Saturday, July 27, 2024

BloodRust--Jackals Limited 7 Inch{Masters Of Kaos Prod.} Posted on 7-27-24


BloodRust  is a solo project that  originally  started out in the Falkland Islands but has relocated to the U.K. Jackals is a new two song 7 Inch that is very well played and executed old school death metal that is played with flawless musicianship.Jackals  starts off the release and starts off with war sounds and samples.It doesn't take long for the music to kick up to a fast pace with some impressive guitar and drum patterns.The guitars are played with some extremly well written passages adding in some impressive solo's.The vocals are raw death metal growls that  fit this style perfectly.Hunters Of The Night is the second and final song and starts off with some aggressive guitars that are played with skillful writing.The guitars are done with some memorable patterns and solo's are added throughout the song.The vocals are raw death metal growls that are done with power and intensity.This  is my first encounter with BloodRust but i  must say this is some impressive classic sounding death metal.            BloodRust                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Masters Of Kaos  Prod.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Mayhemic--Toba cd,Lp{Sepulchral Voice} Posted on 7-27-24


Mayhemic is a young band coming out of Chile  that plays aggressive and violent thrash metal at it's finest.Toba is the debut release featuring eight tracks of well  executed and performed thrash metal anthems.The guitars are played with skillful writing performing some fast paced and aggressive guitars.The guitarist does write some memorable passages even adding some well played solo's  throughout the songs.The drumming is done with some fast drum passages that are performed with power and skillful writing.The drummer does perform some well performed drum passages.The  vocals are grim raw screams that fit the bands style perfectly.Toba  is the debut release that should  please all fans of aggressive and violent thrash metal.                                                                                                Mayhemic                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Sepulchral Voice                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Carnivore Diprosopus--Rise Of The Insurrection cd{Comatose Music} Posted on 7-21-24


Colombia's masters of brutality are back with their fourth full length Rise Of The Insurrection.The new release contains nine tracks of guttural brutal death metal that will devestate the masses.The music is a mix of heavy mid paced guitars that are played with skillful writing.The guitars do speed up to a faster more aggressive pace for a nice mix of extreme styles.The drumming is done in the same vein with insanely fast paced drum patterns that are performed with some power.The drummer does slow to a heavier mid paced range within a few songs.The vocals are vicious brutal death metal growls and guttural vocal passages are also used,Rise Of The Insurrection is a  must  have for fans that love their death metal brutal and relentless.                                                                                                   Carnivore  Diprosopus                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Comatose  Music                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

Mourners Lament--A Grey Farewell cd{Personal Records} Posted on 7-21-24


Mourners Lament is a death,doom  band coming out of the Chiean scene.A Grey Farewell is the bands second full length featuring six songs of sorrowful and dreary death/doom metal.The guitars are played with some extremly well written and performed guitar passages.The guitarist does blend some extremly slow guitar patterns that almost feel like funeral doom but then adds some atmosphere into the songs to give each track a nice balance.The vocals are a mix of death metal growls that are powerful and some well clean sung passages that are equally as good.The band does use keyboards but they are used as another layer to the sorrowful sound and music.And doesnt ruin the music like some bands do.If you  are a fan of early Anathema,and My Dying Bride i  highly  recomend  checking out  Mourners Lament you will not be  disapointed.                                                                                                                        Mourners Lament                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Personal Records                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Void Witch--Horripilating Presence cd,Lp{Everlasting Spew Rec.} Posted on 7-18-24


Void Witch is a four man band  coming out of  Texas Horripilating  Presence is the debut  full length featuring six tracks of heavy and crushing death doom.The guitars are performed with some heavy guitar passages that are devestating in their delievery.The guitarist does write some faster more old school patterns that are equally just as good and give each song a nice balance.The drums are played with a mix of slower and heavier drum passages that will crush the listener.The drums do speed to a faster paced throughout a few of the songs.The vocals  are death metal growls that are done with powerful vocal passages.If you are a fan of death,doom metal that is crushing and intense at the same time  do not miss out on the crushing debut Horripilating  Presence.                                                           Void Witch                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Everlasting   Spew Rec.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Declared Dead--Necrodeist cd/digital{Sliptrick Rec.} Posted on 7-17-24


Declared  Dead are a band coming out of Belgium that plays a  good mixture of thrash death and blackend metal.Necrodeist is the bands  tenth full length featuring ten tracks of well executed and delievered metal that intense and well played.The guitars are played with a variety of styles from extreme fast thrashy guitar passages.The guitarist also adds some progressive style guitar passages within the music to give each song it's own identy.Their are some extremly well played and performed mid paced guitar parts that add a decent amount of solo's.The vocals are gruff thrashy screams and some black metal screams are used in a few of the songs. I haven't heard all of the Declared Dead releases so i can't compare this to past releases.But if you are a  fan of well written and played thrashy death blackend metal with some progressive influences then be sure to pick up a  copy of  Necrodeist today.                                                                                                                                                              Declared  Dead                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Sliptrick  Rec.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Interview with Cam P. Guitars and bass duties for Black Hole Deity done on 7-5-24


1.Hello Cameron how are things going with you this week?Please introduce yourself to the readers?

Hello everyone. Cam here, guitars and bass for Black Hole Deity.

2.When did you first discover death metal music and what is it about this genre and style that you love so much?

Hmmmm probably around 91-92…. I got my hands on a couple of death metal cassette complilations. I was 12 years old and had been listening to stuff like Metallica and thought “wow this is even heavier!” And of course I liked the dark aspect of it thematically

3.Who were the first bands that caught your attention?Who are some of the current bands that you have been listening to?

In the beginning, the obvious ones like Cannibal Corpse, Morbid Angel, Deicide etc….these days, I still listen to those bands! But of course a lot of newer stuff like Fractal Generator, Hideous Divinity, Replicant

4.Cam i know you have been playing in bands since the mid to late 90's when did you first become interested in writing and playing music?

Pretty much immediately! I thought to myself “I want to do this!”

5.I believe you handle the guitars and bass duties for Black Hole Deity when did you first start playing these instruments?Are you self taught or did you take lessons when first starting out?

I started on guitar in 92. There were a couple of my grandpas guitars laying around the house. I would just pick them up and mess around. In 93 my mom took me to lessons from this guy named Bob Valentine. He was really cool and taught me some basics but I only took lessons for a couple months.

6.Who would you say are your biggest influences and favorite guitarists and bassists?

Trey Azagthoth, Terrance Hobbs, Doug Cerrito, the Metallica and Slayer guys…the list is long! Lots of classic and modern shredders too

7.Besides the guitars and bass do you currently play any other instruments? If yes what other instruments do you play?

I mess around on drums but just for fun.

8.When did you first meet the other members of the band and was it long before you all started the band?How did you all choose Black Hole Deity as the name of the band and does it have a special meaning?

Chris and I had played together in our previous band Chaos Inception. Ive known him since the late 90s . I met Alec and Mike online around 2017. The term Black Hole Deity was in some lyrics I wrote in a previous band, so I kind of ripped myself off.

9.Profane Geometry is the debut full length that will be released in July how long did it take the band to write the music for the debut? How long does it usually tacomplete one song?

The album was written over a period of a few years. Since this was a new band, it was really just an idea in my head for the longest time so there was a long period for ideas to gestate. These days, Alec and I get together and write songs in a matter of hours. But true inspiration can strike, or not strike, at any time.

10.Where does the band draw inspiration for the lyrics and what are some subjects written about on the debut release?

Aliens, war with aliens, video games, space travel, metaphysical ideas, the occult, the general human condition, nuclear war.

11.Besides the upcoming Profane Geometry debut does the band have any other releases currently available for the readers to purchase?Besides physical releases does the band have any other merchandise currently availible if yes what is availible and where can the readers purchase it?

We have our previous EP “Lair of Xenolich” also on Everlasting Spew, as well as shirts and vinyl!! Everything can be found at the labels shop

12.Has Black Hole Deity played very many live shows over the years? If yes what have been some of the most memorable shows?Who are some bands you have shared the stage with?

We have not played live yet but hopefully soon!! Many things have to fall in place…bands members busy with jobs/travel etc. Not to mention we live across the US

13.Besides music on the band's facebook it says you all are influence by science fiction when did you become of fan of science fiction books and movies?

As long as I can remember! Always liked the weird, occult, and supernatural.

14.What are some of your all-time favorite sci-fi books?Do you have a favorite author that you like to read?

Hyperion, Rendezvous with Rama, Project Hail Mary, House of Leaves, Oceanworlds, The Forever War, Neuromancer, the list is endless.

15.What are some of your favorite sci movies and tv series?Do you have a favorite actor or actress that you enjoy watching?What about director?

Interstellar, 2001 Space Odyssey, Arrival, 12 Monkeys, Ad Astra, The Alien movies,

16.When you need to take a break from working on new music or band business what do you enjoy doing in your free time?

These days just usually reading or maybe video games. I go for a run around the block a few times a week just to keep the blood moving, go for a swim or hike when I get the chance as well.

17.Thank you Cameron for taking the time to fill this interview out do you have any final comments for the readers?

Thanks so much for the interview Patrick, and thanks to everyone who checked out the album! See you on the next album!                                                                                                                                         Black  Hole  Deity                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Everlasting  Spew  Rec.