
Thursday, July 5, 2018

Interview with Drawn And Quartered done by Patrick posted on 7-5-18

Interview with Drawn And Quartered done by Patrick

1.Hails please introduce yourself to the readers

KSK-Hails! This is Kelly Shane Kuciemba, guitars for Drawn and Quartered.

2.What age did you first discover metal music and who were some of the first bands you listened to?

KSK-I grew up with classic rock, that led to heavier music BLACK SABBATH is the foundation my guitar playing. Heavy Metal in the 1980's pre-SLAYER. All the usual bands like JUDAS PRIEST and IRON MAIDEN. I was probably 13 or so when I started listening to what we could classify as Metal.

3. Drawn And Quartered was started back in 1993 when did you first get the idea to start this band? And how did you all choose Drawn And Quartered as the name of the band?

KSK-In the early 1990's I was putting together songs and demo recordings and trying to find like minded musicians. After a few of these demos and a band we called SEPTICEMIA fell apart, I started a project I called PLAGUE BEARER, this lead to me writing some new songs for a demo I wanted to record. I convinced some friends into recording a 4 song demo called 'Bubonic Death' in 1993, Herb Burke did the vocals and we worked together with various metal musicians doing shows as PLAGUE BEARER. In 1994 we met drummer Matt Cason and started from scratch with the song writing process, and eventually named this new project DRAWN AND QUARTERED. We recorded an 8 song demo with bass player Danny Hodge who had been in PLAGUE BEARER, and Herbs band before called BUTCHERY. The band members all came up with suggestions, Herb had DRAWN AND QUARTERED so we all agreed to that.

4.Who would you say are the bands biggest influences and how do you feel the bands music has changed over the years?

KSK-BLACK SABBATH, IRON MAIDEN and SLAYER are big influences, all the old Metal and Heavy Metal Bands. VENOM, SODOM, KREATOR, DESTRUCTION, BATHORY, EXODUS, DEATH and POSSESSED played a big part in my interest in METAL in the mid and late 80's. MORBID ANGEL, NAPALM DEATH, INCANTATION, DEICIDE, ENTOMBED, DISMEMBER, DARK THRONE, IMMORTAL, EMPEROR, IMMOLATION, MONSTROSITY, CANNIBAL CORPSE and MALEVOLENT CREATION were the biggest influences later on. We have mixed a lot of these influences in over the years, as well as things like TROUBLE and CATHEDRAL influenced my doomier ideas. Early on it was a bit Grindcore influenced, and I did some slightly more technical riffs occasionally. Later I incorporated more dissonance, some times over the top guitar solos and sometimes some grim BLACK METAL atmosphere. The last few records have had some rawness, maybe the next few will have more composed solos, and some more complex structures and ideas, to keep it interesting.

5.The One Who Lurks is the bands newest release how long did it take the band to write the music for the new release?Does the whole band work on the music or does one member usually write everything?

KSK-I can write a record in a couple week ends, but in the past we'd spend months, sometimes years writing music. We are a lot faster now, with better tools at hand. This record was intended to be an EP and a split. 2 of the songs (Horned Shadows Rise and Deliverance to the worms) we had already written but didn't make it on the 'Proliferation of Disease' demo sessions due to lack of time. Another song I had written for another project, but it was to good not to use for D&Q (Ravage the Cadaver). A 4th song (Nefarious Rites) was a re-working of some riffs from an unfinished songs from about 5 years ago. That makes up the first half. It didn't take much time, as most of it was written, some we already knew. We actually learned them and recorded them immediately. The songs aren't as rehearsed. I released the previous record in Demo form because I was so tired of rehearsing them, and couldn't bear to record them again, some for the 3rd time due to line-up shifts. The second half of the record I wrote alone and music and lyrics. Herb wrote lyrics for the first half. Since we didn't learn the songs as a band, I played Bass on this one. It was a different approach. Considering this wasn't intended to be the record, it came out really cool!

6.Who usually handles writing the lyrics for the music and what are some topics you wrote about on The One Who Lurks?

KSK-Herb writes most of the lyrics for DRAWN AND QUARTERED. and I write most of the lyrics for our side band PLAGUE BEARER. I wrote some lyrics on the last record, and the second half of lurks. Its a conceptual piece based on some antique books and films I had stumbled upon. The songs are TEMPLES OF ARCANE DEVOTION, CARNAL TRANSMIGRATION, THE ONE WHO LURKS, and PORTALS OF COMMUNION. The lyrics, artwork and music create an immersive experience. The whole record has some pretty different unusual songs for the DRAWN AND QUARTERED catalog, it will be fun playing some of these songs for years to come, live. Some of our earlier records are a testimony to mankind's lust for killing, and horrific death by virulent disease many based on history and real stories. There are also many statements regarding our opinion of religion through out our lyrics.

7.Besides the upcoming release are the bands previous releases still available for the readers to buy?Besides physical releases does the band have any other merchandise available for the readers if yes what is available and where can the readers buy it?

KSK-There are many distributors and labels that carry DRAWN AND QUARTERED records. KRUCYATOR, MORIBUND, MARTYRDOOM/NUCLEAR WINTER, VOMIT and END OF MUSIC. More to announced soon. I'm active in the Facebook page where all the updated performance and merchandise information can be found. We are underground so there is not mass produced, easy to find products, but we have some great LP, Tape, and CD products available at this time, with a small selection of shirts and Hooded sweatshirts in limited amounts also still available.

8.As mentioned Drawn And Quartered has been active in the underground scene since the early 90's were you a big reader of fanzines back in the day?What were some of your favorite fanzines to read?

KSK-Absolutely we read, collected and were in a lot of mags fanzines over the years., going back to the 80's. I can't remember all the names. One from Oregon called LOUD, FAST, RUDE, AMONG THE LIVING, GRIMOIRE OF EXALTED DEEDS. I'd have to dig out some magazine boxes to name them all.

9.Tape-trading was also big in the 80's and 90's were you into tape-trading much? What were some of the early demo's and releases that you thought were the best at that time?

KSK-I did some trading in high school, mostly semi obscure records from bands like VENOM and DESTRUCTION. Later on it was mostly live bootlegs from the early 90's from BOLT THROWER, MORBID ANGEL, CARCASS, INCANATION, IMMOLATION, DEICIDE and CANNIBAL CORPSE. I heard a few demos from DECREPIT, DISBELIEF, INFESTER.

10.What is your opinion of the underground metal scene over the last 20-25 years?

KSK-There are an abundance of quality, interesting, inspiring and diverse styles of metal. Its grown significantly and the competition makes for even better records.

11.What were some of Drawn And Quartered most memorable shows and tours back in the early years?And who were some of your favorite bands to share the stage with?

KSK-Some amazing early performance with NAPALM DEATH and AT THE GATES ( Adrian Erlandson gave me a T shirt!) Touring with CEPHALIC CARNAGE and VILE was a marijuana fueled good time. Opening for MORBID ANGEL, SUFFOCATION, IMMOLATION, OBITUARY and INCANTATION many times has been amazing.

12.Are their any shows or tours planned in support of the new release if yes where will the band be playing?

KSK-DRAWN AND QUARTERED has several local shows and a few tours line up and more to come. We tour JAPAN in OCTOBER 2018 and MEXICO 2019. We play the BRUTAL ABLERTA METAL FEST in about two weeks from today, July 14th 2018.

13.When not working on new music or band business what do you like to do in your free time?

KSK-I spend hours studying dark tomes looking to consolidate power and summon malevolent energies to use to further my goals. I have no time for mundane games or pedestrian forms of time wasting 'entertainment'!

14.Thank you for taking the time to fill this interview out do you have any final words for the readers?

KSK-If you have read this far, then there must be a reason. A purpose. What is that? Why would someone care about an underground metal band? Are you a fan of our style of music, do you wish to learn more about the band or how we approach our art? I used to read interviews, searching for a nugget of information about how a band wrote or what kind of tunings, scales and guitar playing and recording techniques were used. I tune to B standard and also the last two records have songs using dropped A tuning from B standard. I have had great results with SEYMOUR DUNCAN BLACKOUT PICK-UP's, MESA BOOGIE TRIPLE RECTIFIER, and BLACKHART guitars. I use a lot of diminished , Locrian, harmonic/melodic and minor scales, octaves and 4,5, and 6 string chords. Inspiration comes from the top of my head or from obscure soundtracks of antique horror movies. There are many brilliant musicians out there, it would be folly for me to compete with that level of skill and dedication. I just do what I do the best and I can and sometimes work on techniques to add more color to a musical expression. There are a million ways to approach it, ultimately perseverance and vision are essential! HORNS AND HAILS!!!