
Monday, June 10, 2024

Morgue Meat interview done on 6-10-24


1.Hello Sergio how are things in Texas these days?Please introduce yourself to the readers? 

Texas is currently being ravaged by tornados and flash floods but it's perfect weather for song writing. As for an introduction, my name is Sergio Alvarenga, founding member of Morgue Meat. I'm originally from San Miguel, El Salvador but relocated to Dallas, TX at 6 years old.

2.When did you first discover brutal death metal and what is it about this genre that you love so much?

 I first discovered brutal death metal in 2008 when I was 13 years old. My first brutal death metal song was Ebolic Regurgitation by Prophecy, and since then I've been a fan of the genre.

3.Who were the first bands that caught your attention?Who are some of the current bands that you have been listening to?

 Early on I was a big fan of the Texas Death Metal bands I saw at the first TXDM fest. Ebola Zaire, Blood Stained Carpet, Disfigured, and Scattered Remains to name a few. Currently I am enjoying a lot of the music put out by Nuclear War Now! productions and select "War" Metal bands .

4. Sergio you formed Morgue Meat in 2010 what gave you the idea to start this band? Are you happy with how things have gone over the years?

 The band was started after my initial project Necronomic dissolved with early collaborator Christian Benitez, he went on to form Assassinator and I put together Morgue Meat with Manuel Velazquez on drums. I am definitely happy with what we have achieved as a band and looking forward to the future of the band.

5.Who would you say are the bands biggest influences and have they stayed the same over the years?For the readers who have never heard Morgue Meat's music how would you best describe the bands musical style?

 The band's biggest influences are Dying Fetus, Down From The Wound, and Archgoat. The band's early influences leaned more towards the slamming brutal side with blackened elements being added on later on.

6.Apocalyptic Visions is the band's second full length. How long did it take the band to write the music for the new release?Does the whole band work on the music or does one member usually write everything? 

The first half of the album was written in 2017 with 4 songs being released as the EP "Realm of Eternal Suffering" the other 5 songs were written in 2022 after a burst of inspiration after playing a few solo shows in Asia. The songs are usually written by me using Reaper DAW then presented to the rest of the band to make adjustments but we are moving towards a more collaborative process for future projects.

7.Besides the new Apocalyptic Visions are the band's past releases still available for the readers to purchase?Besides physical releases does the band have any other merchandise currently available?If yes, what is available and where can the readers purchase it? 

Our first album "Mutilation in The Chapel '' is available for purchase via Hells Headbangers and we also have a merch store through Big Cartel for apparel.

8.Has Morgue Meat played very many live shows over the years or do you prefer working in the studio?What have been some of the bands most memorable shows?Who are some bands you have shared the stage with? 

We have played quite a few shows since our first in 2012 and prefer playing live than being in the studio. Our most memorable show would be the first time we played in Tokyo, Japan back in 2019, the show was played as a two piece but it was still very powerful. The most memorable bands we have shared the stage with would be Lust of Decay, Opposition Party, The Ironfist, and MayhemFancy.

9.Are there any shows or tours in support of the new release Apocalyptic Visions? If yes, where will the band be playing? 

We are currently working on an east coast US tour to support the album but nothing we can disclose just yet.

10.Morgue Meat comes out of the Texas brutal death metal scene. What is your opinion of the scene in Texas over the years? 

The Texas scene has certainly been influential in the death metal world, with bands like Devourment refining the Slamming Death Metal genre and Frozen Soul spearheading the rebirth of the genre. It's certainly an honor to be part of such a prolific scene.

11.Who are your all-time favorite bands coming out of Texas?Are there any new bands that you could recommend to the readers? 

My favorite all time bands coming out of Texas would be At The Drive-In and The Mars Volta but if you're looking for death metal recommendation I would recommend Dysmorphia, ParanoiaTX, and Basement Burial who are leading the Hardcore Death Metal movement in their respective cities.

12.Besides working in Morgue Meat do any of the members currently work with other bands or solo projects? If yes please tell the readers a little about them? 

We are solely dedicated to Morgue Meat but have all worked on various black metal and thrash projects with Judas Goat being the project that brought most the current lineup together.

13.Sergio you handle the guitars for the band. When did you first become interested in playing the guitars?Are you self taught or did you take lessons when first starting out? 

I first became interested in guitar at the age of 9 after watching a VH1 documentary on the Monterey Pop Festival, seeing Hendrix light his guitar on fire ignited the passion for guitar. I am self taught and have never taken lessons.

14.Who would you say are your influences and favorite guitarists?Do you play any other instruments?

 My influences are Jimi Hendrix, Paul Gilbert, Joe Pass, and Paco De Lucia. I also play bass, keyboard, and drums.

15.You also handle the vocals for the band. When did you first start growling and singing?Do you do anything special to keep your throat and voice healthy? Who are some of your favorite vocalists? 

I started growling at the age of 13, I stay hydrated and usually avoid dairy before shows to reduce phlegm. I have asthma so staying fit and healthy is key for maintaining my vocals. My favorite vocalists are John Gallagher, Chuck Shuldiner, and Muhammed Suicmez.

16.When you need to take a break from working on new music or band business what do you like to do in your free time?

 I'm an avid fisherman in my free time and also have a career in technology.

17.Sergio thank you for taking the time to fill this interview out. Do you have any final comments for the readers?

 Thank you for your time and for taking interest in the band. Be sure to check us out on Spotify and Instagram Morguemeattx and stay brutal my friends!                                                                                   Morgue Meat