
Friday, June 7, 2019

Interview with Tryglav done by Patrick posted on 6-7-19

Interview with Boris Behara vocalist and all music for Tryglav done by Patrick

1.Hails Boris how are things going with you these days? Please introduce yourself to the readers?
 Hi Patrick,thanks to having me on winter torment zine. For the readers,my name is Boris and i'm the mastermind of horror black metal band Tryglav.

2.When did you first discover black metal and who were the first bands you discovered? Who are some of your current favorite bands?
The first time i discover black metal was when i was 14 years old. My brother bought a Marduk's cd called "plague angel" because he was fascinated by the cover art, and my love with black metal started with them. Plague angel became quickly my favourite album of all time and still is. Currently some of my favourite bands are Marduk,Watain,Satanic warmaster,Necrophobic.. but there's too many bands for saying just a few names.

3.When did you first get the idea to start the band Tryglav? How did you choose Tryglav as the name of the band and does it have a special meaning?
 I had this idea for so many years but i always tried to have a band,because you know.. it easier build a band when there's 3,4 people who work on it.. but after 10 years wasted with some morons, i decided to try to do all alone. Tryglav was the name of my last band,it was my idea to call the band Tryglav and, when i had to choose a proper name for this one, i choose Tryglav. Tryglav was a god in Slavic mythology that represents the sky, the earth and the afterlife. I thought that the name was cool and i changed the "I" because Tryglav sounded much better than Triglav in my opinion.

4.I believe Tryglav is one man band did you plan to work alone or would you like to find some new musicians to form a full line up?
Not in this lifetime. I'm tired to have people around me who don't have my same passion and dedication in music so, the answer is no. I will have some live musiciants for live shows but nobody will be a permanent member in this band apart me.

5.If you had the opportunity to work with any musicians who would you like to work with?
That's a good question..i think that if i have the opportunity to work with any musicians,i would probably choose Erik from Watain. He's a genius and it would be a honor to work with him.

 6.Night Of The Whispering souls is the debut release how long did it take you to write the music for the debut? How long would you say it usually takes to complete one song? I spent the entire 2018 working on it. And not only on music but also on band immage,lyrics etc. I started to compose the first demo at the beginning of 2018 and the whole album was finished in february 2019. For the time I need to complete a depends on many things. It depends of how much i have to play before i find the right riff, when i find the right riff it easy to finish a song in 30,40 minutes but usually the song changes so many times when i add drums.Night of whispering souls(the song) for example was so different at the beginning.the song changed 4 time before recording.

7.Where did you draw inspiration for the lyrics to the music what are some topics you wrote about? Which usually comes first the music or the lyrics?
 My biggest inspiration for the lyrics are 80' horror movies and imaginary. I'm a horror lover since when i was a little kid. I like to speak about something i know well, i would never be able to speak about satanism and stuff like that because i'm not into it and i guess that i would be just ridicolous in speaking of something i don't know. Music by the way comes first,i need to have the music ready and only then, i can start to create vocals patterns and lyrics.

8.I believe you have some session musicians to play live shows do you prefer working in the studio or playing live? What have been some of the bands most memorable shows so far?
I can say both. I like making new music but also i love play live. At the moment i'm building the band so no shows programmed at the moment, but im working on it. Live shows should be a representation of our music, so except something not ordinary from us!

9.Are their any shows or tours coming up in support of the new release? If yes where is Tryglav playing and who are some bands you will share the stage with?
 I can't say much more at the moment but there will be a tour,but it's all in a programming phase. You will know more when the time comes. Some bands i would like to share the stage i said before, it's so hard to pick just a few bands..the list would be too long..let's say Marduk,Watain,Wasp and Fleshgod apocalyps

10.Besides the Night Of The Whispering souls debut does the band have any other merchandise currently available for the readers to purchase?If yes what is available and where can the readers purchase it?
Unfortunately the only thing i have out are band cds,and soon not even those because i'm selling them quickly. T-shirt are already designed but you know,be the only member of the band it's good in some way but hard in other. I have to pay all the band merchandise myself,so it takes me some times to do all this alone.

11.Tryglav comes out of Croatia's black metal scene what is your opinion of the scene in Croatia over the years?
There is a lot of metal fan in Croatia. Unfortunately what i saw in the black metal scene is that so many bands disappear after just one album. I don't know if they losted interest in playing or what. Let's say that there are many fans but not many bands who have something to say in the scene.

12.Who are your all-time favorite bands coming out of Croatia and are their any new bands you feel the readers should check out soon?
 If i have to be honest,beside Nekrist (they split up some years ago) i don't have listened any other bands from Croatia in years so i don't know about new bands etc.

13.What does black metal mean to you?
 Black metal is a way of life. It's something i've loved for 15 years and its still something i love, like the first time i discovered it. Its difficult to describe the feelings to someone who don't like the genre. the way we dress,the way we thinking..the devotion we have to this genre is something you can't find in other music.

14.Thank you Boris for taking the time to fill this interview out do you have any final comments for the readers?
I would to thank you for the interview and i want to say to the readers.. if you like 80's horror movies and black metal,check out our debut album "Night of whispering souls". You'll not be disappointment.

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