Sunday, February 16, 2025

Aldaaron--Arcane Mountain Cult cd{Paragon Rec.} posted on 2-16-25


Arcane Mountain Cult is the 2022 release from France's black metal band Aldaaron.Featuring five tracks that combine epic and brutal fast black metal passages to create a memorable release.Starting off with a short intro of somber music and blowing wind.The music starts off with fast paced guitars and grim black metal screams.The guitars range from extremly fast to a more melodic and slower mid paced range.Both fast and the more calm mid paced guitars are played with skillful writing.The drums are a mix of fast blasting drums and some slower mid paced drum patterns.The vocals are grim and raw black metal screeches and screams.Arcane Mountain Cult is a great release of quality black metal that combines both a nice mix of extreme and mid paced black metal for a quality release.                              Aldaaron                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Paragon Rec.