
Sunday, June 25, 2017

Sweden's Entrench interview is now up posted by Patrick on 6-25-17

Here  is  a  new  interview with  Sweden's  thrashers  Entrench  who  talk  about  their  upcoming  new  release  "Through The Walls Of  Flesh" is  the band third release  which  will be  available through  the  label  I Hate Rec.

Interview   with  Entrench   done  by  Patrick

1.Hello   please  introduce  yourself to  the  readers? At  what  age  did you  first  start listening to  metal  music  and  who were  some  of the  first  bands you  heard?
Fredrik, vocals and guitar answering. I started playing guitar for real when i was around 15 after a friend of mine taught me some power chords. I had been trying to play earlier but got bored with it because i could not play the music that i wanted at that point. The bands that got me into music were Iron Maiden, Metallica, Blind Guardian and so on.

 2.When  did you first  meet the  other  members  of  the  band  and  was  it  long before you  all  started  Entrench?How  did you  all choose   Entrench   as the  name  of the  band?And  what is the current line up of the  band?

I started the band with Hannes who also played guitar in 2005. We had mutual friends in earlier bands we played with and i found Victor who played drums in my school. Joel completed the line up on bass in early 2007. Regarding the name we wanted a one word name that were unique to us, Entrench was proposed and then it just stuck since we couldn't come up with any other serious suggestions. The current line up is Joel-bass, Mats-Drums and Fredrik-guitar/vocals.

3. Entrench   recently  signed  with I Hate  Rec. how  did you  all come  in contact  with this  great  label?

We've been  buying records from Peter who runs I Hate for ten years or so at festivals and record fairs and also been fans of a lot of music that he puts out so we had discussed doing something for a couple of years and now the time was right to do so.

 4.Through The Walls Of  Flesh  is  the  bands third  full length  how  long  did it take  the band to  write the  music for this  release?Does the  whole  band  take  part in the  writing  process or  does  one  member usually  write  everything?

It went pretty smooth as i recall, we had no drummer for a while and i think me and Joel wrote most of the material during that period and then Mats joined the band and we put the final touch on the songs together.

 5.Who  usually  takes care  of  writing the  lyrics for the band  and  what  are some subjects you all wrote about on   Through The Walls Of  Flesh?

I wrote all the lyrics for this album and the whole album is about different states and situations of war, recollecting the second world war and following a timeline of conflict and culminating with what might be the aftermath of a third world war.

6.For  the  readers  who  have  never heard   Entrench's music  how would you best describe it  and who  are  some  bands  that  have influenced  the  bands  musicial  style?

I'd say it's dynamic and violent thrash metal with death metal influences based around rhytm . At least that is what we're aiming for. Some influences are Infernal Majesty, Bolt Thrower, Sodom or just about anything that makes your head bang.

7.Besides  Through The Walls Of  Flesh  cd  does the  band  have  any  copies of the  previous  releases  still available?Besides  physical releases  is  their  any  other  merchandise  that  is  available  for the readers if  yes what  is available  and  where can  the readers  buy  it?

We got some CD's left of the two first albums. First album Inevitable Decay was just released on MC as well on Dying Victims. We also got like six different prints on t shirts. Two prints for each album though not many sizes left of the two first albums. The plan is to make some patches soon as well. Some merch can be bought via our bandcamp but the best way is to mail us at if interested.

 8.Does Entrench  play  live  very  often or do you  prefer to  work in the studio?Are their  any  upcoming  shows or tours  in support of the new release? If  yes  where will  the  band  be  playing?

We've done four shows in Sweden so far this year. Beside a gig in Stockholm in august we'll be supporting Ripper(Chile) on their european tour this september so that will be really awesome.

9.What  have  been some  of the bands   most  memorable shows  over the years?And  who  are  some  bands you  have  had the pleasure to  share the  stage  with?

Not many since we've not played that much live in the past for various reasons. We played a festival called Muskelrock a couple of weeks ago which to me was one of the the best live experiences so far. I think we got our best ahead of us though.

 10.Besides  working  in  Entrench  do  any  of the  members currently  play  in  any  other bands and  if yes  please  tell the  readers a  little  about them?

There have been some projects over the years but nothing really active at this point.

 11.When  not  working  on new  music  or  band  business  what  do you  enjoy  doing  in your  spare time?

Pike fishing, movies, various literature and some old american cars.

12.Thank you  for  taking the time to  fill  this   interview  out  do you  have  any  final  words  for  the  readers?

Check out the new album and promoters; take us to Canada!!

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