Thursday, January 27, 2022

Bludgeoned--Summary Execution cd,cassette{Vile Tapes} done on 1-27-22


Bludgeoned are a three piece  coming out of Washington's brutal death metal scene.Summary Execution is the bands debut EP.featuring a intro and four tracks of brutal and uncomprimising death metal.The guitars are played with intense,fast paced guitar patterns and some well written passages.The guitarist does add some memorable passages that are played with skill and experience.The vocals are low,guttural growls and even some pig squeal vocals are used in a few of the songs.The drums range from hyperspeed fast blast beats and some heavier mid paced drum parts.Summary Execution is one of the best debut releases i have heard in quite sometime.If you are a fan of well delievered and executed sick and brutal death metal then do yourself a favor and pick up a copy of the debut release today.          Band  Contacts                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Label  Contacts