
Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Interview with Usurper done by Patrick posted on 2-26-19

Interview with Usurper done by Patrick

1.Hails how are things in Chicago this week? Please introduce yourself to the readers?

RS: Hello. I'm Rick Scythe, guitarist of Usurper. Joining me today will be our long time vocalist, Dan Tyrantor. We're going on our 26th year as a band and have our new album, "Lords of the Permafrost" coming out in March 2019 on SoulSeller Records

2.Usurper was started in 1993 when did you get the idea to start this band?

RS: Around 1992, I started coming up with ideas with our old vocalist. We began envisioning this perfect metal band we would like to see. I started writing some music, he would write some words. We discussed image and topics. We wanted to incorporate elements we missed from the original wave of early-mid 80's extreme metal bands. But it wasn't until late 1993 when all 3 of us (Rick Scythe, Guitars/bass; Joe Warlord drums; General D. Slaughter, vocals) actually got together, rehearsed and called it Usurper.

3.Who would you say are Usurper's biggest influences and how do you feel the bands musical style has changed over the years or has it pretty much stayed the same since the beginning?

RS: Bands like Celtic Frost, Sodom, Venom, Mercyful Fate, Manowar as well as old stuff like Black Sabbath, Ted Nugent. We always wanted to pay homage to the early pioneers of mid-80's underground metal and combine that style with elements of classic heavy metal,hard rock, thrash, death and black metal. It's still the same, except now we are more influenced by Usurper than any specific band. Sort of like a snake eating it's own tail.

4.Lords Of The Permafrost is the bands newest release which will be released in March.How long did it take the band to write the music for the new release?How long does it usually take the band to complete one song?

RS: I had a lot of songs, riffs, ideas since the band broke up in 2007. Dan can elaborate from his perspective.
DT: I was living in Colorado for a while. When Rick and I started talking about getting back together, he sent me a demo of some songs with an outline of where lyrics would be. We collaborated on one, and I wrote the other. I moved back a short time later, and the rest of the record came together rather quickly once we had everybody in the same room. We're all on the same page, and very particular when it comes to how an Usurper song/album should sound.

5. Usurper have been active since the early 90's has the band played live over the years?If yes what have been some of Usurper's most memorable shows and tours? And who are some bands you have had the pleasure of sharing the stage with?

RS: Touring with Dark Funeral in 1997, our first tour in Europe in 1998, Our second tour of Europe in 2000 opening for Cradle of Filth, touring with Manowar, touring with Enslaved. Headlining the main stage, day one of Inferno Fest 2006, Norway... I'm sure Dan has some other shows to mention too.

DT: An amazing headlining show in Tijuana MX, Maryland Deathfest, a few hazy nights in Canada, and I would certainly be remiss not to mention playing for a rabid crowd in the basement of a bagel shop in Ohio.

6.Are their any tours or shows planned in support of the new release if yes where will the band be playing?

DT: As of this writing, we have a record release show happening here in Chicago in March, followed by headlining one of the stages at Milwaukee's Spring Bash, and a headlining show at the legendary St. Vitus Bar in Brooklyn New York in July. There are a few more shows set to be announced, but nothing we can talk about just yet.

7.Besides the upcoming Lords Of The Permafrost release are the bands previous releases still available for the readers to buy? Besides physical releases does the band have any other merchandise currently available if yes what is available and where can the readers buy it?
RS: Many of our old released have been re-issued many times over the years without the band's consent. Also, countless people have uploaded our music without our permission on YouTube, and for some reason, YouTube allows this. As far as merchandise... yes, we will have an avalanche of merch coming out soon. Check our Facebag page for more deatils.

8.What does the term Underground Metal mean to you?

DT: To me it means playing from your gut, and writing the songs that I want to hear. The thought of following some trend, or shaping our sound in order to simply be more popular is nauseating to me. We have a small, yet fiercely dedicated legion of fans that can smell bullshit and posers from a mile away, and that's how we like it.

9.Usurper comes out of the legendary Chicago Illinois metal scene what is your opinion of the scene in Illinois over the decades? And do you feel it has gotten better over the years or stayed the same?

DT: I feel very fortunate to have grown up here when I did. Bands like the original Devastation, Abomination, Master, Trouble, etc. weren't only great Chicago area bands, but just great bands in general terms. I don't get out to as many shows as I used to, but on most weekends here, there are usually 2-3 different local Metal shows to choose from. Chicago is a tough town, and it's reflected in the music.

10.Who are your all-time favorite bands coming out of the scene in Illinois? And are their any new bands you could recommend to the readers?

DT: As previously mentioned, Master, along with Abomination and Deathstrike. Devastation(IL), Sindrome, Maimed, Slauter Xtroyes, Zoetrope, Contagion. I don't know much about newer bands. I'm old.

11.As mentioned earlier in the interview Usurper was started back in the 90's.Did you read a lot of fanzines back in the 80's and 90's? If yes what were some of your favorite fanzines to read?
RS: I liked Morbid Magazine, Norway, Voices from the Darkside, Germany, Slayer Mag... fuck, I'm having a hard time remembering all the cool fanzines. I have a box of them in my garage though.

12.Tape-trading was also a big back in the 80's and 90's did you ever do a lot of tape trading? What were some of your favorite bands and demo's you traded for back in the day?

DT: I did a lot of tape trading and letter writing in the late 80s and early 90s. Some of my favorite demos are from Nihilist, Grave, Nirvana 2002, Malevolent Creation, Cynic, and Solstice.

13.When you need to take a break from working on new music or band business what do you like to do in your free time?

RS: I like to hang out at home and not be bothered. I will paint, hang out with my dog and my woman, sit in backyard with a telescope. I would like to invite Dan over too from time to time as long as he doesn't insist on "doing his act".

DT: Mostly just stare blankly out the window, share deep meaningful conversations with my dog, reckless driving, and working at the nuclear plant.

14.Thank you for taking the time to fill this interview out do you have any final comments for the readers?

RS: Thanks for the support!

DT: Yeah, thanks!

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