Monday, May 27, 2024

Black Hole Deity--Profane Geometry cd,Lp,cassette{Everlasting Spew Rec.} Posted on 5-27-24


Black Hole Deity  is a death metal band that  comes out of Alabama and this is a review of their debut full length.Profane Geometry contains a intro and nine songs of complex yet brutal death metal that is inspired by sci fi themes.Ex Nihilo is the intro that starts the release off.The band plays a nice mix of brutal and chaotic death metal but also adds some slower more mid paced passages into the music.With some extremly well written and performed guitar passages that are a mix of blazing fast guitars.The guitarist does write some memorable and catchy mid paced patterns.The guitarist does perform some well written and played solo's throughout the songs.The drumming is performed with some extremly fast blast beats that are done  with a skillful writing ability.The drummer does create some well played and delievered drum passages with a mix of crazed fast drums but also adds some slower almost melodic drum passages.Both the fast and mid paced drums are performed flawless.The vocals are done with powerful death metal growls that done to perfection.The vocalist does add some gruff growls and screams are used in a few of the songs.Profane Geometry  is a masterpiece of old school death metal that does add some elements from the newer scene.Fans of well delievered and played death metal need to  pick a copy of Profane Geometry when it is released in early July.                                                         Black Hole Deity                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Everlasting Spew Rec.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Monday, May 20, 2024

Inhuman Depravation--Servants Of Supremacy cd,digital{Pathologically Explicit Rec.} posted on 5-20-24


Inhuman Depravation is a solo project that comes out of Spain's brutal death metal scene.Servants Of Supremacy is the third full length featuring nine tracks of brutal and violent death metal at it's best.The guitars are done with a mix of  extremly fast paced guitars that are played with intensy.Their are some heavier crushing mid paced sections added into a few of the songs.The drums are programmed but are done with some insanely fast chaotic drum passages but their are some well done heavier fast drums entertwined within the songs.The vocals are deep death metal growls that are ferocious in their delievery.Servants Of Supremacy  is a must have if you are a fan brutal,destructive death metal.              Inhuman Depravation                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Pathologically Explicit Recordings                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

Discarnage--Devouring The Unscrupulous Depravity cd {Pathologically Explicit Recordings} done on 5-20-24


Coming out of Indonesia's slam,brutal death metal scene is the new band Discarnage.Devouring The Unscrupulous  Depravity is the debut full length that is nine tracks of brutal uncomprimising death metal,The guitars are played with extremly fast paced passages that are delievered with skillful writing.The guitars do slow to a heavier mid paced pace throughout a few of the songs.The vocals are guttural growls that are sick and powerful in their delievery.The drums are done with a mix of heavy mid paced drum passages and some extremly fast chaotic  drum passages.Discarnage is a great band coming out of the Indonesia and if you are a fan of quality brutality then be sure to pick up a copy of  Devouring The Unscrupulous  Depravity today.                                                                                     Discarnage                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Pathologically Explicit Recordings                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Arrogant Destructor--Written In Blood From The Blade cassette,12 lp{Masters Of Kaos Prod.} posted on 5-18-24


Arrogant Destructor is a four man band coming out of the U.K's black death metal scene.Written In Blood From The Blade is the bands third full length that is getting a cassette and 12'lp limited run of both through Colombia's Masters Of Kaos.The band performs a nice mix of late 80's,early 90's black metal and some old school death metal to create a unique sound and style.The guitars are performed with a variety of extremly fast paced guitars.The guitarist does write some slower,mid paced passages that equally as good to give the songs a life of their own.The vocals are a mix of traditional black metal screams and vocals but their are some deeper growls used throughout the songs. The drummin is top notch with a variety of speeds whether it is a furious heavy fast paced drums.The drummer does perform some mid paced drums that are equally as powerful in their delievery.If you are a fan of well written and delievered 90's  style blackend death metal then i highly recomend Written In Blood From The Blade.                                                                                                                                                    Arrogant Destructor                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Masters Of Kaos  Prod.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

Friday, May 17, 2024

SARGA interview conducted by Jay done on 5-17-24


Hi this is Jay reporting from Bogota

Today I’m talking to Rex Viperon (Morktem) from Sarga, a Thailand based Doom/Black metal band…

Sawadee khrub! Thanks for talking to our readers…

• Tell us about Sarga.. when/where/why was the band formed?

• Rex: Sawasdee krub! First of all thanks for this great opportunity. It's an honor. Sarga was formed in 2022 in Nakhon Pathom, Thailand. The reason that we created Sarga was to celebrate our passion for Atmospheric Black Metal. We wanted to form a band that we can utilize the differences in our musical backgrounds, and produce sounds that are unique and have never been made before in Thailand.

• Run us through your line up and discography and tell our readers where they can get copies…

• Rex: Sarga consists of three members: Ashe, our vocalist and bassist, Fryze, the lead guitarist, and me, rhythm guitars and synths/programming. We released a single called "God Did Not Create" online in 2022. As of now, we have released two studio albums, "Within the Forest of the Ice Cold Empire" and "Frozen Echoes of Solitude". In Thailand, the physical copies of both albums are sold out. If you are interested in owning one, you may be able to grab one at The Masters of Kaos Productions’ website. You can also support the band by downloading Sarga's works at the band's bandcamp:

• You just released a new album, Frozen Echoes Of Solitude, tell us about that.. run us through the tracks…

• Rex: Personally, I think the album "Frozen Echoes Of Solitude" is a step up from our previous one. We have improved our overall sounds and atmosphere. It is quite complicated to find a right sweet spot when making an album, but for this one, I think we have accomplished our goals. There are many songs that really define Sarga.The first song, Mesazu, is one of the proudest songs we have written so far. This song is about a dream that I had one night. In the dream, I was walking through a forest where I ended up inside an ancient temple made of stones. It was cold. While observing the temple, I heard voices chanting the word "Mesazu".The chant was so loud and clear, and it kept on repeating throughout the dream. So, when I woke up, I recorded the demo for this song. Mesazu has a great melody and atmosphere, we really like the song.When Wolves Cry is another song that pushed our boundaries in producing sounds and creating atmosphere. Another favorite of mine. This song was released in an EP called "A Tale Told In The Corpse Forest", where we first introduced our new "Wolf" logo.

And lastly, Realm of Frost. We were honored to have Karl Hvit Ravn from HRAFNSMERKI to do additional vocals on the track. He really did an amazing work. The song is fast and powerful, yet atmospheric. There are many different melodies in the track, and we believe that they will take the listeners through an endless journey.

• What do you have brewing for the future? Is a new album in the works already?

• Rex: Yes, definitely. We are currently in the process of creating our third album. This one, I believe, will be our best one. We have lots of help from Tomas Knight (Fangs of Erebus). He will be greatly involved in producing and engineering the album. Lots of melodies, lots of solos, epic atmosphere. Please stay tuned.

• What is the song process ? Who does the music/lyrics? Do you write together?

• We contribute equally for most of the songs. I mostly write the main guitar riffs, while Fryze will add the melodies and the solos. Ashe also pitches in melodies as well, and takes care of the lyrics.

Sadly, we don't live in the same city, so once in a while we'll meet up and discuss about the band. Ashe and Fryze are very "low profile", and only prefer writing and recording. From this reason, we mostly do online interactions. Thankfully, everyone has a small home studio setup for recordings. This makes things easier and faster.

• What equipment do you use?

• Rex: As you know, I am a Bc Rich guitars fanatic. I use two guitars to record Sarga, one Bc Rich Eagle and a Bich. I use D'addario/Ernie Ball strings, Planet Waves cables, and Jim Dunlop Jazz III picks. I also use Eleven Rack (Custom Soldano settings) for all my guitar tones.

• Fryze uses a Japanese Bc Rich Marion, Ernie Ball strings and cables, and Jim Dunlop Jazz II picks. He uses a Line 6 Pod Pro with an Ibanez Tubescreamer pedal in front for his tones.

• Ashe uses a Custom 4 string Aria Pro II MAB and a Greco Device bass (both active), plug straight in to his audio interface. He uses D'addario strings and Ibanez picks.

• What bands inspired you to create Doom metal?

• Rex: We listen to a variety of genres. I mostly listen to bands like Dark Funeral, Behemoth, Slayer, Metallica, Grima, Gorgoroth, etc. Ashe loves Black Sabbath, Mayhem, and Judas Priest. While Fryze prefers listening LoFi music and bands like Darkthrone, Emperor, and Dissection.I think we have taken inspirations from these bands and blend them in to our own style. Maybe not only to be considered as "Doom Metal", but a dark mix of different genres blended on to a Black metal inspired music. We wanted our music to raw, yet, mysterious and atmospheric.

• Now, I know you’ve been active on the Thai scene for many years.. tell us about your other projects….

• Rex: Sure! My journey in the scene started back in 2007/2008. I was in a band called Dei Tetra. While we were touring, I started a solo project called Awicha, which is still very active today. In 2021, I started an atmospheric black metal band called Ihllus. And this year, a couple of friends and I formed a death/black metal band, Fangs of Erebus.

Awicha and Fangs of Erebus will be releasing new albums this year. So please stay tuned. Both albums will be released by Viper's Den Productions and Masters of Kaos Productions.

• What is your opinion of the current BM scene?

• Rex: I think the world of black metal has involved. It is not like what it was back in the 80s and 90s, but I truly believe that black metal is still going strong. While many new bands have emerged, old bands are still releasing amazing music for new listeners to enjoy. In Thailand, there are many great underground bands that are still making music, despite the fact the scene is quite small. We have to give it to the diehard fans, who support our arts. Fucking thanks you guys! So keep supporting underground bands and labels to keep the black flame burning.

• What is the scene like in Thailand today? Recommend some new bands….

• Rex: After the big long hiatus (Covid19), Thailand has been very active. Countless metal bands are coming back to perform in the country. This is a good sign. It helps inspire local bands to produce more materials and stay active. There are many great bands in Thailand, and some that I would recommend are Northern Darkness, Deathguy, and Leftmuenang. Be sure to check them out.

• If you could play with any musician, live or dead, who would it be and why?

• Rex: This is a hard one, because I would love to play with so many musicians. But if I really have to choose, James Hetfield, Kerry King, and Nergal would be on the top list. They are my heroes since the beginning of my music journey. I am sure that I would learn so much from them.

• What advice would you give to any up and coming musicians that are looking to follow your cloven hoofsteps along the left hand path?

• Rex: One advice I would give is, never stop. Just keep on doing what you love, no matter what it takes. It doesn't matter if you sell a million copies or 10 copies. If playing music is your passion, keep going. You will learn something new every time you strum a guitar.

• - would you like to add anything for our readers??

• Rex: Again, thank you so much for this interview. Major thanks to Jay Parker for all the support and opportunities after opportunities. For the readers, I would like you to explore my music and bands. Explore my arts. Please go check out my bands, Awicha, Sarga, Ihllus, and Fangs of Erebus. They are all in many online platforms, including YouTube, Bandcamp, and Facebook. Hope that you will enjoy my creations. Thanks!

Khob khun khrub! 666                                                                                                                                   Sarga  contacts                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Masters Of Kaos Prod.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Holycide--Towards Idiocracy cd,Lp,Cassette{Xtreem Music} Posted on 5-17-24


Holycide is a thrash metal band that comes out of Spain's thrash metal scene.The band consists of members from Avulsed and Unbound Terror.Towards Idiocracy  is the third full length that features ten songs of aggressive and pure thrashing mayhem.The guitars are played with skillful writing and furious and fast guitar passages.The guitars are done compose some well performed solo's and patterns.The drumming is done with aggressive and fast paced drum patterns.The drummer does a great job of creating and executing some devestating drum passages that are delievered with intense power.The vocals are raw gruff  screams that  fit Holycide's music perfectly.Fans of pure thrash metal that is well composed with whirlwind fast guitars and drum passages should not miss Towards Idiocracy.                  Holycide                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Xtreem Music                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Vaticinal Rites--Cascading Memories Of Immortality {Everlasting Spew Rec.} 5-12-24


Vaticinal Rites is  a  death metal band  that was started in 2020  and so far has released one EP.and now the debut full length.Cascading Memories Of Immortality is out.Containing  nine songs  of well composed and performed death metal at it's  finest.The guitars are played with whirlwind fast paced guitar passages.The guitarist  does write and create some memorable patterns and even adding in some well written solo's.The guitarist does write and perform some well performed mid paced guitar passages as well to give each song it's own identy.The drums  are done with some extremly well crafted and delievered drum patterns.The drums are a mix of extremly fast paced drum patterns and some well played slower mid paced drum passages.The vocals are old school death metal growls that are done with power.Cascading Memories Of Immortality  is a great debut  of quality death metal that should please fans of this genre.                                                                                                                               Vaticinal Rites                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Everlasting  Spew Rec.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

Monday, May 6, 2024

Kaivs-Horrend cd,digital{Self Released} Posted on 5-6-24

Kaivs is a four man  band coming out of Italy's underground death metal scene.Horrend is the debut demo that contains three tracks that pays homage to both the Swedish and other old school death metal gods.Horrend is the first song up and is a heavy and chaotic death metal anthem with fast paced guitars and drums that are played with skillful ability.Krushing All Altars is up next and has a nice mix of swedish death metal within the song structure.The music is a nice balance of extremly fast guitars but the music does slow to a heavier mid paced range in a few sections.The final song is Sepulchrist is a massive heavy song that pure death metal intensity and powerful music.The music is more mid paced with some fast guitars used towards the end of the song.The vocals are powerful death metal growls that are fit Kaivs's  music perfectly.This is a must have for any fan of powerful and solid death metal.     Kaivs                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 


Saturday, May 4, 2024

Interview with Tristan guitarist for Blastomycosis Posted on 5-5-24


1.Hello Tristan how are things going in Canada this week?Please introduce yourself to the readers?

Hey, I'm Tristan. I play guitar in BLASTOMYCOSIS. I am also the co-founder of the band. We are based out of Toronto, Canada. Been playing with Blastomycosis since 2007.

2.When did you first discover death metal and who were the first bands that caught your attention? Who are some of the current bands that you have been listening to?

The first death metal band I can remember listening to and liking was Vader. I eventually got into stuff like Decapitated, Morbid Angel Dying Fetus, Death, Obituary and it just kinda grew from there.

3.I believe you started Blastomycosis in 2007 what gave you the idea to start this band? Are you satisfied with how things have gone with the band over the years?What is the current line up of the band?

I never intended for Blasto to actually be a real band let alone a band that would play live. A co worker and I at the time thought it would be funny to record some rough death metal demos, with a drum machine. The theme being killing customers at our place of work with the various equipment we used. I ended up recording 3 very short songs just at home very roughly. I asked my buddy at the time to put some vocals on it. He did and we threw it on myspace.

Things have gone pretty well all things considered. We have had a few line up changes, and a few of us have had multiple children, so that has slowed us down a bit but otherwise pretty good for something I never intended to do much with.

Current line up is

Tristan – Guitar

Colin – Guitar

Peter – Bass

Dave – Drums

Mike - Vocals

4.Who would you say are the bands biggest influences and have they remained the same over the years?For the readers who have never heard Blastomycosis how would you best describe the bands sound?

For me personally it's probably Dying Fetus, Suffocation, Morbid Angel. I'd say those influences have probably stayed more less the same.Blastomycosis i'd say is pretty straight up brutal death metal with some sprinkles of grind and slam

5. A Feast For The Tasteless is the third full length that was released through CDN Rec. when did you and the band first come in contact with this label?

The tracks I spoke of earlier that I uploaded to Myspace. This got the attention somehow of CDN records. They messaged me asking if I was interested in putting out an album. At the time we didn't have a full band and only the 3 songs. They were willing to wait. So we found some more members, wrote some more bands, recorded it and CDN put it out. It was pretty cool. They are a great label to work with.

6.How long did it take the band to write the music for the new release?Does the whole band take part in the writing process or does one member usually write everything?

The majority of these songs were written between 2015-2018. We started recording in late 2019 and it was going pretty smoothly then Covid hit and we had some children. The whole process got delayed quite a bit. I feel we write a bit different. For this album and for Covered In Flies and Afterbirth, the majority of the album was written by Dave coming up with drum parts first, then bringing them to jam and me coming with stuff up then. I had very few pre written riffs before hand. I personally like this way of doing it. Feels natural to me.

7.Besides physical releases does the band have any other merchandise currently availible? If yes what is availible and where can the readers purchase it?

We are working on some new merch at the moment, should be available soon.

8.Has Blastomycosis played very many shows over the years?If yes what have been some of your most memorable shows?Who are some bands that you all have shared the stage with?

Touring with Lividity was pretty cool. As was opening for Incantation

9.Are their any shows or tours planned in support of A Feast For The Tasteless?If yes where will the band be playing?

We are currently planning some dates. Stay tuned.

10.What does Underground Metal mean to you?

To me it means just great metal that tends to fly under the radar.

11.What is your opinion of the Canadian brutal death metal scene over the years?

Lots of great bands for sure. The scene itself is pretty small. Canada is big and sparse so it's hard for a lot of bands to travel even within Canada.

12.Who are your all-time favorite bands coming out of Canada?Are their any new bands that you can recomend to the readers?

All time favorite is impossible to choose. Great bands coming out of Canada though.

Vesication, Human Compost, Creme Flesh, Last Retch, Vaginal Addiction, Sentiment Dissolve, Disgust, Holy Cost, Necrodios, Blood of Christ, so many.

13.Do any of the members currently work with other bands or solo projects? If yes please tell the readers a little about them?

I play bass in Gothic metal band MORTALFALL

Dave our drummer has worked with TOMB

14.When you need to take a break from working on new music or band business what do you enjoy doing in your free time?

I watch a lot of podcasts, play some games, and hang out with my family mostly.

15.Tristan thank you for taking the time to fill this interview out do you have any final comments for the readers?

Check out the new album! Stay brutal!                                                                                                         Blastomycosis                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              CDN RECORDS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Friday, May 3, 2024

Internment interview conducted by Jay Posted on 5-3-24

 Today I’m lucky enough to be talking with Internment… Old school traditional BM from Atlanta, Georgia

Hi guys, and thanks for taking the time to talk to our readers…

1- Tell us about the band, when/where/why was the band formed?? Who is in the current lineup?

 The band was formed in 2017 as an evolution of the Black/Thrash project Thoth Nemesis. The band was formed to worship evil and further the transformation of human scum into the weapon of Satan. Thoth Imperius Draconus is the sole member of Internment.

2- Run us through your discography and let our readers know where they can buy copies…

 The discography consists of a Demo released in 2017 and a full length called “Chained to the Moon” released in 2019. Some copies of the full length are still available in the US at A re-release of the full length with bonus tracks and the demo will soon be available from Master of Khaos Records. The second full length was completed in January and will be announced soon.

3- What is the writing process when planning a new record? 

There is no process. Time elapses… hatred grows… the expression of evil is inevitable.

4- I have heard a new album will be coming soon … Tell us about it, run us through it track by track.. when/where was it recorded? 

I cannot possibly run through each track, as it is a complete whole. I can say that it was written in two sessions separated by several years and it is the most evil thing I’ve produced.

5- What equipment do you use when playing/recording?

 I have a professionally equipped studio now, but this is no matter. When I started I had only a computer, a guitar and a half stack. Anything will do. The music comes from a source outside this reality and I make do with whatever is around me. Whatever sound the song requires I will use the equipment that serves it best.

6- Have you played live as a band? How was it?

 Live performances took place between 2018 and 2019. Playing with a band is rigorous. At times it can be enjoyable, but the goal of this art is to remain pure. Live performance is not as important as the recorded product.

7- What’s it like as a BM band in USA now?’ what difficulties/benefits have you had? 

Black metal is a bloated and tired genre. Most US black metal artists are trend hoppers and posers. Screw the weak.

8- What’s the extreme music scene like there in USA now? Recommend some new local bands for our readers to check out… 

As I just said, the US is not the place to look for originality. For original sounding black metal look to Canada, Finland, France, even South America. Now there are incredible artists and bands in the US, and the festival scene is starting to grow, but opportunities are minimal at best. The US does not value artists as European and South American countries do.

9- What are your plans for Internment for the future? 

I have no plans other than to perpetuate the spread of darkness. Perhaps another album, perhaps not.

10- Do you have any other projects? 

My pagan black metal band Vanagandr (US) is active and releasing albums. Thoth Nemesis will release a new album in the next year or so

11- If you could play with any musician, live or dead, who would it be and why? 

Jimi Hendrix. He’s the most important rock guitar player who ever lived and he successfully channeled raw emotion into a tangible form like no one else ever had before or since.

12- What are your top 5 albums of all time and why?

 I hate these lists.

13- Would you like to add anything for our readers?? May your suffering result in the power to defy all obstacles.

Hails and AVE 666                                                                                                                                      Internment contacts                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Arrogant Destruktor interview conducted by Jay posted on 5-3-24


This is jay reporting from Bogota, Colombia…

Today I’ll be talking with Adam from UK Black Metal Monster, Arrogant Destruktor..

Hi Adam, thanks for taking the time out of your busy schedule to talk to our avid readers….

1- Tell us all about Arrogant Destruktor.. when/where/why was the band formed? Who is in the band?

I (A.R) play guitar and bass on the albums, but just play bass live….Lewis Chrimes plays guitar live, A.T does vocals and Clive Parkinson plays drums. Me and A.T just decided to do some music with no real ambitions as such, but ended up doing a couple of albums then we got a couple of extra members after a few years and started playing live etc and slowly intensified from there.

2- Run us through your discography and tell our readers where they can get their claws on some physical editions….

Well we did 2 demos back in 2013/2014, then we recorded 2 newer tracks and added those to the demo songs which turned into our debut “Amidst the Blackest Void” on Wolfspell records in Poland. We did a split cd on Wolfspell with Wrang from Poland. Then in 2016 we released “Commandments Of War and Necromancy” which was a step on in terms of quality I think….then the next album “No Fucking Mercy” came out on CD (Void Wanderer) and cassette (Analog Ragnarok). Our latest album “Written in Blood from the Blade” came out on CD last year and now Masters Of Kaos will be releasing the cassette and vinyl versions which should be killer! We recorded a Master’s Hammer cover exclusively for the cassette version so collectors should track a copy down.

3- Tell us about the new material you’re working on now…

Since the new album was released we’ve already got 8 or 9 tracks ready for what might appear on our next album.

4- You’ve got quite a reputation as being a solid and entertaining live band… tell us about your best gigs and the gigs you have coming up for 2024…

A lot of bands judge their best gigs by how many people they played to or how much merch they sold blah blah blah but for us my favourite gigs were both in Worcester here on the UK playing a tiny venue put on by Malcolm of Sadistic Screams zine. Both had a cool underground vibe and the crowd were killer both times. We did an audio recording of the 2nd one we did there and you can hear the maniacs in the crowd going wild so that was a cool one to do definitely. Probably no live action from us until early 2025 now….we shall see.

5- What equipment and instruments do you use? Where do you record ? and what is the usual song writing process?

We’re not really equipment kinda guys, me and the guitarist play live just plugged straight into the amps, no fx pedals, backing tracks and that kind of bollocks. We have 2 settings…. off and on! We played a gig with one band had they had a really annoying guitarist who was setting his guitar up and doing warm ups, practising the scales on his guitar. Our guitarist was on his fourth can of Polish lager….different kind of warm up routine.

6- What first inspired you to become a metal musician?

I’d been listening to metal music since I was a child and started tape trading when I was 14 so picking up an instrument was a natural progression really. I played guitar but then I joined my first semi professional band as a bass player and I’ve done that primarily live ever since but I still record all the guitar tracks in the studio.

7- What have been the highest and lowest points so far in your career?

I’ve been lucky enough to tour Europe a couple of times in a previous band but as far as Arrogant Destruktor is concerned its always great to have people from bands you respect give you kind words about your music. We’ve had praise from Emperor’s Bard Eithun, Trevor Strnad(R.I.P) from The Black Dahlia Murder and The Magus of Necromantia. We recorded a cover of Shaman for the Necromantia tribute cd and also appears on Written in Blood from the Blade.

What is your opinion of the evolution in Black Metal over recent years and how do you think it will sustain itself in the years to come?

I’m not sure how much of it has evolved in recent years, or if it has I’ve stayed pretty much ignorant and listened to the old stuff haha.

8- Do you have any other projects? Tell us about them…

I did a hardcore punk band called Mandatory Choices a couple of years ago, just did a one off tape release just for fun….I’ve also done a darkwave project just with synthesiser and a female vocalist. Might see the light of day at some point.

9- What is the current UK scene like ? Recommend some up and coming bands for our readers to check out…

We had Abdicatrix support us at one of gigs Sadistic Screams organized that I mentioned earlier….their album is killer. But I generally find bands from overseas more interesting.

10- What are your top five metal albums of all time and why?

If we’re talking top 5 general metal albums I’d say:                                                                                     Coroner – Grin

Neolithic – The Personal Fragment of Life.

Katatonia – Brave Murder Day

Disharmonic Orchestra – Not to be Undimensional Conscious.

Pungent Stench – Club Mondo Bizarre

Top 5 black metal albums it’s hard to narrow down to 5 but these tend to be at the top of the all time list:

Dissection – Storm Of The Light’s Bane

Masters Hammer – Ritual

Burzum – Hvis Lyset Tar Oss

Necromantia – Scarlet Evil Witching Black

Abigor – Verwustung, Invoke The Dark Age

11- If you could play with any musician , live or dead, who would it be and why?

GG Allin

12- Would you like to add anything for the young musicians out there that are looking to follow in your footsteps?

Don’t do it.

A massive thanks to Adam and the mighty Arrogant Destruktor…

Hails!!!!                                                                                                                                                      Arrogant Destruktor