
Friday, May 17, 2024

SARGA interview conducted by Jay done on 5-17-24


Hi this is Jay reporting from Bogota

Today I’m talking to Rex Viperon (Morktem) from Sarga, a Thailand based Doom/Black metal band…

Sawadee khrub! Thanks for talking to our readers…

• Tell us about Sarga.. when/where/why was the band formed?

• Rex: Sawasdee krub! First of all thanks for this great opportunity. It's an honor. Sarga was formed in 2022 in Nakhon Pathom, Thailand. The reason that we created Sarga was to celebrate our passion for Atmospheric Black Metal. We wanted to form a band that we can utilize the differences in our musical backgrounds, and produce sounds that are unique and have never been made before in Thailand.

• Run us through your line up and discography and tell our readers where they can get copies…

• Rex: Sarga consists of three members: Ashe, our vocalist and bassist, Fryze, the lead guitarist, and me, rhythm guitars and synths/programming. We released a single called "God Did Not Create" online in 2022. As of now, we have released two studio albums, "Within the Forest of the Ice Cold Empire" and "Frozen Echoes of Solitude". In Thailand, the physical copies of both albums are sold out. If you are interested in owning one, you may be able to grab one at The Masters of Kaos Productions’ website. You can also support the band by downloading Sarga's works at the band's bandcamp:

• You just released a new album, Frozen Echoes Of Solitude, tell us about that.. run us through the tracks…

• Rex: Personally, I think the album "Frozen Echoes Of Solitude" is a step up from our previous one. We have improved our overall sounds and atmosphere. It is quite complicated to find a right sweet spot when making an album, but for this one, I think we have accomplished our goals. There are many songs that really define Sarga.The first song, Mesazu, is one of the proudest songs we have written so far. This song is about a dream that I had one night. In the dream, I was walking through a forest where I ended up inside an ancient temple made of stones. It was cold. While observing the temple, I heard voices chanting the word "Mesazu".The chant was so loud and clear, and it kept on repeating throughout the dream. So, when I woke up, I recorded the demo for this song. Mesazu has a great melody and atmosphere, we really like the song.When Wolves Cry is another song that pushed our boundaries in producing sounds and creating atmosphere. Another favorite of mine. This song was released in an EP called "A Tale Told In The Corpse Forest", where we first introduced our new "Wolf" logo.

And lastly, Realm of Frost. We were honored to have Karl Hvit Ravn from HRAFNSMERKI to do additional vocals on the track. He really did an amazing work. The song is fast and powerful, yet atmospheric. There are many different melodies in the track, and we believe that they will take the listeners through an endless journey.

• What do you have brewing for the future? Is a new album in the works already?

• Rex: Yes, definitely. We are currently in the process of creating our third album. This one, I believe, will be our best one. We have lots of help from Tomas Knight (Fangs of Erebus). He will be greatly involved in producing and engineering the album. Lots of melodies, lots of solos, epic atmosphere. Please stay tuned.

• What is the song process ? Who does the music/lyrics? Do you write together?

• We contribute equally for most of the songs. I mostly write the main guitar riffs, while Fryze will add the melodies and the solos. Ashe also pitches in melodies as well, and takes care of the lyrics.

Sadly, we don't live in the same city, so once in a while we'll meet up and discuss about the band. Ashe and Fryze are very "low profile", and only prefer writing and recording. From this reason, we mostly do online interactions. Thankfully, everyone has a small home studio setup for recordings. This makes things easier and faster.

• What equipment do you use?

• Rex: As you know, I am a Bc Rich guitars fanatic. I use two guitars to record Sarga, one Bc Rich Eagle and a Bich. I use D'addario/Ernie Ball strings, Planet Waves cables, and Jim Dunlop Jazz III picks. I also use Eleven Rack (Custom Soldano settings) for all my guitar tones.

• Fryze uses a Japanese Bc Rich Marion, Ernie Ball strings and cables, and Jim Dunlop Jazz II picks. He uses a Line 6 Pod Pro with an Ibanez Tubescreamer pedal in front for his tones.

• Ashe uses a Custom 4 string Aria Pro II MAB and a Greco Device bass (both active), plug straight in to his audio interface. He uses D'addario strings and Ibanez picks.

• What bands inspired you to create Doom metal?

• Rex: We listen to a variety of genres. I mostly listen to bands like Dark Funeral, Behemoth, Slayer, Metallica, Grima, Gorgoroth, etc. Ashe loves Black Sabbath, Mayhem, and Judas Priest. While Fryze prefers listening LoFi music and bands like Darkthrone, Emperor, and Dissection.I think we have taken inspirations from these bands and blend them in to our own style. Maybe not only to be considered as "Doom Metal", but a dark mix of different genres blended on to a Black metal inspired music. We wanted our music to raw, yet, mysterious and atmospheric.

• Now, I know you’ve been active on the Thai scene for many years.. tell us about your other projects….

• Rex: Sure! My journey in the scene started back in 2007/2008. I was in a band called Dei Tetra. While we were touring, I started a solo project called Awicha, which is still very active today. In 2021, I started an atmospheric black metal band called Ihllus. And this year, a couple of friends and I formed a death/black metal band, Fangs of Erebus.

Awicha and Fangs of Erebus will be releasing new albums this year. So please stay tuned. Both albums will be released by Viper's Den Productions and Masters of Kaos Productions.

• What is your opinion of the current BM scene?

• Rex: I think the world of black metal has involved. It is not like what it was back in the 80s and 90s, but I truly believe that black metal is still going strong. While many new bands have emerged, old bands are still releasing amazing music for new listeners to enjoy. In Thailand, there are many great underground bands that are still making music, despite the fact the scene is quite small. We have to give it to the diehard fans, who support our arts. Fucking thanks you guys! So keep supporting underground bands and labels to keep the black flame burning.

• What is the scene like in Thailand today? Recommend some new bands….

• Rex: After the big long hiatus (Covid19), Thailand has been very active. Countless metal bands are coming back to perform in the country. This is a good sign. It helps inspire local bands to produce more materials and stay active. There are many great bands in Thailand, and some that I would recommend are Northern Darkness, Deathguy, and Leftmuenang. Be sure to check them out.

• If you could play with any musician, live or dead, who would it be and why?

• Rex: This is a hard one, because I would love to play with so many musicians. But if I really have to choose, James Hetfield, Kerry King, and Nergal would be on the top list. They are my heroes since the beginning of my music journey. I am sure that I would learn so much from them.

• What advice would you give to any up and coming musicians that are looking to follow your cloven hoofsteps along the left hand path?

• Rex: One advice I would give is, never stop. Just keep on doing what you love, no matter what it takes. It doesn't matter if you sell a million copies or 10 copies. If playing music is your passion, keep going. You will learn something new every time you strum a guitar.

• - would you like to add anything for our readers??

• Rex: Again, thank you so much for this interview. Major thanks to Jay Parker for all the support and opportunities after opportunities. For the readers, I would like you to explore my music and bands. Explore my arts. Please go check out my bands, Awicha, Sarga, Ihllus, and Fangs of Erebus. They are all in many online platforms, including YouTube, Bandcamp, and Facebook. Hope that you will enjoy my creations. Thanks!

Khob khun khrub! 666                                                                                                                                   Sarga  contacts                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Masters Of Kaos Prod.