Thursday, August 1, 2024

Interview with Declared Dead done on 8-1-24


1. Hello. Please introduce yourself to readers?

Hey, there. I'm Anders Milovovich - leader of the band so to say. I play guitar, do most of the vocals, and write the majority of the lyrics for Declared Dead.

2. Declared Dead was started in 2014. When did you first get the idea to start this band? What is the current line up of the band?

It was thought of sometime in 2014 (not sure when) but was fully developed as a band right at the beginning of June of 2014 (it had different members besides me). That line-up recorded the demo called "Subterranean Nightmare", then fizzled out. The current line-up consists of me, Dimitri Nagel III (second guitarist), Mikhel Van Zaal (drums/percussion/keyboards), and Deiter Cox (bass guitar).

3. Declared Dead seems to draw influence from a variety of metal and rock styles. Was this something you all wanted to do since the beginning or did it just evolve over time?

Yeah, some would say we draw influences from TOO MANY Metal/Rock styles, etc. Oh well - too bad. We'll continue to do what we want. ;-) No, I originally aimed to have Declared Dead an "Old School Death Metal" type of thing. But that's just plain boring. I'm not wired to fit into a niche (and neither are the other fellas in the band). So yeah - it just kind of developed that way because there's really no other way for us! Confinement is prison! :-)

4. Who would you say are the band's biggest influences over the years? How would you best describe the band's musical style?

There's so many, of course. I'll try and just randomly list some that come to mind: Morbid Angel, Hate Eternal, TestAmenT, Annihilator, Pestilence, Immolation, White Lion, Flotsam and Jetsam, Coroner, Kreator, Death, Dream Theater, Savatage, Deicide, Vicious Rumors, Metal Church, Overkill, Exodus, Incantation, Impaled Nazarene, Slayer... Plenty more. As for the musical style of Declared Dead: Kind of a mix-mash of Blackened Death-Thrash with Progressive Death 'n' Roll aspects. A little Avant-garde as well. I realized, yesterday, that we can kind of be "multidimensional" at times (which can throw people off if they tend to be linear in their way of thinking). I tend to see the music as a sonic painting of sorts (I can see visions in it and so on - it's not just meant to "rock" or cause "headbanging" only. It's meant to open up channels in the mind and "spirit bodies", too).

5. Necrodeist is the band's newest full length that was released through Sliptrick Rec. When did you first come in contact with this label?

I believe it was sometime in 2022 that we aligned with Sliptrick Records (but I'm amiss about the particular month/season, etc.).

6. How long did it take to write the music for the new release? How long would you say it usually takes to complete one song?

I believe most of "Necrodeist" was recorded at the beginning of 2023, then there was a hiatus for maybe six months? Then we got it finished in maybe one or two months after the six or so month hiatus. I know it was fully mixed and mastered in December of 2023 and was ready for release by the end of January but when working with a label it needs to be scheduled in, of course. So, it's tough to say with this one how long it actually took (since it was so "scattered" this time around). As for songs - how long to complete a song. It's been different throughout the years, I've noticed. Now, they seem to take a bit longer than when we first started. But it, also, depends on if you mean just to record a song or from the very first inklings of inspiration to completion? Plus, most of the time there's multiple songs being worked on at one time (each progressing at their own pace - some ahead of others, etc.). I'm not sure I can answer that question sufficiently. Also, it's said that "art is never truly done" or something along those lines. I hardly ever feel like a song is "nailed" completely for Declared Dead, anyway.

7. Where did the band draw influence for the lyrics on the new release? Which usually comes first the music or the lyrics?

I'd say there weren't really any direct influences involved for the lyrics this time around. They just stem from experience and what wanted to come out as expression. The music almost ALWAYS comes before lyrics (though, once in a while some lyrics will start sprouting and we have to find which song they will compliment, etc., when the time arrives).

8. If you had the opportunity to make a music video for any of the new songs which one would you like to see made into a music video?

"Ziggurat of Eschaton" would, probably, be pretty cool! :-)

9. Has the band started writing music for the next release or are you just taking time to promote Necrodeist?

We have two to three basic ideas for albums to follow "Necrodeist" but we've not begun writing or working on the songs. "Necrodeist" took quite a lot out of us - like squeezing the last drops out of grapes to make the wine, so to say. So yeah, we'll see how "Necrodeist" fairs for a little while - then, we'll get crackin' on the follow-up or more, etc. ;-)

10. When you need to take a break from working on new music or band business what do you enjoy doing in your free time?

Sometimes I'm not sure I "enjoy" anything. Or even have "free time". Haha. But I suppose - what do I do... Let's see. I try to spend quality time with my feline companions, I read (but mostly as "studies"), I've played video games here and there - only just restarted after 2-3 years of not playing, I'll watch some Youtube vids (but again, mostly as "research"), and I like to be "out in nature" sometimes (but haven't been lately, as much as I'd prefer). Oh, I've listened to music, too, of course but lately that has staved off for whatever reason. I've - also - gotten into meditating while working with crystals ("Whoa, what? :-D).

11. Besides Declared Dead do you currently work with any other bands or solo projects? If yes please tell the readers a little about them?

Nope. No other bands/projects other than Declared Dead. Not opposed - just isn't currently happening.

12. Thank you for taking the time to fill this interview out do you have any final comments for the readers?

Thanks for having me! I appreciate the interest and support! Buy a goddamn CD of "Necrodeist"!!! Thanks! :-)
Declared Dead                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Sliptrick Rec.