
Sunday, October 6, 2019

Interview with Vultur done by Patrick posted on 10-6-19

Interview with Vultur done by Patrick

1.Hello how are things going in Greece this week?Please introduce yourself to the readers?

Hello Patrick. I am George the guitarist of Vultur. Things are going very well here in Greece. Thank you for this interview and the opportunity to have a talk with each other.

2.When did you first start listening to death metal music and who were some of the first bands you discovered?Who are some of the current bands that have caught your attention?

I was start listening to death metal around 15-16 years old. I remember my favorite band back then was Obituary and Death. It is a little bit foggy who was the first band that hook me into the genre but it was one of those two band for sure. Two of the recent bands that I like is Galvanizer “Sanguine Vigil” and Reveler “The Hour of Fright”. Pure death metal both of them.

3.Vultur was started back in 2013 are you satisfied with how things have progressed with the band over the years?For the readers who are not familiar with the band's style how would you best describe the bands sound and style?

Considering the lineup changes, i think i am satisfied with the progress. This band is for 6 years in life and we have two full length albums. I will be very happy if in the next 6 years we have another two. The sound and style of Vultur coming from the 90’s era of classic death metal. We love this era and we will keep this style till the end of Vultur. For some people this is not good for the future of the genre but how cares? We are not pioneers and we don’t want to be. We love old school death metal and we will keep supporting it and keep it alive as long as we can.

4.Drowned In Gangrenous Blood is the bands second full length release how long did it take the band to write the music for the new release?How long does it usually take to complete one song?
 I think it was a year or little more. I had some ideas of course before we begin to compose of the songs but the hall process was about a year. We don’t want to make to many changes after the initial structure of the songs because we don’t want to loose the very first feeling of the moment capturing the idea. I don’t really know how long takes me to wright one songs. Some time it can be ready in two or three days and some time even a month. Depends of the mood or the workload I have to do.

5.Besides the upcoming Drowned In Gangrenous Blood release are the bands previous releases still available for the readers to purchase?Besides physical releases does the band have any other merchandise currently available if yes what is available and where can the readers buy it?

Yes, we have some copies of the demo and the “Entangled In The Webs Of Fear” album. Both only in cd format. If anyone want something he can contact with us through our facebook page ( or email us at
Unfortunately, we don’t have any t-shirts right now but we are planning to make some new ones in the near future.

6.Does Vultur play live very often or do you prefer working in the studio?What have been some of the bands most memorable shows so far?Who have been some of your favorite bands to share the stage with?

 No, we don’t play very often live but this is not because we don’t want it. We had a lot of line up changes and we had the problem with the military obligations of our bassist (George Wolf). Here in Greece it is compulsory to serve the military for one year. I know it sucks but we live in a shitty world. The most memorable show it was when we played with the mighty Incantation and or brothers in crime Ectoplasma in summer of 2018. It was great show in any aspect. As for who is our favorite bands to share the stage it is so many but I will mention some. I think Rapture and Violent Definition is two bands that we have to share the stage soon because we are close friends and we love their music. Very energetic bands both of them.

7.Are their any tours or shows coming up in support of Drowned In Gangrenous Blood? If yes where will the band be playing and who are some bands you will share the stage with?
 We are planning some gigs but I don’t have any dates or names to give you Patrick right now…

8.What does underground metal mean to you?
 Underground metal is the home the mother of the metal genre. Is the place for the purest form of metal and this is the way it should be. Only in the underground you can feel the real brutality, agony and fear of the musicians who want to express. You know underground metal is huge and of course there is garbage out there and you have to dig deep to find the diamonds but it is a creative prosses and I really like it that way.

9. Vultur comes out the Greek death metal scene what is your opinion of the death metal scene in Greece?
 Death metal scene in Athens is in a very good state now. We have awesome and true metal warriors here who really love what they doing and doing it with passion as it was in the 90’s. I don’t know why but for some reason trends in Greece does not survive for long time. That’s why death metal is still very alive here.

10.Who are your all-time favorite bands coming of the Greek death metal scene and are their any new bands you could recommend to the readers?

One of my all-time favorites Greek bands is Inveracity. I love their Suffocation style and the way they change the tempos on the songs. Also, I must say Mass Infection and Dead Congregation. Both are favorite band to me not only from Greek scene but in general. Also, one newly born band (2017) with a very good essence to death metal is Chaos Heresy. You have to check them they are awesome.

11.Besides working in Vultur do you or any of the members currently work with any other bands?If yes please tell the readers a little about them?

John Grim the vocalist is also vocalist and bass player with Ectoplasma alongside with George Wolf in the guitars. As for me I am working on a side project called Φορμόλη. Φορμόλη means formol in Greek. It is a mixture of punk grind and death metal and it sounds very interesting and fresh.

12.Thank you for taking the time to fill this interview out do you have any final comments for the readers?
Thank you again Patrick for this interview and a big thanks to all metal maniacs out there who are truly support the metal music. They are keeping it alive sick rotten and deadly.

PS. Kill the posers.
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