
Monday, May 27, 2024

Black Hole Deity--Profane Geometry cd,Lp,cassette{Everlasting Spew Rec.} Posted on 5-27-24


Black Hole Deity  is a death metal band that  comes out of Alabama and this is a review of their debut full length.Profane Geometry contains a intro and nine songs of complex yet brutal death metal that is inspired by sci fi themes.Ex Nihilo is the intro that starts the release off.The band plays a nice mix of brutal and chaotic death metal but also adds some slower more mid paced passages into the music.With some extremly well written and performed guitar passages that are a mix of blazing fast guitars.The guitarist does write some memorable and catchy mid paced patterns.The guitarist does perform some well written and played solo's throughout the songs.The drumming is performed with some extremly fast blast beats that are done  with a skillful writing ability.The drummer does create some well played and delievered drum passages with a mix of crazed fast drums but also adds some slower almost melodic drum passages.Both the fast and mid paced drums are performed flawless.The vocals are done with powerful death metal growls that done to perfection.The vocalist does add some gruff growls and screams are used in a few of the songs.Profane Geometry  is a masterpiece of old school death metal that does add some elements from the newer scene.Fans of well delievered and played death metal need to  pick a copy of Profane Geometry when it is released in early July.                                                         Black Hole Deity                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Everlasting Spew Rec.