Thursday, October 17, 2024

Interview  with Humanity's Plague Prod.  done on 10-17-24


1.Hello Rich please introduce yourself to the readers?

 I’m Rich and am the man behind Humanity’s Plague Prod. and in previous years, Lost Disciple Rec.

2.At what age did you first discover rock and roll and heavy metal music? Who were the first bands and artists that you heard?

 I was 7 and the band was, and to this day still is my favorite, KISS. From there, it just snowballed with Zeppelin, AC/DC, Hendrix, then Sabbath, Priest Maiden, Metallica, Slayer etc…it’s just a constant building upon the foundation that started in 1977.

3.What was it that drew you to the more extreme black and death metal music scenes? And who were the first bands and artists that you discovered? Who are some of the current bands that have caught your attention?

 The energy, power and honesty of when they first came out. I’m in an age bracket where I saw the beginnings of heavy metal, thrash, death metal, black metal etc, & I’m very fortunate for that…and as far as who I discovered see the answer above. You just run with those genres and listen to/go after all you can find and decide for yourself on what suits you. I’m still discovering bands from the 70’s and 80’s to this day…there is so much out there and that keeps it fresh so you’re not stuck listening got the same 5 bands or same 10 songs constantly. As far as current bands there’s so many I don’t know where to start without shameless self promotion 😉

4.Rich you own and operate the black metal label Humanity's Plague Prod. . when did you first get the idea to start a label? Are you satisfied with how things have gone with the label over the years?

 So this path started when I did Lost Disciple Rec. I wanted to be in the music industry but it’s a difficult one to break into…so instead of going somewhere I started one myself. Once I killed LDR, I still wanted to be doing something with music but not on an LDR scale and something more focused, specialized. Where LDR was all encompassing metal/hardcore genres, I wanted to focus on BM…and here we are. As far as where HPP is currently, it’s constantly growing and building at a pace I am comfortable with.

5.What do you feel is the easiest and hardest part about running a label?Do you have any friends or contacts who help you with the label?

 Not sure any of it is “easy”. A lot goes into it, especially being an army of one. The hardest for me is getting timely responses from other labels or artists. Some are great…others not so much. It is what it is I guess. Also getting people to check music out. You would think in the age of the internet where it’s all at your fingertips, people would just take a listen but for whatever reason, don’t. I mean it’s not like pre-internet when you had to buy an entire album only to find out you hated it. It’s FREE to check out at this point!! As far as help, anyone who deals with me on any level is a help weather it’s a purchase, a post share, a trade, a review, an interview…it all helps in getting the name out there & the artists’ some attention

6.How many hours a day would you say you work on label business? 

Varies from day to day…depends on the other factors in my life at that time. I like to think I have a good balance between all the facets in my life that still allows me to do this and whatever else with family and such…

7.What do you look for when signing and releasing a band?

 Sound…feel…presentation…honesty…probably the same as someone looking for a new band to listen to.

8.What are some of your current releases that you have released? Are there any upcoming releases the readers should watch out for soon?

 We recently did UNHOLY CALAMITY & PHAUNOS cds…we are working on THRENOMANCY & BORGTARN LPs with another 4 lps and 4 cds releases planned …we are rapidly approaching 60 releases which I am proud of…anyone reading this should look at our discography and check some of it out…guarantee you find something that aligns with your tastes…

9.What styles of metal do you carry in your distro?Do you do many trades or do you prefer to buy wholesale? 

We deal in all black metal…on the rare occasion a DM title or 2 but for the most part just BM. We try to trade as much as possible but there are times I do buy wholesale as that is sometimes the only option presented. Not all labels trade so it is what it is.

10.If there are any labels or distro's reading this what styles of metal besides black metal do you carry in your distro?Where can the labels get in touch with you about possible trades? 

If it’s BM, you can email with your list and we can see what we can do.

11.What does Black metal mean to you?

 Freedom in darkness…opposition to religion…strength… aspiring to learn & achieve as much as possible.

12.When you need to take a break from working on label business what do you enjoy doing in your free time? TV, reading, finding & listening to bands old & new, doing family things.

13.Did you read alot of fanzines when you first started out in the Underground Scene?If yes what were some of your favorite fanzines to read?

 Love zines…I really liked Thrashing Rage out of France years ago…Petrified by FMP…Ablaze in Germany…so many I can’t remember them all off the top of my head.

14.What do you feel made a good fanzine? Are there any current fan or web-zines that you try to keep up with?

 I think first and foremost the bands presented and then the questions asked…I like an interviewer asking thoughtful questions and not just the same generic ones every band gets…and layout is big too…I’m a sucker for a good appealing layout …I’m just discovering new zines out there…RAW WAR, ZINE DEATHMETAL,

15.Besides fanzines i know tape-trading was huge back in the 80's and 90's did you do any tape trading?What were some of your most prized releases that you were able to buy or trade for? 

The tape trading I did had to do with when I was in a band and it was basically all thrash. Bands from PR or Canada would get in touch. Didn’t do a whole lot with black or death at the time…we had metal radio broadcasts on college radio and would mostly listen to those and pick up artists based on what I heard.

16.Thank you Rich for taking the time to fill this interview out do you have any final comments for the readers? Thank you for this opportunity and thank you to those who have supported my vision of a label over the years …HPP does not exist with you…                                                                                  Humanity's Plague Productions                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Blasphemous interview posted on 10-16-24


1.Hello please introduce yourself to the readers?

I’m Ron (RK) Kaiser, Vocalist & founding member of Blasphemous

2.When did you first discover death and black metal?What is it about these genre's that drew you in and keeps your interest today?

Not long after I started my first year of High School back in 1990-91. I started with traditional Metal & some glam, then I got into Metallica & Slayer and got into heavier stuff. I would go to a record store called Rock & Roll Plus on South St and there would be a great selection of underground & imports that they wouldn’t have at the Tower Records across the street.

3.Who were the first bands that caught your attention? Who are some of the current bands that have caught your attention?

 Obituary, Deicide, Death, Sepultura, Morbid Angel got my ear early on. Currently, Undeath, Skeletal Remains, Torture Rack, Necrot, Obscene, they all got new albums that are in heavy rotation.

4. Blasphemous was started in 2003 what gave you the idea to start this band? Are you satisfied with how the band has progressed over the years?

 Myself and our original drummer were in a grind band that fell apart, so we decided to explore something different. It was very raw and primal sounding at first. For a long time we had what seemed to be a revolving lineup and it was tough to get real chemistry when you constantly have to change a member here or there. Once I reformed Blasphemous in 2016, I felt a new energy and once the lineup came together, it felt natural.

5.What is the current line of the band? Who would you say are Blasphemous's biggest influences and have they remained the same over the years?

 The current lineup has been consistent since 2016, with the exception of one change in 2020. Myself on vocals, Hal Microutsicos(Rhythm Guitar/Backing Vocals), Steve Shreve(Lead Guitar), Mark Vizza(Drums), and Dan Lee(Bass). As far as our influences, it’s been mostly consistent, Deicide, Death, Morbid Angel, Dissection, Mayhem, Angelcorpse.

6.To Lay Siege And Conquer is the bands fourth full length how long did it take the band to write the music for this release?Does the whole band take part in the writing process or does one member usually write everything?

 Ideas for this go as far back as 2019. 2020 was Covid and it kinda killed things temporarily. Typically, Hal or Steve will have an idea, trading riff ideas back and forth. And they’ll share the ideas with the rest of us. Hal will program drums on these riff ideas, and the rest of us learn it and play it out together.

7.Where does the band draw inspiration for the lyrics and what are some subjects written about on the new release? Which usually comes first the music or the lyrics?

 On this album, Hal has stepped up with the lyrics. Ordinarily, I’ve handled the majority of the lyrics and vocal patterns. But Hal wrote the lyrics for three songs and the themes vary, but overall darkness can be found in a lot of subjects we write about. The title track “To Lay Siege And Conquer” can be construed as an anti religious theme or even anti political too, I like to mix it up, you can’t have a full album be a half hour long Christ-bashing session.

8.Besides the upcoming To Lay Siege And Conquer are the bands previous releases still availible for the readers to purchase? Besides physical releases does the band have any other merchandise currently availible?If yes what is availible and where can the readers purchase it?

 The first two albums are out of print. But they are available on our Bandcamp page for digital download, and eventually will be on other streaming services. We got our other releases available there and also shirts too. Very soon we will have a beer available from Attic Brewing Co in Philadelphia called “Dead And Still”

9.Has Blasphemous gotten to play very many live shows over the years?What have been some of the bands most memorable shows over the years?Who are some of your favorite bands that you have gotten to share the stage with?

 We have, but over the last few years we haven’t played as often as we wanted. But one of my favorites was playing with Watain in Allentown back in 2008, it was the end of their tour, and this was when they still had the animal blood and carcasses. The stench stuck with you and the smell somehow lingered in my car afterwards.

10.Are there any tours or shows planned in support of To Lay Siege And Conquer? If yes where will the band be playing?

 Right now we are doing a show the week after the album comes out. It will be 11/2 in Philly with Antichrist Siege Machine and Entrail Asphyxiation. We may do some more weekend runs and mini tours in 2025, hopefully some fest appearances too.

11.Blasphemous comes out of Pennsylvania's black and death metal scene.What is your opinion of the scene over the years in Pennsylvania?

 The scene has definitely gotten better. There’s definitely more interest now than 10 years ago. And there’s plenty of promoters helping to push things.

12.Who are your all-time favorite bands coming out of Pennsylvania?Are there any new bands you could recomend to the readers?

 Around here, I got to also include South NJ and Delaware area too. All-time, definitely Goreaphobia, Polterchrist, Mortal Decay, Sapremia, Crucifier, Corpus Rottus. Currently: Cavern Womb, Scorched, Outer Heaven, Hematoid, and Distant Dominion(which has members of Mortal Decay, Polterchrist, ICE, Rumpelstiltskin Grinder, Krieg)

13.Besides working in Blasphemous do any of the members currently work with any other bands or solo projects? If yes please tell the readers a little about them?

 Hal has a project called Engulf, that has a few releases. He does all the vocals and guitars and drum programming. The rest of us dabble in projects too, but that’s the biggest one of note.

14.When you need to take a break from working on new music or band business what do you like to do in your free time? 

I’m big into brewing my own beer. It takes time, but it’s so much fun to do.

15.Thank you for taking the time to fill this interview out do you have any final comments for the readers? 

Thanks for taking time to check us out. Get the new album “To Lay Siege And Conquer” out 10/25 on Adirondack Black Mass!                                                                                                                               Blasphemous                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Adirondack Black Mass                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Blasphemous--To Lay Siege And Conquer cd{Adirondack Black Mass} Posted on 10-15-24


Philadelphia's Blasphemous return with their fourth  full length release.To Lay Siege And Conquer is a great release of creative and quality death metal.The guitars are performed with fast and aggressive passages that are performed with skillful writing.The guitarist does play some  well performed solo's and catchy patterns.The drumming is done with some fast paced drum patterns that are done with power and intensity.The vocals are raw,grim death metal growls and blackend raw screams both vocal styles fit the music perfectly.Their are some gruff death growls that are also used in a  few of the tracks.To Lay Siege And Conquer is a must have for those who love their death metal dark and heavy.                                                                                                                                                                          Blasphemous                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Adirondack Black Mass                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Sunday, October 13, 2024

KHAOS--Ensorcelled cd/digital{Masters Of Kaos Prod.} Posted on 10-13-24


KHAOS is a solo project coming out of Israel's black metal scene.Ensorcelled is the debut full length that features eight tracks of well composed and performed black metal that adds a nice mix of aggressive and some atmospheric passages,Stating off with a very well performed intro that is symphonic with some extremly well played music.It doesn't take long for the music to speed to a faster and more aggressive approach.The guitars are played with a nice mix of aggressive fast paced patterns but their are also some well performed mid paced passages entertwined into the music.The drums are done in the same vein with some faster more aggressive drums.But their are some very well performed mid paced drum passages.The vocals are raw black metal screams.and screeches are also used in a few of the songs.KHAOS performs a nice mix of fast paced black metal but also adds in some symphonic passages to give this band it's own unique style and sound                                                            KHAOS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Masters Of Kaos Prod.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Niohoggr--Unholy Redemption cd,digital{Masters Of Kaos Prod.} Posted on 10-13-24


Puerto Rico's solo project Niohoggr will unleash their tenth full length very soon through the mighty Masters Of Kaos Prod.Continuing with their brand of grim,raw and old school black metal the new songs are a great mix musicialy of eerie cold mid paced guitars and drum passages.The guitars are performed with some extremly well played mid paced passages that are played with skill.The guitars do speed to a faster more aggressive pace throughout a few of the songs to give each song it's own idenity.The drums are performed with some mid paced patterns that are done with power and experience.The drums do speed to a faster tempo.The vocals are grim raw black metal screams and some deeper growls and screams both vocal styles are done with intensity.Unholy Redemption is a masterpiece of cold,old school black metal that should please both fans of this  band and the genre in general so be sure to pick up a copy today.                                                                                                  
Masters Of Kaos Prod.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Fangs Of Erebus--Infectus cd,digital{Masters Of Kaos Prod.} Posted on 10-12-24


Thailand's Fangs Of Erebus  have unleashed their debut full length Infectus up on the underground scene.The debut contains nine tracks of savage and barbaric black and death metal that was showcased on the debut demo earlier this year.The  guitars are played with razor sharp fast and furious guitar passages.The guitarist does slow to a more slower pace in a few of the tracks to give the listener a chance to catch their breath.The drumming is  chaotic blast beats that deliever some brutal fast patterns.The drummer does add some well performed drum passages that are well written and performed.The vocals are demonic death metal growls and soe screams are used in a few songs.Fans of straight forward destructive black and death metal will love Fangs Of Erebus  so be sure to pick the debut up today.                                                                                                                                              
 Fangs  Of Erebus                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
 Masters Of Kaos   Prod.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Mortier--Chaos Venerator cd,digital{Masters Of Kaos Prod./Tikoes Kecemploeng Prod.} Posted on 10-12-14


Mortier is a bestial blackend death metal band that was started in 2023 and has released one EP.2023's Guide Genocide.Now the time has come to unleash the debut full length featuring eight tracks of brutal and savage black death.The guitars are done with some intense patterns that range from mid paced passages to a more fast paced guitar pace.The drums are played with a mix of mid paced heavy drums and some faster more chaotic drum passages.All the instruments are played with intense and aggressive passages.The vocals are gruff old school death metal growls that are sick and powerful in the delievery.Chaos Venerator is a great debut release and a must have for those who love brutal and uncomprimising blackend death metal.                                                          Masters Of Kaos Prod.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
Tikoes Kecemploeng Prod.