
Monday, June 10, 2019

Interview with Haiduk. Done by Patrick posted on 6-10-19

Interview with Luka Milojica - music, vocalist of Haiduk. Done by Patrick.

1. Hello Luka how are things going in Canada these days? Please introduce yourself to the readers?
I’m the solo project Haiduk and I play rhythm guitar. I also handle vocals, bass and drum programming. 

2. When did you first become interested in playing the guitars? Did you take lessons when first starting out or are you self-taught?
I’m self-taught but I’ve learned theory along the way when needed. I started playing almost 20 years ago. 

3. Who would you say are some of your biggest influences and favorite guitarists?
 Old Slayer, Megadeth, Sepultura, Dissection... Rhythm guitarists like Jon Schaffer, Jari Kuusisto, Galder and Satyr.

4. Besides the guitars are there any other instruments you currently play? If you had the opportunity to learn a new instrument which one would you like to learn to play?
I have no desire to learn new instruments but probably drums.

5. Luka you started Haiduk in 2009 when did you first get the idea to start this band? And how did you choose Haiduk as the name of the band and does it have a special meaning?
I was composing songs as far back as 2000 but they sat for years collecting dust. I finally recorded them as the demo ‘Plagueswept’ in 2009/2010 and that was the beginning of Haiduk. A ‘hajduk’ is a forest-dwelling warrior in Balkan and East European history.

 6. Who do you feel are the bands biggest influences and for the readers who have never heard the band how would you best describe Haiduk's musicial style?
 It’s influenced by thrash, death and black metal. Haiduk plays with a lot of energy and creates a dark atmosphere.

 7. I believe you are the sole member for the band when you started out did you want to work alone or would you like to find new musicians to work with on future recordings? What do you feel is the easiest and hardest part about being the sole member?
I never wanted to work with anyone else. Haiduk is meant to be a solo project. There is no easy and hard. I believe in what I’m doing and do it. 

8. If you had the opportunity to work with any musicians {past or present} who would you like to work with?
No one.

 9. Exomancer is the bands third full length release how long did it take you to write the music for the new release? How long does it usually take to complete one song?
Song writing took about a year for the album. A song takes about 3 weeks to compose and another 3 weeks to record.

 10. What are some of the subjects you wrote about on the new release? Which usually comes first the lyrics or the music?
First the concept, then music, then lyrics. The ‘Exomancer’ is a demonic sorcerer, harnessing cosmic powers to raise the dead and see the future. The songs deal with these and his other spells.

 11. I believe you self-release all your releases would you like to find a label to work with or do you prefer to self-release your own music?
I prefer to self-release.

 12. Besides the Exomancer release are the bands previous release still available for the readers to purchase? Besides physical releases do you have any other merchandise currently available if yes what is available and where can the readers purchase it?
 All Haiduk albums can be purchased via or haiduk.bandcamp on CD or download, and on all digital platforms. The demo CD is available on haiduk.bigcartel. T-shirts are currently sold out.

13. Besides working in Haiduk do you currently work with any other projects or bands? If yes please tell the readers a little about them?
There are no other projects

14. Luka when you need to take a break from writing new music or working on band business what do you like to do in your free time?
Go to metal shows, drink and meet people. Strategy and fantasy games and books.

 15. Haiduk comes out of Canada's metal scene what is your opinion of the Canadian metal scene over the years?
I don’t analyze the scene very much. It varies from city to city but I don’t pay much attention to what bands are doing. My focus is on Haiduk and those who support me.

 16. Who are your all-time favorite Canadian bands and are there any new bands you feel the readers should check out soon?
My dark allies from Fjell Thyngor, Vile Insignia and Ye Goat Herd Gods.

 17. Luka thank you for taking the time to fill this interview out do you have any final comments for the readers?
Thank you.

 Band Contacts