Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Interview with Cannibal Accident done on 3-3-21


 1.Hello, please introduce yourselves to the readers?

Hell-o, This is Jondom, the bass player, backing vocalist and second songwriter from Turku based Finnish grindcore band Cannibal Accident. Besides me, band consists drummer AlekSilava, guitarist Kolkka and two vocalists Kurwa Doktor and Raisio.

2.When did you first discover death metal and grindcore and who were the first bands that caught your attention? Who are some of the current bands that you have been listening to?

My personal route to metal music goes with same, traditional way as I believe many of my age group were introduced to heavier stuff. It started as a size of a foam extinguisher by listening bands like Iron Maiden and Twisted Sister and goes all the way to this moment, when the list of the bands I like to ruin my ears is way too long to mention. First death metal band that blew my mind was Death somewhere in the mid 90’s and to be honest, grindcore as a genre is kind of a new thing for me. Of course I knew and listened big names like Napalm Death and Carcass before but I really have been getting familiar with grindcore since I joined Cannibal Accident in 2015 and because of that, I have found lots of really great bands like Nails, Wolfbrigade and Lock-Up as I have been getting deeper to the genre. I consider myself still as a death metal guy and I know this can be heard for example from the new Cannibal Accident songs that are written by me.

3.Cannibal Accident was started back in 2007 when did you all decide to start this band? How did you choose Cannibal Accident as the name for this band?

Band was formed in 2007 by Kolkka and first drummer Lenets as they were boozing in our hometown Turku and ended up in a local rock club. There were several bands playing grindcore and they noticed that those delicious mosh parts that for example Napalm Death and S.O.D. used to have were missing. Fueled by this ambition Cannibal Accident was founded. It started as a studio project where Kolkka and Lenets did all the music and vocal parts were done by bunch of guest vocalists from other bands and friends. Concept and music felt great and these two masterminds behind this controlled chaos started to form this project towards real band and on that road we are still.

Meaning and history behind the name Cannibal Accident is a secret and its security level can be compared to Area 51. We have always encouraged people to make their own conclusions from the name of the band and we are more than happy to hear what YOU think it means…

4.Who would you say are the bands biggest influences and have they remained the same over the years?

As individuals, we all have our own favorite bands and styles of music we like to listen but I think It’s not far-fetched to mention bands like Napalm Death and Carcass, who have influenced musically us as a band. I consider us quite open minded what goes to inspiration of making our music or writing lyrics and if human race continues doing what it does right now on this planet, we are not lacking themes for the new songs in the future either.

5.Nekrokluster is the bands newest full length how long did it take the band to write the music for the new release? Does the whole band take part in the writing process or does one member usually write everything?

First songs for “Nekrokluster” were made 2015 as I joined the band. I did the bass recordings on our previous album “Ritual Paprika” and didn’t participate to the song writing process of that album at all. When we started to talk about writing new material with Kolkka and Lenets, I had about 40 songs waiting in my drawer. This material was partly just my ideas and random riffs glued together and part from the full songs was rejected by the band because the style didn’t match what we were looking for. However, some of those songs, 10 to be exact, founded their way to the new, just released Cannibal Accident album through several rearranging processes. Rest of the songs were made by Kolkka, who has been mainly responsible for the song writing all the way from the beginning. Also our newest member of Cannibal Accident family, drummer AlekSilava showed that his riff pen is sharp as a butchers knife and contributed two songs for the “Nekrokluster”. Lyrics for the songs are mainly done by Kurwa Doktor and I think we are fortunate as we are capable of sharing the responsibility for the song writing to more than just one member of the band. In fact, The Wasteland can be the first media to publish our announcement that we have started already writing new material for the future Cannibal Accident releases.

6.Where can the readers purchase the Nekrokluster release and are the bands previous releases still available to purchase? Besides physical releases does the band have any other merchandise currently available for the readers to purchase? If yes what is available and where can the readers buy it?

New album can be purchased through our record label, Time To Kill-records and their webstores. They have also special bundle which contains t-shirt model that is exclusively available through them. We have also always done cooperation with Finnish Recordshop X where new and older albums and some other items are available world-wide through their webstore. Like many other bands nowadays, also we have our own Bandcamp-page, where you can find large selection of Cannibal Accident merchandise. We have also spread our tentacles to digital platforms so if I were you, I would check Spotify and other streaming services and you should find our material also from there. New album is available on CD, LP, cassette and digital format depending on what online webstore mentioned before fits your ordering habits. We are also relatively active in social media, so if you have some questions or wish to send us a message or your mothers underwear, links to the stores and how to reach us are listed below


Instagram: #cannibalaccident


Cannibal Accident Bandcamp:

Time to Kill-records:

Recordshop X:

7.What have been some of Cannibal Accident's most memorable shows over the years? Who are some bands you all have shared the stage with?

For me, our first east European tour with just ourselves was performance that can be compared to a running ten times around the globe. Do you know how cheap alcohol is there?!?! We did eight gigs in Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia so this was something that I’ll always remember (at least most parts of it…). Highlights in Finnish gigs are definitely tours with Gutalax and Spasm and few bigger summer festivals we have done past years.

8.Cannibal Accident comes out of Finland's grindcore metal scene what is your opinion of Finland's grindcore scene over the years?

I have done most of my gigs in death metal scene and I’ve always thought that death metal generally is music for marginal audiences. With grindcore, scene and audiences are even smaller but somehow more fanatic and committed to the cause. There are good grindcore bands like Rotten Sound, which is by far the biggest name coming from Finland but also worth of mentioning are bands like Feastem, Inferia, Cut To Fit and Galvanizer.

9.Who are your all-time favorite bands coming out of Finland and are there any new bands you feel the readers should check out soon?

Like I mentioned before, listing all the bands that I like would take so much space from this interview that your servers would shut down and even if I try to limit it to the Finnish bands, who would have time or interest to read it? Much more interesting would be reading binary code or watch trees grow. With Cannibal Accident, we have shared the stage with many bands from Finland and if I have to mention some bands that have somehow touched our intestines, I would recommend and say big cheers to Cumbeast, Blood Chalice, Inferia, Necropsy, Galvanizer, Bloodride, Aktrofektro, Mörbid Womit, Neurosurgery, Purtenance and Lubricant.

10.Besides working in Cannibal Accident do any of the members currently work with any other bands or solo projects? If yes please tell the readers a little about them?

Does the pope shit in the forest? Of course we have side projects! I am playing occasionally in live line-up with Finnish melodic death metal band Mors Principium Est and our drummer AlekSilava has his other band Aktrofektro. Me, Kolkka and AlekSilava have also this desert rock project called El Remont and we are just finishing our first release. We all have played many other bands and projects before and same time with Cannibal Accident.

11.When not working on new music or band business what do you like to do in your free time?

I’m a huge fan of fishing so if I’m not working in my day job, spending time with my family or playing/making music, you’ll probably find me from the boat sailing somewhere in the archipelago of Turku. I’m also getting into photo editing but this is something that I’m practicing little by little.

12.Besides music we are huge movie fans here do you enjoy watching movies? If yes do you have a favorite genre?

I used to watch movies a lot more before but since music takes big part of my free time nowadays, in my case this is something that has unfortunately decreased quite a bit. I was and still am fan of old classic horror/slasher movies and one the best forms of therapy is watching comedy that makes you laugh so much that you piss yourself.

13.What are some of your all-time favorite movies and what are some of the current movies that you have been watching?

This is almost as hard as the question about listing all-time favorite bands. This also depends lot of the mood but If I had gun pointing in my head and you would force me to choose all-time TOP-5 movies, I would probably choose from:

- American Psycho

- Clockwork Orange

- The Godfather trilogy

- Any Tarantino movie

- Evil Dead 1, 2 & Army Of Darkness

14.Who are your all-time favorite Actresses and Actors? Are there any directors that you enjoy watching the most?

I have always enjoyed the work of Jack Nicholson and Al Pacino. From directors, I would choose Quentin Tarantino as my favorite.

15.Thank you for taking the time to fill this interview out do you have any final comments for the readers?

We are globally living in a situation where Coronavirus if affecting our everyday life and those who are making their living from performing, are the ones who are taking the biggest hits. Because of this, now is the perfect time to show your support towards these artists regardless what their artform might be. Buy their albums, movies, merchandise, artwork or anything you see fit or what suites to you budget. Stay safe and hungry, Cheers!                                                                                                                       Band Contacts                                                                                                                                              e-mail: