
Monday, December 10, 2018

Interview with Branislav, vocalist & guitarist for Bane, done by Patrick. posted on 12-10-18

Interview with Branislav, vocalist & guitarist for Bane, done by Patrick.

1. Hello Branislav! How are things going in Canada these days? Please introduce yourself to the readers?
Hails Patrick! Thanks for asking - pretty cold these days, hehe. My name is Branislav, I am the singer and guitar player of Blackened Death Metal band BANE.

2. When did you first start listening to metal music?Who were the first bands you heard and who are some of your current favourite bands?

I got my first Slayer CD when I was around 11 years old which obviously had a huge impact on me. However, soon afterwards I quickly gravitated towards the most Extreme of genres. I remember getting a burned compilation CD that had bands like Cannibal Corpse, Morbid Angel, Deicide, Cryptopsy...and that was basically where it all started. Lately I've been listening to quite a lot of music, specially now days since I was asked to do my Top 10 list of 2018 releases for another magazine. Only few of the bands I have been spinning a lot recently are A Hill To Die Upon, Mortuorial Eclipse, Décembre Noir, Ov Shadows, Sear Bliss, Katatonia, Paradise Lost...and of course the one and only Steel Panther, haha!

3. Branislav, you originally started Bane in Serbia. What gave you the idea to start this band? How did you choose Bane as the name of the band does it have a special meaning?
After playing in several other bands, I wanted to pursue a specific vision that I have had but could not express it in any of the other bands I was apart of. That's when BANE was born. I wanted to have a band that would mix Black and Death Metal, which was heavily influenced by the Swedish Metal bands of the early/mid 90's. BANE, by definition is a source of harm, ruin or death. It somewhat defines the music we play, at least to a certain extent.

4.How do you feel the bands musical style has evolved over the years? And who would you say are Bane's biggest influences?
I think that the songwriting has progressed quite a bit since our first recordings, but in general we kept the same genre/style which we started playing about a decade ago or so. Honestly, I am really glad we did, as this is my favourite kind of Metal! The biggest and most obvious influence would be Dissection, but there's a lot more bands whom I owe a lot for shaping our music and sound, some of them being Dark Funeral, Naglfar, Behemoth, Saturnus, Hate, Temple Of Baal, Setherial, Aeternus, etc...I listen to a lot of bands out there and all of them contribute to my inspiration, weather directly or indirectly.

5. Branislav, you re-located to Canada a few years ago - when did you first get the idea to move to Canada? How do you like living in Canada so far?
That's correct. I got the idea after I felt that I had hit somewhat of a wall (figuratively speaking), and was in search of broader horizons in order to pursue my passion - which is music, not only as a hobby but also professionally. I had very limited opportunities in the Balkans, and I knew that Montreal had a pretty great Metal scene, so I decided to pack my back pack and that was it. So far, so good. Everything has it's pros and cons. I'm very fortunate to have the opportunity to Tour quite a bit so I never get to stay at one place for too long, hehe.

6. You reformed Bane in Canada. When did you decide to reform the band? And what is the current line up of the band?
When I had moved here in 2012, I already had a new line-up together by 2013. However, after playing a few shows in 2014, problems with that line-up started occurring, so I decided to put everything on ice for a while, which allowed me to regain focus, perspective and energy in order to finish writing and recording what eventually became our third full-length album, 'Esoteric Formulae'. The current line-up of the band consist of myself on vocals/guitars, Max Allard on Guitars & backing vocals, and Stef Deschenes on bass. In the last year we have been working with session drummers, but I am happy to say that we have found the right fit and will announce our new drummer sometime in 2019.

7. Esoteric Formulae is the bands third full length release. How long did it take you to write the music for the new release? How long would you say it takes to complete one song? That's right. This album actually took the longest to complete, unlike the first two which were done fairly quickly. I had written most of the music back in 2014-2015, but then took a break from the material and did no re-listen to it until 2017. Then I revised all the songs, corrected some arrangements and wrote the majority of the lyrics, which also took quite a it of time.

8. What are some subjects you wrote about on Esoteric Formulae?
Mainly Anti-Cosmic philosophy and Chaos-Gnosticism.

9.Where can the readers buy the newest release and are the previous two releases still available for the readers to buy? Besides physical releases do you have any other merchandise currently available if yes, what is available and where can the readers buy it?
All our 3 full-lengths releases are currently in stock through the band's Bandcamp profile, as well as some other limited edition releases we have released over the years such as 7'' vinyls, cassettes, etc. We also have some T-Shirt designs that are still available. All our merch can be purchased through our official Bandcamp page:

10. I know Bane has had the opportunity to play many shows and tours over the years. What have been some of your most memorable shows over the years? And who have been some of your favourite bands to share the stage with?

We recently had the pleasure to open for UADA, which was also our very first time touring in the USA. We have many good memories from that Tour, to say the least. It's very difficult to single out shows as they are all an experience of their own. Opening for Insomnium at a sold out show in Toronto was awesome. Playing with Wolfheart in Montreal earlier this year was a very fun show, too. Our headlining hometown show this Summer in Novi Sad kicked some serious ass, and playing Belgrade again for the first time in 6 years was also an incredible feeling. As far as the older shows go, opening for Malevolent Creation in Bulgaria in the summer of 2011 will always have a special place in my heart, and opening for Decapitated on a sold out show in Belgrade, Serbia the same year was also wicked. I could go on and on, really, as there have been so many good ones over the years.

11. Are their any shows or tours planned for the rest of 2018 or early 2019 in support of Esoteric Formulae? If yes where will Bane be playing and who are some bands you will be sharing the stage with?
Throughout 2018 we've toured in 8 European countries, Canada and the USA, so we'll be taking a short break this winter and will focus on promoting the new album through various online sources and social media. However, we are currently in the midst of confirming shows and Festivals for 2019. So far the only thing I can say is that will be coming back to the USA next year, and we have already confirmed a few Canadian shows as well - all of which we will be announcing shorty.

12. Branislav, when you need to take a break from writing new music or band business what do you enjoy doing in your free time?

Besides listening to music, really not much. I enjoy trading merch with other bands and smaller labels from all over the world. In general I just like buying music on physical formats as I have quite a collection here at home, hehe.

13. Besides Bane, are you currently working with any other bands or solo projects? If yes please tell the readers a little about them?

Usually, I always have at least one side project, but since last year BANE has been my main and only focus. I do have some plans to record some guest appearances next year, so will start working on those soon enough.

14. Thank you Branislav for taking the time to fill this interview out do you have any final comments for the readers? Thanks a lot for the support Patrick, means a lot! And special thanks to those of you who took the time to read this interview. Keep on supporting Winter Torment Webzine and Metal in general! Be sure to check out & follow BANE on our Social Media for updates & upcoming Tour Dates. HAIL CHAOS!

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