
Friday, May 3, 2024

Internment interview conducted by Jay Posted on 5-3-24

 Today I’m lucky enough to be talking with Internment… Old school traditional BM from Atlanta, Georgia

Hi guys, and thanks for taking the time to talk to our readers…

1- Tell us about the band, when/where/why was the band formed?? Who is in the current lineup?

 The band was formed in 2017 as an evolution of the Black/Thrash project Thoth Nemesis. The band was formed to worship evil and further the transformation of human scum into the weapon of Satan. Thoth Imperius Draconus is the sole member of Internment.

2- Run us through your discography and let our readers know where they can buy copies…

 The discography consists of a Demo released in 2017 and a full length called “Chained to the Moon” released in 2019. Some copies of the full length are still available in the US at A re-release of the full length with bonus tracks and the demo will soon be available from Master of Khaos Records. The second full length was completed in January and will be announced soon.

3- What is the writing process when planning a new record? 

There is no process. Time elapses… hatred grows… the expression of evil is inevitable.

4- I have heard a new album will be coming soon … Tell us about it, run us through it track by track.. when/where was it recorded? 

I cannot possibly run through each track, as it is a complete whole. I can say that it was written in two sessions separated by several years and it is the most evil thing I’ve produced.

5- What equipment do you use when playing/recording?

 I have a professionally equipped studio now, but this is no matter. When I started I had only a computer, a guitar and a half stack. Anything will do. The music comes from a source outside this reality and I make do with whatever is around me. Whatever sound the song requires I will use the equipment that serves it best.

6- Have you played live as a band? How was it?

 Live performances took place between 2018 and 2019. Playing with a band is rigorous. At times it can be enjoyable, but the goal of this art is to remain pure. Live performance is not as important as the recorded product.

7- What’s it like as a BM band in USA now?’ what difficulties/benefits have you had? 

Black metal is a bloated and tired genre. Most US black metal artists are trend hoppers and posers. Screw the weak.

8- What’s the extreme music scene like there in USA now? Recommend some new local bands for our readers to check out… 

As I just said, the US is not the place to look for originality. For original sounding black metal look to Canada, Finland, France, even South America. Now there are incredible artists and bands in the US, and the festival scene is starting to grow, but opportunities are minimal at best. The US does not value artists as European and South American countries do.

9- What are your plans for Internment for the future? 

I have no plans other than to perpetuate the spread of darkness. Perhaps another album, perhaps not.

10- Do you have any other projects? 

My pagan black metal band Vanagandr (US) is active and releasing albums. Thoth Nemesis will release a new album in the next year or so

11- If you could play with any musician, live or dead, who would it be and why? 

Jimi Hendrix. He’s the most important rock guitar player who ever lived and he successfully channeled raw emotion into a tangible form like no one else ever had before or since.

12- What are your top 5 albums of all time and why?

 I hate these lists.

13- Would you like to add anything for our readers?? May your suffering result in the power to defy all obstacles.

Hails and AVE 666                                                                                                                                      Internment contacts