
Thursday, June 20, 2019

Interview with Gutless done by Patrick posted on 6-20-19

Interview with Tom vocalist and guitarist of Gutless done by  Patrick

1.Hello Tom how are things going in Australia this week? Please introduce yourself to the readers?

 Hi, my name’s Tom and I do vocals and guitar for Gutless from Melbourne, Australia.

 2.When did you first start listening to metal music and who were the first bands you heard? Who are some of your current favorite bands?
I first started listening to metal at the beginning of high school which was around 2007, I loved listening to Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer and Pantera. After that as time went on I began listening to more and more bands and got into heavier and faster music, but for me I really love the bands of the late 80’s early 90’s death metal scene in Florida. Demolition Hammer, Solstice, Cannibal Corpse, Malevolent Creation, Deicide and Obituary are all bands that I have never stopped listening to and have continued to gain enormous amounts of inspiration from.

3.Gutless was started in 2018 what gave you and the other members the idea to start this band?What is the current line up of the band?

 The line-up of Gutless is Tom - Vocals/guitar, Jamo – Bass, Ollie – Drums I always knew I wanted to start a death metal band full of my favorite parts of death metal. Sick bass breaks, devastating tempo drops and fast as fuck blasts. I came to Ollie and he was into the idea so we started writing the songs together.

 4.For the readers who have never heard the bands music how would you best describe it? Who would you say are Gutless's biggest influences?
I would describe our music as like picking up some dirtbag by the scruff of his neck and repeatably pounding his face until your fist breaks through the back of his skull. As for our influences, they would be Solstice, Suffocation, Deicide, Demolition hammer, Cannibal corpse and Malevolent Creation.

5.Chaos Records will release the debut demo Mass Extinction  on cd  when did you all come in contact with this great label?

 Victor from Chaos Records hit us up shortly after we released the demo on our Bandcamp page. Victor really dug what he heard and asked us if we were interested in getting it released on CD, we noticed a lot of people were asking for CD’s so we were stoked that Victor got in contact with us.

 6.How long did it take the band to write the music for the debut demo does the whole band take part in the writing the process?
 It was just myself and Ollie writing the demo, I would write riffs at home and bring them to Ollie and then we would work on the songs together at his place. We started on the demo about July and we finished writing it around the end of November. We knew we wanted a 5 track demo and our goal was to have it written by the end of 2018, so we were wrapped that we got it recorded and released in that time too.

 7.Besides the Mass Extinction release does the band have any other merchandise currently available for the readers to buy? 
We’ll have some shirts very soon so keep an eye on our Facebook or Bandcamp page for those.

 8.Does  Gutless  get to play live very often or do you prefer working in the studio?What have been some of the bands most memorable shows so far?
We haven’t played many shows yet but I would say we’d be playing about one or two shows a month. My favourite show so far has been upstairs at the Tote, it was a great night, loads of people came and all the bands were dope, we played with Vile Apparition, Faceless Burial, Charnel Altar and Endless Loss.

9.Are their any tours or shows planned in support of the Mass Extinction release? If yes where will the band be playing?And who are some bands you will be sharing the stage with?

We’ll tour soon, but for now we’re going to keep writing and playing shows around Melbourne.

 10.What  does underground metal mean to you?
When I think of underground metal I am reminded of all the great times I’ve had on tour in the states with my old band Sewercide. It was awesome meeting new people every night and instantly having a connection based on music. We could always find some total mad dog at any show that was into killer death metal and you could hang out all night drinking beers and blasting sick records with.

11.Has the band started working on new music for the next release?Any idea how many songs will be on the next release?
We’re writing 2 tracks for a split with Mortal Wound from L.A at the moment. So stay tuned for that release.

12. Gutless comes out of Australia's death metal scene what is your opinion of Australia's legendary death metal scene over the decades?
Australia has spat out some killer death metal bands over the decades for sure. A few that come to mind are Abramelin, Misery and Crypt. I really love blasting A Necessary Evil by Misery and I always love listening to Hobbs’ Angel of Death self titled.

13.Who are your all-time favorite bands coming out of Australia and are their any new bands you feel the readers should check out soon?
Yeah! Check out Faceless Burial, Contaminated, Vile Apparition and Carcinoid, they’re all ripper bands from Melbourne. As for my favourite bands out of Australia they would be Shitgrinder, Sick people, Internal Rot and Vile Apparition. 

14.When you need to take a break from working on new music and band business  what do you enjoy doing in your free time?
Listening to death metal with Jamo whilst we have a game of Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2, Streets Of Rage 2, Mario Kart, Donkey Kong Country or NBA JAM. We also go out to shows to see mates’ bands play.

15.Besides Gutless do you or any of the members currently work with any other bands or solo projects? If yes please tell the readers a little about them?
 Jamo and Ollie both play in Vile Apparition which is a Death Metal band from Melbourne for fans of Suffocation, Brutal Truth, Cryptopsy and Ripping Corpse. Check out their album Depravity Ordained!  

16.Thank you Tom for taking the time to fill this interview out do you have any final comments for the readers?