Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Interview with He Who Binds Himself posted on 10-28-20


1. Hello please introduce yourselves to the readers?

He Who Binds Himself is:Nathan Gearhart – Vocals (most noted for his time in Vehemence) Steven M. Jasinski – Guitar (previously of Autumn’s End (founding member Chris Cannella now plays in Deicide) and Eroticide) Gabe Oso – Guitar (previous Inducing Terror)Mark Kozuback - Bass (most noted for his time in Vehemence) Drummer position recently vacated (Previously held by Andrew Schroeder most noted for his time in Vehemence), however an announcement w/ the new drummer will out be out shortly. See full bios/etc at our website (designed by Steve)

2. When did you first discover metal and who were the first bands you listened to? Who are some of the current bands that have caught your attention?

Gabe response -- I discovered metal in my Jr. High Years. Metallica was the 1st band I heard then soon followed Death. I’m constantly looking for new bands to listen to so what I'm currently listening to always changes. If I had to name a few bands I’d say Knives Out (razor to wrist records), Humanity’s Last Breath, and Bear Ghost.

Mark response -- Well if you mean “real metal” lol it was in 1995 or 96. I was 15 to 16ish Deicide was the first band I listened to. It was “Once Upon the Cross” and it was the album cover that intrigued me and made me want to listen to it. After that a co-worker introduced me to Death and I was beyond impressed with their musicianship. It was “Individual Thought Patterns” and it was like nothing I ever heard before. Then it was Suffocation. In my opinion the best Death Metal band of all time and “Pierced From Within” is the blueprint. Obviously many more bands and musicians have influenced me but those 3 were the foundation to my metal pyramid.

Steve response – Growing up as a kid my mother used to play a lot of Sonny and Cher and Elvis and the Monkees.. Later my brother exposed me to things like Ozzy (Black Sabbath) and Prince. Later, my music taste grew into things like DRI and Sick Of It All… Metallica… Slayer… Sepulture… but once I heard the first Deicide Deicide album, damn, all I listened to for a while…

3. He Who Binds Himself was formed in 2010 when did you first get the idea to start this band? Are you satisfied with how everything has progressed over the years?

Nathan response -- When HWBH started it was a means to depart from Vehemence and to stay home in Arizona and play Death Metal with friends. The goal was friendship first and music throughout. That goal has been achieved repeatedly throughout the years. The true teamwork that goes into a band is a very positive experience which continues to be enriching.

Steve response – The band was actually created by Nathan in 2004. Original members being Nathan and Gabe really. I came in around 2008. We changed the name for a while to “Nefaricede” but ended up going back to HWBH in 2010. A lot of this material has been floating around for a lot of that time. The band, as Nathan mentioned, was originally a side project. A means for a few friends to get together,write some tunes, just hang out… Over time as the other various project changed or moved in different directions, HWBH became the focal point and it finally has everyone’s full attention.                 

4. What is the current line-up of the band? Who would you say are the bands biggest influences and have they remained the same over the years?

(See above for members/line-up)

Mark response -- The influences of the group are really varied from member to member but we were all influenced by the first wave of death metal bands in the early 90s. Cannibal Corpse, Deicide, Death, Morbid Angel, Suffocation and etc... These influences still remain but many more have been added over the past 20 years. It’s hard as a musician and artist to not be inspired by another great piece of work. It only wants to make you better. I can only speak for myself as to who influenced me besides the early death metal genre. The list is vast and diverse but most definitely Primus, Rage Against The Machine, Red Hot Chili Peppers, 311, and Iron Maiden. This is because of their use of the bass guitar as more of a lead instrument and not a backup or an accompanying instrument to guitar. I wanted to do the same within a death metal project and that is He Who Binds Himself.

5. The bands self-titled debut full-length was released earlier this year how long did it take the band to write the music for the debut? Does the whole band take part in the writing process or does one member usually write everything?

Steve response – A lot of this material has been floating around for a few years now. The only song that survived the purge from the original 2004 set list is called “These Eyes See Everything”… everything other than that was written starting around 2008... A couple others from 2016. The writing process usually begins with Gabe or I have a song idea or a handful of riffs. Sometimes it comes to the table as a completed song, sometimes we’ll just bring a few riffs in as an idea or a start and we’ll work it out from there… Lots of recordings, re-recordings, demos, sending things to each other in email or the cloud etc… Since the COVID break out, we’ve all been able to focus a bit on writing and are already ½ through a possible next album…

6. Who usually handles writing the lyrics for the music and what are some topics written about on the debut? Which usually comes first the music or the lyrics?

Nathan response -- Nathan Gearhart all lyrics for all songs, with one exception being the song "Alone and Suffering" which were written by Steven Jasinski. Overall the lyrics play on fear and dark emotions by reflecting the darker aspects of life. Broken families, murder, drugs, infanticide, religion, and just plain old anger all make their way into the albums references. For this album the music was written prior to the lyrics.

7. Besides the debut full-length does the band have any other releases still available for the readers to purchase? Besides physical releases does the band have any other merchandise currently available for the readers to purchase if yes what is available and where can readers purchase it?

Steve response – There’s a few demo recordings of a couple of these songs floating around the internet… bout otherwise this is our first real release with distribution support from Metal Devastation Records. We have CDs, T-shirts, Patches, some metal pins… most all that information can be found on our website or We hope to have our own online store go live soon.

8. Has He Who Binds Himself had the opportunity to play live over the years if yes what have been some of the bands most memorable shows? Who are some bands you have had the opportunity to share the stage with?

Nathan response -- Live shows are best when they feel like a true gathering of friends. My favorite memories will always be of playing with each of the friends I get the fortune to occupy the stage with. Playing live music is extremely cathartic for me, and I appreciate each band that we had the honor to share the stage with (too many to list...)

Gabe response -- We have been a band for over 10 years now. We have played many live shows. Testament was a memorable show, the shows thrown by Metal Devastation (Gerardo) are very memorable as well. Back in the day Unique Leader Records used to do tours with a bunch of extreme talent, we would get to play on those sometimes as well. A few bands are Testament, Dying Fetus, Origin, Deeds of Flesh, Brain Drill, Cryptopsy, Flattbush, Monstrosity etc etc...

9. What does Underground Metal mean to you?

Nathan response -- Underground metal is consistently evolving and shifting as music tastes mature with the constant addition of more and more musical groups into a community made up of participants which feeds upon and sustains itself. Ever present and ever changing.

Gabe response -- Underground Metal, well with social media now I’m not sure if there really is an underground metal anymore.

10. He Who Binds Himself comes out of Arizona's death metal scene what are your thoughts of Arizona's metal scene over the years?

Nathan response -- Arizona metal scene is diverse and full of talent! There are so many killer bands and to name any would be unfair to those unnamed. I must say that I would have to call out Nuctemeron as my personal biggest Arizona UGDM influence. I believe the constant feeling of support and respect we share with our fellow musicians is outstanding and deeply appreciated!

Gabe response -- AZ’s metal scene has talented bands with talented musicians. Unfortunately over the years people have changed how they attend concerts I feel. People don’t stick around for the whole show anymore and there is that pay to play monster that everyone loves. Maybe after this Pandemic, things will change and people will enjoy staying for whole shows again.

11. Who are your all-time favorite bands coming out of Arizona and are thier any new bands you feel the readers should check out soon?

Nathan response (same as 10) -- Arizona metal scene is diverse and full of talent! There are so many killer bands and to name any would be unfair to those unnamed. I must say that I would have to call out Nuctemeron as my personal biggest Arizona UGDM influence. I believe the constant feeling of support and respect we share with our fellow musicians is outstanding and deeply appreciated!

Gabe response -- Locally I like Pelvic Meatloaf, Bear Ghost, and really a lot of my friend’s solo projects. Sick eyed, William Chestburgs songs of fortune, fun and wacky shit. If I was going to tell someone to check out something I’d say check out everything, look for new bands, and always keep your mind open to new stuff.

12. Besides working in He Who Binds Himself do any of the members currently work with any other bands or solo-projects? If yes please tell the readers a little about them?

Steve response – Most notably, Nathan, Mark and Andy were all previously in Vehemence.

13. When you need to take a break from working on new music or band business what do you like to do in your free time?

Nathan response -- Free time is family time. Usually I am spending time with my wife and children (I have 5 sons, so yeah pretty busy with that...). Other than that my time goes to work and music.

Gabe response -- I like to do things with my family, watch wrestling (it’s still real to me damnit), video games, and my new hobby stage lighting also include MMORPG

Steve response – Video games are fun… I like to code websites on the side, I dunno why but that shit relaxes me, lolol.. Watch movies with my kids n’ stuff…

14. Thank you for taking the time to fill this interview out do you have any final comments for the readers?

Nathan response -- Deeply appreciate the chance to connect with you and I hope you get a chance to listen to the He Who Binds Himself album!! We are so proud of the result and are hopeful it can capture your attention! Cheers and stay brutal!

Gabe response -- Be kind to one another and Party on Dudes!!!                                                                  Band Contacts