
Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Interview with BloodLust done by Patrick posted on 6-12-19

Interview with BloodLust done by  Patrick

1.Hails please introduce yourself to the readers? How are things going for you and the band these days in Colombia?
Regards to everyone your readers, motherfuckers, we are Bloodlust from Colombia, a speed metal band, full of hate for all those slaves kneeling before god.

The things for the band right now are pretty good, we just realesed our first full length called BLACK MASS and we are surprised with the respond from the metal comunity from our country. On the other hand we also started the year with various concerts helping a little more to show out the band and hoping to do some more.

2.When did you first discover metal music and who were the first bands you heard?Who are some current bands that you are listening to?
Myself, Julian Rengifo guitar player of Bloodlust, I always use to have metal close to me, a cousin of mine back on the 80`s used to be a metalhead, and I as a kid, used to see his posters and his music and I get curious about it, then when I was 12 years old, he came to live with us on my house for a while, and that is where all began, he bring his collection of tapes and we began to listend, there I knew about Sepultura, Asphyx, Cannibal Corpse, Monstrosity, among several others, that collection was just death metal, and that is how I started, later on I went meeting people and other genre and getting more into metal.
And about what I am currently listening, well I have been listening to Vulture, and a band that I just recently came across called Riot City from Canada, and the same as always, Ozzy, Candlemass, Cranium, Pentagram etc.

 3. BloodLust was started in 2012 what gave you all the idea to start this band? What is the current line up of the band?
The idea of making Bloodlust was born when I get a reunion with John Barrientos in a show on a show back in the year 2012 within a few months without speaking to   each other, then we begin conversation and from there came up the idea of making a band together, then we stared searching for a drummer and we contacted a good friend called Santiago Lozano, and the band was put together, so the band is Julian Guitars, John Bass and vocals and Santiago Drums.
We have been the same since 2012.

4.Who would you say are the bands biggest influences? And how would you best describe BloodLust's musicial style to someone who has never heard you all?
Bloodlust has a major influence from a Swedish Speed metal band, called Cranium, but also other bands such as Venom, Destruction, Kreator, Slayer, Coven, Pentagram, Black Sabbath and many others. The sound we want to make with Bloodlust, is a speed metal sound, but trying not to sound like the million bands out there, but searching for a sound of our own, so we try to mix speed, black, thrash and doom metal into one, and from that we take the sound of Bloodlust, a band with fast sound, dark riffs, blasphemous and satanic lyrics and a pounding drum, using dynamics to bring up contrast on every song, some songs with slow riffs like it was a horror movie from the 70’s, that is bloodlust’s sound.

5. BloodLust is the bands debut full length release how long did it take the band to write the music on the debut release?How long does it usually take the band to complete one song?
The composition for this álbum was a slow process, since 2015 we where writting songs, then we were rehearsing and we throw out the songs that we did not like, and that was slowing the process since we had to write other songs. Then on 2018 we decided not to wait any more and we reléased the record with the songs we had.
Usually we write a song pretty quickly, we came to the rehersal with a full song or most of it and during the rehersal we shape it together. 

6.Who usually handles writing the lyrics for the music and what are some subjects written about on the debut?Which usually comes first the music or the lyrics?
John Barrientos is the one who writes the lyric, on some songs we tell him to speak of a speciffic subject, but he always writes them, almost always the music is made first, then the lyrics, but some times the lyrics get writen first.
The themes we use to the lyrcis of this album is related to the one before, then are blasphemous lyrics, lots of satanic content, sex, but there is a song that speaks of soulskeepers, the soulskeepers in Colombia are those people that during the whole month of november must go to the cemetery and takes the souls out for a walk on the streets of the town, I live on a town outside Medellin, Colombia, and that always interested me, so we made a song about it. 

7.Has BloodLust had the opportunity to play live over the years or do you prefer working in the studio?What have been some of the bands most memorable shows  over the years?Who are some bands you have had the opportunity to share the stage with?
 The band has had shows on main cities of the country, for us is important to play live, and that way unleashed the chaos we have on the band and brake some necks.
Bloodlust has had the opportunity to play with Brujeria on 2015 and on March of this year we played with Whiplash, those were some enjoyable shows to play to, and also learn from this bands.

 8.Are their any tours or shows planned in support of the debut full length? If yes where will the band be playing?
This past May 25 was the release of the album on our city, and was amazing the reception it had. The release was on a local fest on Medellin, we played along great local bands and also with the leyend Reencarnacion, the event was at full capacity and the public was of great support, it was a great show. 

9.What does Underground Metal mean to you?
Well this is a complex question. With the currect technology one can not talk about underground, a band just need to upload a video on the web and can be known to thousands, the underground where those rebel bands with no intention on being mainstream, not showing out on mtv, and that wanted to play in a garage or a bar and not to lose their essence, that was the underground, the social network and youtube makes impossible to talk about an underground but emerging bands.

10.BloodLust comes out of Colombia's speed,thrash metal scene what is your opinion of the metal scene in Colombia?
Colombia has a great metal scene, they buy material and support the events, the scene is on the growth and that makes the shows a lot better.

11.Who are your all-time favorite bands coming out of the Colombia and are their any new bands you feel the readers should check out soon?
In Colombia there is bands of great level, bands that are well know outside the country, bands that are great for me are: Masacre, Reencarnacion, Witchtrap, Revenge, that are bands with a long time of being around, and new bands that I like, Bloody nightmare, Hellroar, Nocturnal Evil, Hellion, White Thunder, Ironclad, among others. In general in Colombia there is good metal, the bands are getting better and better.

12.Besides bands are their any honest and reliable labels or distro's you feel the readers should check out soon?
 Here the labels are know for serious like Tribulation, Repulsion recors, Ultra metal productions, for naming a few.

13.Besides playing in BloodLust do you or any of the members currently work with any other bands or solo projects? If yes please tell the readers a little about them?
On the current time I am only on Bloodlust, but John has a Project of Doom called Aquelarre, currently working on their EP, so be wait for somethig good.
And Santiago Lozano, have many years playing on a street punk band called Terror Nuclear and a band of doom metal called Veneno.

 14.Thank you for taking the time to fill this interview out do you have any final words for the readers?
Thanks to you and the readers for the place, and we send our regards from Colombia, lots of metal, lots of beer and lots of sex and total hate to the followers of the bastard christ.
Support the true metal, fill your sick minds with corrosive sound.
