Friday, December 13, 2019

Interview with Daemoniac done by Patrick posted on 12-13-19

Interview with Daemoniac done by Patrick

1.Hello please introduce yourselves to the readers?
Ciao Patrick,sono Matt batterista dei Daemoniac,e fammi dire che è un piacere essere qui per presentare il nostro nuovo disco Dwellers of Apocalypse,in uscita il 19 di dicembre su Xtreemmusic.

Hey Patrick, I’m Matt, the drummer of Daemoniac, it’s a pleasure to be here to introduce our new Album, Dwellers of Apocalypse, which will be available through Xtreem Music on the 19th of December.

2.When did you first discover death metal?Who were the first bands you listened to and who are some current bands that have caught your attention?
Come tanti ho scoperto il death metal quasi per caso,a quel tempo senza internet e youtube era piu’ difficile arrivare a certe sonorita’.
Ho letto qualcosa su questa band americana chiamata Obituary e corsi a cercare i loro dischi,quando partirono le prime note di The end complete mi resi conto che questo era il genere che avrei voluto fare.
Poi dopo ho scoperto il sound swedish di Dismember,Grave,Necrophobic ed è stato a more al primo ascolto.
Devo ammettere che oggi ho un approcio diverso con questo genere,devo dirti che sono curioso di sentire il nuovo album dei Benediction con Dave ingram alla voce.

Like many I discovered Death Metal by chance, at the time without internet, youtube, etc, it was more difficult to discover certain music.
I remember having read something about an American band called Obituary at the time and I ran off to try to pickup one of their albums. After hearing the first few notes of The End Complete, I knew it was a style of music I’d want to play.
After this I discovered the Swedish scene with Dismember, Grave Necrophobic and I fell in love right away.
To be honest, today I have a different approach to this music, but I’m very curious to hear Benedictions upcoming album, with Dave Ingram back on vocals.

3.Did you read a lot of fanzines when you first got into the underground metal scene?What were your some of your favorite fanzines that you read?What do you feel made a good fanzine?
In passato ne leggevo molte,e per un breve periodo da ragazzo ho anche collaborato con alcune di queste.
Mi piaceva molto Voices from the darkside,oppure Headfucker,e fammi dire che era un bel modo di promuovere la banda,la scena era in continuo fermento e c’era voglia di lavorare sodo per far crescere la scena.
Mi piaceva perché poi molte non si chiudevano in un genere,ma ci potevi trovare tutto,e poi te sceglievi cosa preferivi,oggi per i miei gusti ci sono troppe etichette

Back in the day I read a lot of them, during a brief period as a kid I also collaborated with some of them.
I really liked Voices from the Darkside and Headfucker, it was a great way to promote bands, the scene was in constant movement and there was a lot of people working hard to make sure it grew. I also liked the fact that they weren’t too locked down on just one genre or even sub-genre, they covered everything and it was up to you to pick what you liked, In my opinion there are just too many labels today.

4.Are their any current fanzines or web-zines that you try to keep up with?
Oggi leggo soprattutto quelle italiane come Loudandprideo Metalitalia,diciamo che oggi è cosi’ faciel reperire notizie ovunque che magari le fanzine fanno molta piu’ fatica ad emergere.

Today I mainly read Italian sites like Loud and Proud or Metalitalia, let’s just say that today it’s so easy to get news and information that perhaps it’s hard for fanzines to get any real exposure.

5.Daemoniac was started back in 2013 when did you decide to start this band? What is the current line up of the band?
La band è stata formata da Max e poi con me quando siamo usciti dagli Horrid,volevamo continuare a fare quello che ci piace,questo death metal old style con quel soun svedese marcio e cosi’ sono nati i Daemoniac.
Max è sempre stato nella band,io purtroppo per motivi personali ho saltato un disco ma adesso eccomi qui.
La line-up adesso è completa con un nuovo chitarrista e anche un bassista,ma l’annuncio lo faremo a breve.

The band was formed by Max and me after we left Horrid.
We wanted to continue to do what we love, old school death metal with that raw Swedish sound, with that in mind Daemoniac was created.
Max has remained in the band since day one, I unfortunately sat out on the first album due to personal reasons, but now I’m back again.
The current line-up is finally complete, with a new guitarist and Bassist, which we’ll announce shortly.

6.Dwellers Of The Apocalypse is the bands second full length that will be released in December 2019 how long did it take the band to write the music for the new release?How long does it usually take to complete one song?
Devo ammettere che per me e Max lavorare insieme è estremamente facile.Ci conosciamo da sempre,abbiamo fatto 4 dischi con gli Horrid,per cui comporre è un processo molto naturale.Devi pensare che Dwellers è stato composto solo da noi due,perché la line-up si è completata solo dopo le registrazioni.
Abbiamo gia’ altri pezzi pronti proprio perché,come ti dicevo,il nostro modo di lavorare nasce dalla profonda amicizia che ci lega e dall’amare lo stesso sound e lo stesso modo di sentire e vivere questo genere.

To be honest, I find it very easy to work together with Max, we know each other since what feels like forever. We’ve made 4 albums together in Horrid, with all that experience the creative process feels completely natural. Keep in mind that the new Album was composed by just the two of us, as the line-up was completed after recording.We already have new material ready, because as I mentioned, things come easy when you have a profound friendship, the love for the same sound and the same view of this style of music.

7.Besides the upcoming Dwellers Of The Apocalypse does the band have any other releases or merchandise currently available?If yes what is available and where can the readers purchase it?
Ovviamente si,abbiamo il nostro ep Lord of immolation,il primo full-lenght Spawn of the fallen oltre alle t-shirt,poi con l’uscita del nuovo disco ci sranno parecchie novita’ in fatto di merchindising.
Tutto questo materiale lo puoi acquistare tramite bandcamp o direttamente dal sito della Xtremmmusic

Our EP, Lord of Immolation and our first album, Spawn of the fallen along with some t-shirts are still available. If you’re interested, you can pick it up at our bandcamp site or straight from Xtreem Music. There will be a lot of upcoming news in terms of merchandising, so stay tuned.

8.Does Daemoniac play live very often or do you prefer to work in the studio?What have been some of the bands most memorable shows so far?
La parte live è quella che ci piace di piu’,nell’utlimo perido causa una line-up non completa ci siamo dedicati allo studio e alla creazione di pezzi,ma il palco ci è mancato e non vediamo l’ora,adesso che siamo al completo,di tornare live e di promuovere la nostra musica su piu’ palchi possibili.
Un ricordo molto vivo è stato di sciuro il mini-tour che abbiamo fatto tra Francia e Italia,davvero dei grandi show,ma poi è dfficile sceglierne uno,perché noi mettamo la stessa energia su ogni palco in cui suoniamo.

Playing live is probably what we like best, but due to the line-up we’ve dedicated ourselves to composing in this last period. Now that we’ve got a full line-up again, we can’t wait to get back up on stage!
A fond memory I have is the mini-tour that we did in Italy and France. Great shows, it’s difficult to pick a favourite though, we always try to give the same amount of energy every time we get on stage.

9.Are their any shows or tours planned in support of the new release?If yes where will the band be playing and who are some bands you will share the stage with?
Stiamo programmando una sacco di date per promuovere il nostro disco,alcune sono gia’ confermate altre le stiamo ancora valutando,appena sara’ tutto definito informeremo chiunque voglia vederci dal vivo su ogni data,per questo potete gaurdare la nostra pagina FB con tutte le news sui live,e credimi nei prossimi mesi ce ne saranno parecchie.

We’re planning a lot of shows to promote the new album, some already confirmed some we’re still considering. As soon as we’ve worked out all the details, we’ll start announcing the upcoming shows to anyone who would like to come see us. Just keep an eye on our Facebook to keep up to date because over the next few months there’ll be a lot of news!

10.What does Underground Metal mean to you?
Sai quello che mi è sempre piaciuto del termine underground metal è quello di non scendere a compromessi,di fare sattamente quello che ti piace fare,di avere una totale liberta’ artistica da farti stare bene,di non avere bisogno di soldi,di fama,ma solo di suonare la musica in cui credi

I think what I’ve always connected to the term underground metal is to not accept any compromises, to always do exactly what you had in mind with a total artistic freedom.
To never do anything for money nor fame, just for the satisfaction of playing the music you believe in.

11.Daemoniac comes out of Italy's death metal scene what are your thoughts of the Italian metal scene over the years?
L’Italia è un paese che ha sfornato in passato e ancora oggi parecchie band death metal di grande valore,in passato Horrid,Natron,Undertakers,Gory Blister e tantissime altre,e oggi ce ne sono sempre di nuove,alcune come Hodeou Divinity o Hour of Penance stanno facendo davvero grandi cose.
Devo ammettere che mi è difficile nominarle tutte perché sono veramante tante,siamo un paese in forte crescita da questo punto di vista.

Italy is a country which has produced and is still producing a lot of quality death metal bands.
Some older acts like Horrid, Natron, Undertakers, Gory Blister and many more. More recently we’ve seen bands like Hodeou Divinity and Hour of Penance just to mention a few, it would be impossible to mention all of them as there are a lot and the scene is in constant growth.

12.Who are your all-time favorite bands coming out of Italy and are their any new bands you could recommend to the readers?
Guarda come consiglio oggi a me piacciono molto i Coffin Birth in cui all’interno ci sono componenti di altre grandissime band italiane,quella che a me è sempre piaciuta,e a quanto ne so,si sono riofrmati sono gli Undertakers,dal vivo poi erano e credo siano ancora devastanti.

A band I could really recommend is Coffin Birth, which has a lot of members of other great Italian bands. Another one which I’ve always liked is Undertakers, which as far as I know have recently reunited, they are devastating live.

13.When you need to take a break from working on new music or band business what do you like to do in your free time?
Mi piace suonare il basso,non ci crederai ma quando devo liberare la mente da tutto mi metto a suonare il basso,sono partito da zero,sto studiando come un maestro,ed essendo tutto nuovo non ho competizione o obiettivi da raggiungere,ma solo la felicita’ di imparare delle cose nuove ogni giorno

I really like playing the bass, as weird as it may sound it really helps me completely unwind.
I’ve completely started from scratch and I’m currently studying with a teacher. Being totally new to playing bass I don’t feel any pressure or competition, I’m just happy to play and learn new things every day.

14.Thank you for taking the time to fill this interview out do you have any final comments for the readers?
Grazie a te Patrick per la possibilita’ di far conoscere i Daemoniac a piu persone,e date un ascolto a Dwellers of Apocalypse,non ve ne pentirete

Thank you, Patrick, for giving us this opportunity to let more people know about Daemoniac and if you get a chance have a listen to Dwellers of Apocalypse, you won’t regret it!
Band Contacts
Label Contacts