
Thursday, July 18, 2024

Void Witch--Horripilating Presence cd,Lp{Everlasting Spew Rec.} Posted on 7-18-24


Void Witch is a four man band  coming out of  Texas Horripilating  Presence is the debut  full length featuring six tracks of heavy and crushing death doom.The guitars are performed with some heavy guitar passages that are devestating in their delievery.The guitarist does write some faster more old school patterns that are equally just as good and give each song a nice balance.The drums are played with a mix of slower and heavier drum passages that will crush the listener.The drums do speed to a faster paced throughout a few of the songs.The vocals  are death metal growls that are done with powerful vocal passages.If you are a fan of death,doom metal that is crushing and intense at the same time  do not miss out on the crushing debut Horripilating  Presence.                                                           Void Witch                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Everlasting   Spew Rec.