
Sunday, July 21, 2024

Mourners Lament--A Grey Farewell cd{Personal Records} Posted on 7-21-24


Mourners Lament is a death,doom  band coming out of the Chiean scene.A Grey Farewell is the bands second full length featuring six songs of sorrowful and dreary death/doom metal.The guitars are played with some extremly well written and performed guitar passages.The guitarist does blend some extremly slow guitar patterns that almost feel like funeral doom but then adds some atmosphere into the songs to give each track a nice balance.The vocals are a mix of death metal growls that are powerful and some well clean sung passages that are equally as good.The band does use keyboards but they are used as another layer to the sorrowful sound and music.And doesnt ruin the music like some bands do.If you  are a fan of early Anathema,and My Dying Bride i  highly  recomend  checking out  Mourners Lament you will not be  disapointed.                                                                                                                        Mourners Lament                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Personal Records