Sunday, March 20, 2022

Interview with Isataii posted on 3-20-22


1.Hails please introduce yourselves to the readers?

Hail, This is Wvlfgar original member and songwriter for Isataii.

2.When did you first discover the black metal underground and what is it about this genre that keeps you interested over the years?

I discovered Black Metal back in 06 07,

As far as the interest in the genre for me it always represented freedom.

3.Who were the first bands that you two discovered and who are some of the current bands that have caught your attention?

Sargeist and Satanic Warmaster definitely. Definitely transcends when riffs come out.

Some bands that definitely have caught my attention would be Black Braid and Maleficent.

4.Isataii was formed last year what gave you the idea to start this band? And how did you choose Isataii for the name of the band?

I started this band because it was a way for me to relieve my depression and turn it into something positive.

Isataii means “Little Wolf" in the Comanche language. And my legal name is actually Little Wolf. So I wanted something that I could call mine and give it all of me.

5.I believe the band is a two man band right now would you like to add more members to make a full line-up to play live shows one day?

Unfortunately this band was created for the soul purpose of being a studio band. Releases only.

6.Invoking The Darkness is the bands latest full length release that is being released through Plague Demon and Blasphemous Creations Of Hell Rec. when did you first come in contact with these labels?

PDM and BCH are really great people dedicated to the scene. I met them when they released my other bands Ep “Kvlt of Odium".

7. Wvlfgar you handle writing the music for the band how long did it take you to write the music for this release? How long does it usually take to complete one song?

For IID I’d say took about a month to write. And for each song was a day or 2 to write.

8.Lord T you handled the vocals for this release when did you first become interested in singing? Do you do anything special to keep your throat and voice healthy?

" well i first became interested years ago about 2 or 3 years ago and I started to sing alot to songs by marduk and then I started to get more power and kick to my voice. My voice? Well I used a honey spray before doing vocals it helps keeps it powerful and strong but other than that. It's all just practice "

9.Looking on Metal Archives i see that the band has released quite a few releases over the past two years are all these releases still availible to purchase? Besides physical releases does the band have any other merchandise currently availible if yes what is availible and where can the readers purchase it?

As far as Merchandise goes we have tshirts available and you can purchase those by emailing us at or on our social media accounts.

10.What does Black Metal mean to you two and how do you feel it has changed over the years?

Black Metal is the underbelly of metal. Ots obscurity is here to entrance the darkest depths of your soul.

11.Are their any plans to release more music this year or will you take some time off to promote the releases that are out?

As far as this year goes we will be focusing on doing splits and promoting the full length.

12.When you need to take a break from working on new music or band business what do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

Basically nature based activities. Hiking mostly. Getting in touch with the natural side of life.

14.Thank you for taking the time to fill this interview out do you have any final comments for the readers?

Thank you for this opportunity and thank you to the fans for all the support we have gotten. We reign because of you!                                                                                                                                               Band  Contacts                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Blasphemous Creations Of Hell Rec.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Plague  Demon Rec.