
Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Interview with Rigor Sardonicous done by Patrick posted on 12-18-18

Interview with Rigor Sardonicous  done by Patrick

1. Hello how are things going in New York these days? Please introduce yourself to the readers?
Greetings Patrick and thank you. We are Joe Fogarazzo and Glenn Hampton of Rigor Sardonicous. New York is not the bastion it once was and is getting very expensive to live, but what would one expect from a leader of the criminal state.

2. Rigor Sardonicous was started in 1988 what gave you the idea to start this band? How did you choose the name Rigor Sardonicous as the name of the band?
Glenn founded and named the band years before I came into the fold. And yes we feel that the name very much is in line with our visions. He derived the name from a short story called Mr. Sardonicus and is about the body contorting a smile after passing into death caused by the rigidity of the muscles and tissues.

3. Who would you say are the bands biggest influences over the years and have they remained the same since the beginning til present day?
Slayer, Autopsy, Bach, post-Ozzy Black Sabbath, have been among our highest influences.

4. I know Rigor Sardonicous is a two man band would you like to find new musicians to make a full line up or do you prefer to work as two piece?
We have made many attempts to get a drummer, even if only for live performances such as Mortician does, but a competent drummer is hard to find. We did have Steve Moran, ex-Evoken, who recorded on our Apocalypsis Damnare album and played a few shows, but otherwise Rigor will likely remain Glenn and I.

5. Ridenti Mortuus is the bands newest release how long did it take the band to write the music for the new release? How long does it usually take to complete one song?
Everything for this release was composed over a weekend. It all just fell into place while another band I was involved with faltered on a recording session.

6. I believe that Ridenti Mortuus is a digital only release. Are their any plans to do a physical release in 2019? If yes will it be self released or would you like to work with a label?
We would prefer a label to do a physical release but we will see in time if we will do a small run on our own. I have gone nearly broke with postage in the past as many others have struggled with that as well.

7. Rigor Sardonicous has released quite a few full lengths and splits and EP's are these still available for the readers to purchase? Besides releases does the band have any other merchandise available if yes what is available and where can the readers buy it?
Only digital downloads are available on our Bandcamp site. All else is sold out.

8. The band comes out of the New York doom metal scene what is your opinion of New York's death, doom metal scene over the years?
The doom scene in this area doesn’t really exist. Many other bands of this style here are no more, such as Winter and Symphony Of Grief. It’s just us and Evoken that I know of who are in an adjacent state. I hope to see more bands like this rise from this area.

9. Who are your all-time favorite metal bands coming out of New York and are their any new bands you feel the readers should check out soon?
The New York sound, as it was known, was never an inspiration to us. We sought to go entirely left-field from that. But some bands worth looking into are Artificial Brain, Braindead, and Steel Wolf.

10. Besides working in Rigor Sardonicous do either of you work in any other bands or solo projects? If yes please tell the readers a little about them?
I was in Dimentianon for years and more recently Teloch Vovin, which has just gone into hiatus. I was also in a rock band called Pink Chameleon for a little while and a classical guitar ensemble. I like doing differing bands and styles as I find it can help to direct focus.

11. When you need take a break from working on new music or band business what do you like to do in your free time?
I love going into nature and separating from the world as often as I am able.

12. 2018 is about to come to a close what have been some of your favorite releases this year?
While not new to this year as I recently heardthem, I go with Shape Of Despair’s Monotony Fields and Hail Of Bullets The Rommel Chronicles.

13. Thank you for taking the time to fill this interview out do you have any final comments for the readers?
Thank you to all for reading to this point. Find us on Bandcamp where all of our music is and some of it free .

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