
Sunday, July 9, 2017

Paraguay's Verthebral interview done by Patrick posted up on 7-9-17

Here  is  a  new  interview  done  with  Paraguay's  old-school death metal band  Verthebral who  discuss  the  bands  debut  release Regeneration  and  past  and  future  plans.So  if you  are a  fan  of  well  played  and  written  old-school death  metal  be sure to  check  out   Verthebral.

Interview  with Daniel   L.  guitarist   for   Verthebral   done  by  Patrick

1.Hello  Daniel  how  are  things  going in  Paraguay  these  days?Please  introduce  yourself  to the  readers?

Hi Patrick and friends of Winter Torment web-zine, greetings from Paraguay-South America. I'm Daniel Larroza, Verthebral's guitarist, everything is fine here, i live in Ciudad del Este, the second most important city in my country, it's a border city. Paraguay is a mediterranean country, we are in the middle of winter but still it is very hot here, that's something normal for us.

2.What  age  did you  first  start  listening to  metal  music? Who  were  the  first  bands you  listened  to  and  who  are  some  of your   current  favorites?

Well, like most of kids , the first contact with this sound was when I was in school, with my friends, I was 13 years old and one of my best friends in that time had many albums from unknown bands, so many vinyls, tapes and CDs, I used to copy on tapes all those dark bands that fascinated me so much, in those times i was totally obsessed by Sarcófago and Sepultura. I remember i used to listen: INRI, Rotting, The Laws Of scourge, Schizophrenia and Morbid Visions, these albums blew my mind. It was mid-90s and it was very difficult for a kid to get some death metal stuff. Another very important moment was when I got the famous video TRACES OF DEATH 2, was a VHS banned in so many countries but you could get it clandestinely in any video rental shop, it was so scary, it was very violent, seeing all those ways of dying but better than watching the video was to listen to the soundtrack. There's so many dark and cool death metal bands, there were songs from MORGOTH, GRAVE, UNLEASHED, ASPHYX. I used to listen those bands and think "It would be so great if someday I could start a band like these ones". Currently  i listen only old school death metal bands, honestly the best are always the classic ones like Deicide, Morbid Angel, Death, Benediction, Sinister, Unleashed, Entombed, Morgoth, Grave, Obituary, Dismember.

3.Verthebral  was  formed in 2013  what  gave you  the  idea  to  start  this  band?How  did you  all choose  Verthebral  as the name of the  band?What  is  the  current  line up  of  the band?

It was my dream, start a death metal band, i was born to play in a death metal band, for me it's definetely the most violent and aggressive type of music, a sense of strength and power. Verthebral started in 2013, we started playing covers and later writing the first songs. The idea behind the band's name, in spanish the word "vertebral" represents the backbone or spine that make us move, the bone structure that gives us mobility, the letter "H" in the middle is just to give it a touch of originality. In summary, its importance and how fragile it’s to be broken, the human race feels so strong and powerful, but at the same time we are the most fragile form of existence, we could break our bones and our lives would change forever, it's like a paradox or analogy. Verthebral's current line up is: Christian Rojas on bass/vocals, Daniel Larroza-guitar, Alberto Flores-guitar, Gabriel Galeano-drums.

4.For  the  readers  who  have never  heard  Verthebral's  music how would  you  best  describe  it  and  who  are  some of the  bands  biggest  influences?

I can define Verthebral's music like a classic death metal sound, with old school influences, it's the death metal style played like those bands from the 90's. Our music is heavy, aggressive but at the same time it's quite technical, vocals are guttural and it's easy to understand, you can understand what the vocals are singing, that is very important, our style is refined, all the guitars  are extremely heavy, but they have clear tones, drums and bass work in a precise way, producing a powerful sound base to the songs. Our greatest influences are undoubtedly: Morbid Angel, Sarcófago, Grave, Unleashed, Obituary.

5.Regeneration  is  the  bands  debut  release  which  will be  released  through  Satanath Rec.  how  did the  band  come in  contact  with this  great  label?

The conversations with Satanath Records came since we release our first EP "Adultery of Soul", this material was self-released, we did it totally independently, so at this time we got in touch with Aleksey from Satanath, he liked the band, our songs, so when I told him we were recording a full album with new songs, he was very determined and interested in releasing "Regeneration", when he listened our new songs he liked and approved totally, so we signed with Satanath Records, this way was how we finally have released our first album through his label.

6.How  long  did it take the  band to  write the  music for   the debut release? Does  the  whole  band  take  part in  the  writing  process  or does  one  member usually  write  everything?

The process to write songs did not take long time, most of the songs were written by me, songs and lyrics. I show the ideas and the structure that I have in mind, the other guys also have an important role, they bring their suggestions. There are opportunities for every one in the band, but i know  very well the direction i want to take, the most important thing is not to lose focus.
For example the song Old Man's Memories was composed by Alberto Flores and the lyrics written by me, Spirit in Solitude was composed by Me and Alberto Flores and Beyond The Garden Of Creation by me and Christian Rojas. 

7.Besides  the  debut  release  Regeneration  does  the  band  have  any  other  merchandise  available  for the  readers to  purchase? If  yes   what  is  available  and  where  can  the  readers  buy  it?

In this moment only the album "Regeneration" available on Satanath Records Bandcamp, before "Regeneration" we have released in 2015 the EP called "Adultery of Soul", this material came out in CD format with a limited press of 250 copies, nowadays they are almost sold out, but there's some chances to re-edit it later. We're already thinking about offering more merchandising, like shirts, badges and of course a Regeneration's re-edition on vinyl or tape.

8.Does    Verthebral    play   live  very  often  or do you  prefer to  work  in  the  studio? What  have  been  some of the  bands most  memorable  shows  over  the years?

For the recordings process we decided to focus only on that, we did not mark any dates to play because any other distraction could hinder or delay the final result, so all this time that we were involved in the recordings we do not accept any invitation for shows. Vertheral don't play very often, we are an underground band and as such we do not make money with the band, we all have jobs and college, we analyze before deciding to play in any gig, if the conditions are not good we don't play.
The best show we had was with the Brazilian band RATOS DE PORAO, we were support band in this gig, the show was in Foz de Yguazu city - Brasil, and it was wild and violent, a very good show.

9.Are their  any  tours  or  shows  planned  in  support  of  Regeneration  if  yes  where  will the  band  be  playing  and  who  are  some  bands you  will  be  sharing  the  stage  with?

We have no tours planned currently, only some gigs in Paraguay,  Yes, it is in the plans to make a good tour through South America, but that must be very well planned to be able to realize it. We want to go slowly with this matter, as i said before, we do not make money with the band, we do it for love and because we like to play death metal.

11.Besides  working  in   Verthebral    do  you  or  any  of the  members  currently  play  in  any  other  bands  or  projects? If  yes  please  tell the  readers  a  little  about  them?

Oh yes, me and our drummer Gabriel, we also play in a heavy metal band called Ariman here in Paraguay, the band has 14 years of trajectory, I am not one of the founding members, i join them a few years later and gabriel  too, we have a self-titled demo and an album "Pacto de Muerte" released in 2011.

12.Daniel  you  handle  the  guitars  for  the  band  when  did you first  become  interested  in  playing  the  guitars? Are you  self taught or  did you  take  lessons  when  first  starting  out?

I started a little late, at 18 years old, i was a fan of death, thrash and black metal, in the begining i took some lessons, but it was not what i wanted to play, i wanted to learn metal music tecniques, to play death metal, so i decided to be self-taught, i bought a bunch of magazines and books to expand my knowledge, when i started i was very bad, i played very bad but later  i improved my way of playing, it really takes a lot of work and dedication

13.Who would  you  say  are your  biggest  influences  and  favorite  guitarists?Besides  playing  the  guitars  do  you  play  any  other  instruments?

There's so many great musicians in the world, i like a lot of guitarists, but strictly speaking as musical influences, my main influences are Jeff Hanneman from Slayer, Trey Azagthoth from Morbid Angel, Chuck Schuldiner from Death and Andreas Kisser from Sepultura (the old era). I also play a little of keyboards. I recorded some keyboards parts on our album "Regeneration". it was just to create a darker atmosphere in some songs.

14.When  not  working  on  new  music or  band  business  what  do you  like to do  in your  free  time?

I liked to read, i read some books, i try to be inspired by somethiung i read to write lyrics for my songs, i also like to read metal magazines to keep me updated. When i have more free times i like to watch some movies and listen music. There are many new bands currently releasing good albums, it's always good to listen death metal stuff.

15.Thank  you  Daniel  for  taking  the  time  to  fill  this  interview  out  do  you  have  any  final  comments  for  the  readers?

Ok Patrick and Winter Torment's friends, i really enjoyed this interview, thanks for your interest on Verthebral, i would like to tell people who love death metal, listen our new album "Regeneration", you will see the sound is pure, brutal and honest, we are death metal fans and this album was made for you who appreciate this kind of music.

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