as Mortiis, Fields of the nephilim,Gwar and also Mayhem and Summoning I came up with an idea for a kind of gothic black metal horror band.”

2- You’ve just released a new single, a real cracker if I may say so… tell us about the debut album, Eternal Bloodlust, due later this year... Run us through the tracks, and tell our readers where they can buy a copy…- 

“it’s a mixed bad featuring some heavy gothic and some dark tunes.. I’ll let people discover more when they buy but my fave songs on the album are basically based around ceremonial magic.. mortality.. the fkd up world we live in and vampires…my favourite song being Vlad Tepes. I hope people will enjoy the diversity of the tracks I wont ruin it by revealing too much.

3- Tell us about the new material you’re currently recording…

~ I am in process of creating some more horror/gothic based songs .. with more of my different influences in the music. I want every album to have a unique feel to it. A lot more to come in the near future!

4- Tell us about the current line up- who plays what, who writes what..

~ I do the vocals: some guitar and the programming.. its all me although I have an old friend who is collaborating with me on a song which I have posted a snippet of called “When death calls”.. I will reveal more about this on next album.

5- What is the inspiration behind the lyrical content of your tracks?

~ “My love of horror : vampires and the occult!

6- Who writes the lyrics and music? What is the process behind creating a new track?

~ I use various tools but I write all the lyrics..90% were already written in the 90s when I was homeless and in a dark place. I was heavily into occultism as a youngster and its never left me.

7- Do you have plans to take LOE to the live stage? 

~ Not at present I am a very private guy but with a good enough band support and technical team maybe one day ..

8- Which bands have inspired you and why?

~ from a kid I loved Iron maiden and acdc then I got into Mortiis ,Gwar, Mayhem, Summoning and Caladan brood ..and my influences had taken effect by inspiring me to start writing lyrics by the time I was 15.

9- Tell us about the local scene in UK…recommend some new bands for our readers….

- The local metal scene is pretty diverse here a lot of bands people just don’t hear about but im gonna mention Spawn of psychosis from my home town Maidstone as they are the only local band I know and are a cool punk/metal band

10- Where would you be now if you hadn’t started LOE?

~ possibly drinking and in a police cell. Sorry short answer

11- What are your top five albums of all time?

~ Caladan Brood – Echoes of battle, Mortiis – the smell of rain, Iron Maiden- live after death,Fields of the nephilim- the nephilim and Enigma-mcmxc a.d

12- What advice would you give to any up and coming musicians looking to follow in your footsteps?

~ Go with it! Whatever inspires you .. you must act on it cos you’ll never know if you don’t do it .

13- Would you like to add anything for our readers?

 I am very flattered by the positivity I have received so far on facebook on youtube and am hoping to meet the expectation of my new fans with the new album Eternal Bloodlust. There will be more soon I promise! Keep safe in the shadows humans. I hope to greet you all again soon with some more sounds from the grave.. before I end up in one … Thanks for the support !!

Thanks man and hails!