Thursday, October 17, 2024

Interview  with Humanity's Plague Prod.  done on 10-17-24


1.Hello Rich please introduce yourself to the readers?

 I’m Rich and am the man behind Humanity’s Plague Prod. and in previous years, Lost Disciple Rec.

2.At what age did you first discover rock and roll and heavy metal music? Who were the first bands and artists that you heard?

 I was 7 and the band was, and to this day still is my favorite, KISS. From there, it just snowballed with Zeppelin, AC/DC, Hendrix, then Sabbath, Priest Maiden, Metallica, Slayer etc…it’s just a constant building upon the foundation that started in 1977.

3.What was it that drew you to the more extreme black and death metal music scenes? And who were the first bands and artists that you discovered? Who are some of the current bands that have caught your attention?

 The energy, power and honesty of when they first came out. I’m in an age bracket where I saw the beginnings of heavy metal, thrash, death metal, black metal etc, & I’m very fortunate for that…and as far as who I discovered see the answer above. You just run with those genres and listen to/go after all you can find and decide for yourself on what suits you. I’m still discovering bands from the 70’s and 80’s to this day…there is so much out there and that keeps it fresh so you’re not stuck listening got the same 5 bands or same 10 songs constantly. As far as current bands there’s so many I don’t know where to start without shameless self promotion 😉

4.Rich you own and operate the black metal label Humanity's Plague Prod. . when did you first get the idea to start a label? Are you satisfied with how things have gone with the label over the years?

 So this path started when I did Lost Disciple Rec. I wanted to be in the music industry but it’s a difficult one to break into…so instead of going somewhere I started one myself. Once I killed LDR, I still wanted to be doing something with music but not on an LDR scale and something more focused, specialized. Where LDR was all encompassing metal/hardcore genres, I wanted to focus on BM…and here we are. As far as where HPP is currently, it’s constantly growing and building at a pace I am comfortable with.

5.What do you feel is the easiest and hardest part about running a label?Do you have any friends or contacts who help you with the label?

 Not sure any of it is “easy”. A lot goes into it, especially being an army of one. The hardest for me is getting timely responses from other labels or artists. Some are great…others not so much. It is what it is I guess. Also getting people to check music out. You would think in the age of the internet where it’s all at your fingertips, people would just take a listen but for whatever reason, don’t. I mean it’s not like pre-internet when you had to buy an entire album only to find out you hated it. It’s FREE to check out at this point!! As far as help, anyone who deals with me on any level is a help weather it’s a purchase, a post share, a trade, a review, an interview…it all helps in getting the name out there & the artists’ some attention

6.How many hours a day would you say you work on label business? 

Varies from day to day…depends on the other factors in my life at that time. I like to think I have a good balance between all the facets in my life that still allows me to do this and whatever else with family and such…

7.What do you look for when signing and releasing a band?

 Sound…feel…presentation…honesty…probably the same as someone looking for a new band to listen to.

8.What are some of your current releases that you have released? Are there any upcoming releases the readers should watch out for soon?

 We recently did UNHOLY CALAMITY & PHAUNOS cds…we are working on THRENOMANCY & BORGTARN LPs with another 4 lps and 4 cds releases planned …we are rapidly approaching 60 releases which I am proud of…anyone reading this should look at our discography and check some of it out…guarantee you find something that aligns with your tastes…

9.What styles of metal do you carry in your distro?Do you do many trades or do you prefer to buy wholesale? 

We deal in all black metal…on the rare occasion a DM title or 2 but for the most part just BM. We try to trade as much as possible but there are times I do buy wholesale as that is sometimes the only option presented. Not all labels trade so it is what it is.

10.If there are any labels or distro's reading this what styles of metal besides black metal do you carry in your distro?Where can the labels get in touch with you about possible trades? 

If it’s BM, you can email with your list and we can see what we can do.

11.What does Black metal mean to you?

 Freedom in darkness…opposition to religion…strength… aspiring to learn & achieve as much as possible.

12.When you need to take a break from working on label business what do you enjoy doing in your free time? TV, reading, finding & listening to bands old & new, doing family things.

13.Did you read alot of fanzines when you first started out in the Underground Scene?If yes what were some of your favorite fanzines to read?

 Love zines…I really liked Thrashing Rage out of France years ago…Petrified by FMP…Ablaze in Germany…so many I can’t remember them all off the top of my head.

14.What do you feel made a good fanzine? Are there any current fan or web-zines that you try to keep up with?

 I think first and foremost the bands presented and then the questions asked…I like an interviewer asking thoughtful questions and not just the same generic ones every band gets…and layout is big too…I’m a sucker for a good appealing layout …I’m just discovering new zines out there…RAW WAR, ZINE DEATHMETAL,

15.Besides fanzines i know tape-trading was huge back in the 80's and 90's did you do any tape trading?What were some of your most prized releases that you were able to buy or trade for? 

The tape trading I did had to do with when I was in a band and it was basically all thrash. Bands from PR or Canada would get in touch. Didn’t do a whole lot with black or death at the time…we had metal radio broadcasts on college radio and would mostly listen to those and pick up artists based on what I heard.

16.Thank you Rich for taking the time to fill this interview out do you have any final comments for the readers? Thank you for this opportunity and thank you to those who have supported my vision of a label over the years …HPP does not exist with you…                                                                                  Humanity's Plague Productions