Sunday, November 7, 2021

Lightcrusher--Forever But Never Named cd{Born For Burning Prod.] done on 11-7-21


Lightcrusher are a metal band coming out of  Vermont who play a unique blend of black,death and doom metal genres.Forever But Never Named is the bands second full length featuring six songs of well composed music.Steward's Lamnet is the first song that is very well composed and written song with acoustic guitars and very well written and performed musicial piece.The vocals are a spoken word type of vocal passage that fits the music perfectly.Coursing Through The Black Veins Of Earth is a epic fifteen minute song that blends harsh black and death metal with slower melodic doom passages.The vocals mix in grim black metal screams and some very well sung clean vocal passages  both vocal styles fit perfectly into this song.Soldier's Lamenent is the third track and is a very dark soundscape with acoustic guitars and very well played instruments.The vocals are spoken word vocal passages.From Which Shadows Creep Like The Reaching Of Hands is a great song featuring fast guitars and drum patterns.Their are some slower more calmer passages mixed into the song to give it a nice variety and range.The vocals are a mix of black metal screams amd some clean vocal passages and some screams are used throughout the song.Forever's Lament is a somber and melodic track the music is sorrowful and somber in it's delievery and very well written and performed.Of A Dark And Terrible Thing Once Forgotten is a masterful song featuring aggressive and fast guitar patterns.The guitarist do slow to a heavier mid paced guitar structures and passages.The vocals are raw,gruff growls and some screams are used throughout the song.This is my first  encounter with Lightcrusher but if you are a fan of   well delievered and performed music that draws inspiration from various metal genres then be sure to check out  Forever But Never Named  today.                                                                                            Band Contacts                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Label  Contacts