
Saturday, May 4, 2024

Interview with Tristan guitarist for Blastomycosis Posted on 5-5-24


1.Hello Tristan how are things going in Canada this week?Please introduce yourself to the readers?

Hey, I'm Tristan. I play guitar in BLASTOMYCOSIS. I am also the co-founder of the band. We are based out of Toronto, Canada. Been playing with Blastomycosis since 2007.

2.When did you first discover death metal and who were the first bands that caught your attention? Who are some of the current bands that you have been listening to?

The first death metal band I can remember listening to and liking was Vader. I eventually got into stuff like Decapitated, Morbid Angel Dying Fetus, Death, Obituary and it just kinda grew from there.

3.I believe you started Blastomycosis in 2007 what gave you the idea to start this band? Are you satisfied with how things have gone with the band over the years?What is the current line up of the band?

I never intended for Blasto to actually be a real band let alone a band that would play live. A co worker and I at the time thought it would be funny to record some rough death metal demos, with a drum machine. The theme being killing customers at our place of work with the various equipment we used. I ended up recording 3 very short songs just at home very roughly. I asked my buddy at the time to put some vocals on it. He did and we threw it on myspace.

Things have gone pretty well all things considered. We have had a few line up changes, and a few of us have had multiple children, so that has slowed us down a bit but otherwise pretty good for something I never intended to do much with.

Current line up is

Tristan – Guitar

Colin – Guitar

Peter – Bass

Dave – Drums

Mike - Vocals

4.Who would you say are the bands biggest influences and have they remained the same over the years?For the readers who have never heard Blastomycosis how would you best describe the bands sound?

For me personally it's probably Dying Fetus, Suffocation, Morbid Angel. I'd say those influences have probably stayed more less the same.Blastomycosis i'd say is pretty straight up brutal death metal with some sprinkles of grind and slam

5. A Feast For The Tasteless is the third full length that was released through CDN Rec. when did you and the band first come in contact with this label?

The tracks I spoke of earlier that I uploaded to Myspace. This got the attention somehow of CDN records. They messaged me asking if I was interested in putting out an album. At the time we didn't have a full band and only the 3 songs. They were willing to wait. So we found some more members, wrote some more bands, recorded it and CDN put it out. It was pretty cool. They are a great label to work with.

6.How long did it take the band to write the music for the new release?Does the whole band take part in the writing process or does one member usually write everything?

The majority of these songs were written between 2015-2018. We started recording in late 2019 and it was going pretty smoothly then Covid hit and we had some children. The whole process got delayed quite a bit. I feel we write a bit different. For this album and for Covered In Flies and Afterbirth, the majority of the album was written by Dave coming up with drum parts first, then bringing them to jam and me coming with stuff up then. I had very few pre written riffs before hand. I personally like this way of doing it. Feels natural to me.

7.Besides physical releases does the band have any other merchandise currently availible? If yes what is availible and where can the readers purchase it?

We are working on some new merch at the moment, should be available soon.

8.Has Blastomycosis played very many shows over the years?If yes what have been some of your most memorable shows?Who are some bands that you all have shared the stage with?

Touring with Lividity was pretty cool. As was opening for Incantation

9.Are their any shows or tours planned in support of A Feast For The Tasteless?If yes where will the band be playing?

We are currently planning some dates. Stay tuned.

10.What does Underground Metal mean to you?

To me it means just great metal that tends to fly under the radar.

11.What is your opinion of the Canadian brutal death metal scene over the years?

Lots of great bands for sure. The scene itself is pretty small. Canada is big and sparse so it's hard for a lot of bands to travel even within Canada.

12.Who are your all-time favorite bands coming out of Canada?Are their any new bands that you can recomend to the readers?

All time favorite is impossible to choose. Great bands coming out of Canada though.

Vesication, Human Compost, Creme Flesh, Last Retch, Vaginal Addiction, Sentiment Dissolve, Disgust, Holy Cost, Necrodios, Blood of Christ, so many.

13.Do any of the members currently work with other bands or solo projects? If yes please tell the readers a little about them?

I play bass in Gothic metal band MORTALFALL

Dave our drummer has worked with TOMB

14.When you need to take a break from working on new music or band business what do you enjoy doing in your free time?

I watch a lot of podcasts, play some games, and hang out with my family mostly.

15.Tristan thank you for taking the time to fill this interview out do you have any final comments for the readers?

Check out the new album! Stay brutal!                                                                                                         Blastomycosis                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              CDN RECORDS