
Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Interview with Jim R. vocalist and instruments of Empire Of Hate done by Patrick posted on 9-17-19

1.Hails Jim how are things going in Greece these days?Please introduce yourself to the readers?

Hails Patrick and thank you for the interview the things are going quite good here in Greece , so I’m Jim I play all the instruments in my one man band call Empire of Hate and also playing bass for Nachtfrost.

2.When did you first discover black metal and who were some of the first bands you listened to?Are their any current bands that have caught your attention?

If I remember right I was fifteen or sixteen when a friend of mine recommend me some bands and give a somberlain cassette so then I discover Immortal Windir Darkthrone Emperor you now the classic stuff , the last year I listen a lot atmospheric black metal bands like Pure Wrath (a really awesome band from Indonesia) Thy light, Cult of Fire , Grima.

3.When did you first get the idea to start Empire Of Hate and are satisfied with how things have progressed with the band so far?How did you choose Empire Of Hate as the band name?

Well the idea of a black metal project was running into my mind since I first heard this music but the ignite which gave it flesh and bones was an argument with my past thrash metal band where I played the guitar, eventually we split up and then the idea of making that project real and the name of the band came up (I was full of rage those days) and became this which is now Empire of Hate. I can tell that Im really happy with the progress of the album especially if you think that this my first record ever.

4.Jim I believe you are the sole member of the band did you plan to work alone or would you like to find more musicians to make a full line-up?

I was thinking of having a full line up but this will be only for a few shows but for the studio work I shall keep it personal and work alone.

5.What do you feel is the easiest and hardest part about being a one man band?

You know when you are alone some things can be faster and easier you are just record your songs without waiting some that came late in studio for example and the pressure its less I can tell but in the other hand when the music isn’t your main job the cost of production can be really high.

6.The Ancient Mysteries is the debut release how long did it take you to write the music for the debut release?
Except the Sysyphus that was one of the first songs that I ever wrote the rest of the album took one year to write it but I had some previous ideas.

7.Where did you draw inspiration for the lyrics and what are some topics and subjects you wrote about?

You know in Greece even the smallest village has at least an Ancient ruin so the inspiration came from the things that surround me the tails the ancient myths and History I used some of them as the theme in the album lyrics such as the Sysyphus ,Prometheus and Pandora’s box myths.

8.I believe the debut release is a digital-release are their any plans to do a physical release soon or do you prefer digital releases these days?Where can the readers buy the debut release?

To say the truth I believe that must be an equilibrium between digital and physical copies I believe that the music must be free for everyone so here the digital helps more the physical copies in the other side when someone wants to support a band can buy the physical copy and add it in his collection , I have made some copies that can be found in the bands Facebook page and Bandcamp in digital and physical form.

9.Besides the debut release The Ancient Mysteries are their any plans for new merchandise coming out soon?

I would really want to do some t-shirts but this is a future plan.

10.Empire Of Hate comes out of the Greek black metal scene what is your opinion of Greece's black metal scene over the years?

Surely I can tell that the Greek scene has some serious musicians that make a really amazing job and I can tell that things are better than the 90s because many new talented musician with great musical knowledge and amazing inspiration coming out every year and you can find a lot of little gems.

11.Who are your all-time favorite bands coming out of Greece and are their any new bands you feel the readers should check out soon?

Some of my all time favorites are bands that give their lead to the Greek black metal scene as Rotting Christ , Varathron and Twilight . Now from the young blood I highly recommend the Human Serpent , Nihilism and Sanguis Profanum.

12.Are their honest.reliable labels or distro's in Greece that you could recommend to the readers?

The labels and distros that come to my mind are Floga records and Rock of Angels records , Empire Vinyl-CD-DVD and the nephelim strore.

13.When you need take a break from working on new music or band business what do you like to do in your free time?

I really enjoy to discover new bands reading lot of books (I’m really a lot into Lovecraft’s myology and Tolkien’s world) and hiking in forests and mountains playing some pc games and chilling around with friends (included my cat) and drinking some good beer.

14.Thank you Jim for taking the time to fill this interview out do you have any final comments for the readers?

Thank you to Patrick for including me on the webzine, support your local scene and stay metal.
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