Sunday, July 21, 2024

Carnivore Diprosopus--Rise Of The Insurrection cd{Comatose Music} Posted on 7-21-24


Colombia's masters of brutality are back with their fourth full length Rise Of The Insurrection.The new release contains nine tracks of guttural brutal death metal that will devestate the masses.The music is a mix of heavy mid paced guitars that are played with skillful writing.The guitars do speed up to a faster more aggressive pace for a nice mix of extreme styles.The drumming is done in the same vein with insanely fast paced drum patterns that are performed with some power.The drummer does slow to a heavier mid paced range within a few songs.The vocals are vicious brutal death metal growls and guttural vocal passages are also used,Rise Of The Insurrection is a  must  have for fans that love their death metal brutal and relentless.                                                                                                   Carnivore  Diprosopus                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Comatose  Music